Social Sciences
Free Oncology Books
Digestive System Tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours
Thoracic Tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours
Breast Tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours
Evidence based practice in Neuro-oncology
Nutritional Oncology: Nutrition in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Survivorship
Practical Oncologic Molecular Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions
Targeting Cellular Signalling Pathways in Lung Diseases
The GcMAF Book
Textbook of Onco-Anesthesiology
Natriumbicarbonat - Krebstherapie für jedermann
Sirtuin Biology in Cancer and Metabolic Disease: Cellular Pathways for Clinical Discovery
Skin Cancer Management: A Practical Approach
Melanoma: Methods and Protocols
Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgical Oncology
Physicians' Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2021
Applications of Minimally Invasive Nanomedicine-Based Therapies in 3D in vitro Cancer Platforms
Principles of Gynecologic Oncology Surgery
Histone Mutations and Cancer
Meningiomas: Comprehensive Strategies for Management
Thyroid Cancer: A Case-Based Approach
WHO classification of female genital tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours (World Health Organization Classification of Tumours)
Precision Radiation Oncology
Applications of FDG PET in Oncology: Best Clinical Practice
Ocular Tumors
The Washington Manual of Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System
Gunderson & Tepper’s Clinical Radiation Oncology
Pocket Radiation Oncology
Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine
Glioma Imaging. Physiologic, Metabolic, and Molecular Approaches
Clinical Cases in Dermoscopy of Skin Cancers
World Cancer Report 2014
WHO Classification of Tumours of Endocrine Organs
Die Krebs-Industrie
Die Krebs-Industrie
Advances in Nutraceutical Applications in Cancer: Recent Research Trends and Clinical Applications
Si-Si. Книга для тех, у кого есть, будет или когда-то была грудь
Cancer Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Biotherapy Principles and Practice
Hoffman and Abeloff’s Hematology-Oncology Review
The Cancer Chronicles - Unlocking Medicine’s Deepest Mystery
IASLC Staging Handbook in Thoracic Oncology
Cancer and the New Biology of Water
Mount Sinai Expert Guides Oncology
IASLC Thoracic Oncology
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer - Principles & Practice of Oncology
Anal Cancer. A Comprehensive Guide
Skeel’s Handbook of Cancer Therapy
Interventional Oncology: Principles and Practice of Image-Guided Cancer Therapy
Abeloff’s Clinical Oncology
Иллюстрации к курсу лучевой диагностики и лучевой терапии: пособие для студентов лечебного факультета
TNM. Классификация злокачественных опухолей
Молекулярная онкология: клинические аспекты
Clinical Trials in Ovarian Cancer
O Atlas do Câncer
Oncologia Básica
Chemotherapie fortgeschrittener Karzinome. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme
Textbook Of Complex General Surgical Oncology
Williams Hematology Malignant Lymphoid Diseases
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
Summary of the New Medicine
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours
Radiation Oncology A Question-Based Review
The Breakthrough: Immunotherapy and the Race to Cure Cancer
Ajcc Cancer Staging Manual
Pocket Guide to Radiation Oncology
Handbook of Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology, 2nd Ed
Perez & Brady’s Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology
Gynaecological Oncology for the MRCOG
Лучевая диагностика опухолей и опухолеподобных поражений костей и мягких тканей. Практическое руководство
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues
Immunotherapy in Translational Cancer Research
Brain Tumors
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Digestive System
Atlas of Endoscopic Major Pulmonary Resections
Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics
Textbook of Penile Cancer
The Physics of Cancer
Фотодинамическая терапия в ЛОР-практике
Общая онкология
Локальные рецидивы рака молочной железы
Jatin Shah's head and neck surgery and oncology
Клиническая онкология: в 2 ч. Часть 2
Клиническая онкология: в 2 ч. Часть 1
Не чужая боль: Минздрав упрощает выписку обезболивающих для онкобольных
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual
Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors Volume 2 Part 2
Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors Volume 2 Part 1
Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors Volume 1 Part 2
Анапластическая крупноклеточная лимфома
Опухолевые и диспластические заболевания скелета
Новые методы иммуногистохимической диагностики опухолевого роста
Клинические лекции по онкологии
Cancer Program Annual Report 2013-2014
Cancer Statistics 2014
Prostate Cancer 2014 Report
Pancreatic Cancer 2012 Report
Ovarian Cancer 2014 Report
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Social Sciences