Social Sciences
Free Economy Books
Гроші та кредит
Décroissance et socialisme : La production au centre du débat
Degrowth en Socialisme: Tegenstelligen in Het Hart Van de Productien
Digital financial revolution in China
Chinese Economic Performance in the Long Run
Rechnungswesen Rechnungswesen für Kaufleute
Economía colombiana: una introducción crítica
Mindanao Spatial Strategy/Development Framework 2015 - 2045
Guidelines for the health impact assessment of development projects
Enhancing Participation in Local Governance: Experiences from the Philippines
RPS Rationalizing the Local Planning System. A Source Book
Comprehensive Basic Study of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao in the Republic of the Philippines. Governance sector. Final report
2008 Kavşağında Türkiye: Siyaset, İktisat ve Toplum
Regional Physical Framework Plan: 2000-2030. Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
1st Bangsamoro Development Plan 2020-2022
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1992. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1992
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1991. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1991
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1990. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1990
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1989. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1989
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1988. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1988
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha muvhuso wa Venḓa kha nwaha wa muvhalelano u fhelaho nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1987. Estimates of expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government during the financial year ending March 31, 1987
Mugaganyo wa zwibviswa zwine zwa ḓo badelwa nga tshikwama tsha tshikwama tsha mbuelo tsha kha nwaha wa muvhalelano une wa ḓo fhela nga 31 ḽa ṱhafamuhwe 1978. Begroting van die uitgawes wat uit die inkomstefonds van die Venda-Regeringsdiens gedurende die boekjaar wat op 31 Maart 1978 eindig bestry moet word. Estimates of the expenditure to be defrayed from the revenue fund of the Venda government service during the financial year ending 31st March, 1978
La ganadería en Piura, Cajamarca, Lambayeque y Libertad
Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Ökonomische, soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen, Fragen und Perspektiven
Faktoren der Investment-Entscheidungsfindung hinsichtlich Krypto-Robo-Advisory: Eine Analyse von Privatbankkunden
Game Theory : An Introduction with Step-by-Step Examples
Pearson Edexcel International A Level Economics Student Book 2
Pearson Edexcel International AS/A Level Economics Student Book 1
Accounting For Dummies
Cracking the AP Economics Macro & Micro Exams, 2018 Edition: Proven Techniques to Help You Score a 5
Economics for Dummies
Reassessing the Moral Economy : Religion and Economic Ethics from Ancient Greece to the 20th Century
Anti-Money Laundering in a Nutshell: Awareness and Compliance for Financial Personnel and Business Managers
Understanding Islamic Finance
Agile Finance Transformation: Neue Lösungsansätze und Erfahrungen aus der CFO-Praxis
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Policy Studies
A New Capitalism
La UAM ante la sucesión presidencial: propuestas de política económica y social para el nuevo gobierno
Economics for the Power Age: A Statement of First Principles
The Axiomatics of Economic Design, Vol. 1 : An Introduction to Theory and Methods
The Axiomatics of Economic Design, Vol. 1 : An Introduction to Theory and Methods
Digital Token Valuation : Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Decentralized Finance, and Blockchains
Digital Token Valuation : Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Decentralized Finance, and Blockchains
Wirtschaftsförderung in der Krise: Konzepte zur Krisenbewältigung und Chancennutzung
China 1949-2019: Von der Armut zur Weltmacht
Mit Start-up-Mentalität zu nachhaltiger Verantwortung: Was der Mittelstand von Start-ups lernen kann
Building a Greener Future Innovations in Sustainable Engineering for Resilient and Inclusive Buildings
Marketing & Innovation 2023: Future Shopping - der Handel in der (Nach-)Coronazeit
Die Volkswirtschaftslehre als empirische Sozialwissenschaft: Eine Bestandsaufnahme
The New Fair World Economic Financial System That People Will Love
Limits of insurability of risks /
The Great Taking
GOAT: Who is the Greatest Economist of all Time and Why Does it Matter?
The Economy 1.0
Les crises économiques XIXe-XXIe
AP Macroeconomics Crash Course
History of Monetary and Credit Theory: From John Law to the Present Day
The theory of social economy
The Road to Recovery: How and Why Economic Policy Must Change
The Classical Economists Revisited
Studies in the Theory of International Trade
The purchasing power of money: its determination and relation to credit, interest and crises
Clue to the economic labyrinth
Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
2022 CFA Program Curriculum Level I Box Set (CFA Institute)
Research Methodology in Applied Economics
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty
Principles of Economics
Mitsui: Three Centuries of Japanese Business
Syndicalismo, Corporativismo e Estado Corporativo
In Defence of Socialist Planning
Stasi Hell or Workers' Paradise - Socialism in the German Democratic Republic, What Can We Learn from It
The Unequal Effects Of Globalization
Gandhian Economics: A Supporting Technology
5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics
The economics of Heinrich Pesch
Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China
Ekonomi Pariwisata
Economía: Fundamentos y claves de interpretación
Public Law and Economics
La economía al desnudo
Investments: Lecture Notes
Changing Trade Pattern, ICT, and Employment: Evidence Across Countries
مبادئ علم الاقتصاد. للصف الثاني الثانوي
Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy: a case study of modern factory administration
Science and Corporate Strategy: Du Pont R&D, 1902–1980
Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in An Economy That Hates You
Jedyna płeć. O tym, dlaczego prześladuje Cię homo oeconomicus i jak niszczy Twoje życie, nie mówiąc już o światowej gospodarce
Abordagens econômicas sobre o Meio Ambiente e suas implicações quanto aos usos dos recursos naturais
El capital, tomo 1 (en español)
Citadel, Market and Altar: Outline of Socionomy, the New Natural Science of Society
International Finance
Labor Economic
The transformation of manors into producers' cooperatives (Peru)
Bolivia and industrialization: an integrated view of the relevant factors
História Econômica do Brasil
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Social Sciences