Social Sciences
Free Sociology Books
Life and Learning of Digital Teens: Adolescents and digital technology in the Czech Republic
The Routledge International Handbook of Goffman Studies
European Consumers in the Digital Era: Implications of Technology, Media and Culture on Consumer Behavior
Men After #MeToo: Being an Ally in the Fight Against Sexual Harassment
Constructing Identities over Time: "Bad Gypsies" and "Good Roma" in Russia and Hungary
Informe Final del “Estudio cualitativo y orientaciones estratégicas: hacia el diagnóstico sobre el estado situacional de la cultura del agua en 5 cuencas de la vertiente del Atlántico, en los departamentos de Cajamarca y Amazonas”
Wastelands: The True Story of Farm Country on Trial
The Swedish Theory of Love: Individualism and Social Trust in Modern Sweden
The Metrics of Happiness: The Art and Science of Measuring Personal Happiness and Societal Wellbeing
Evolving Landscape of Residential Education: Enhancing Students’ Learning in University Residential Halls
Agrarian Women, the Gender of Dairy Work, and the Two-Breadwinner Model in the Swedish Welfare State
Evolution of Digitized Societies Through Advanced Technologies
Irish Insanity, 1800-2000
Digital Humans: Thriving in an Online World: Digital Humans and Their Organizations
All the Living and the Dead: From Embalmers to Executioners, an Exploration of the People Who Have Made Death Their Life's Work
Indios, mestizos y señores
Decolonising African University Knowledges, Volume 1: Voices on Diversity and Plurality
The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes
The Stolen Year: How COVID Changed Children's Lives, and Where We Go Now
Decolonising African University Knowledges, Volume 2: Challenging the Neoliberal Mantra
Guanacos and People in Patagonia: A Social-Ecological Approach to a Relationship of Conflicts and Opportunities
Valuing People in Construction
Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations
Academic Freedom and Precarity in the Global North: Free as a Bird
Infrastructure, Well-being and the Measurement of Happiness
Black Student Teachers' Experiences of Racism in the White School: Strategies of Resilience and Survival
Lima y sus arenas. Poderes sociales y jerarquías culturales
Stacked Decks: Building Inspectors and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality
War Victims and the Right to a City: From Damascus to Zaatari
La infancia en la agenda regional 2007-2010. Arequipa, Cuzco y Piura
Intelligent Systems for Social Good: Theory and Practice
Data Conscience: Algorithmic Siege on our Humanity
"Nosotras también podemos". Mujeres indígenas en la Universidad de la Amazonía Peruana y la Universidad Científica del Perú
Introduction to Sociology
En el otro extremo: ¿El Programa Qaliwarma (Perú) incrementa la incidencia del sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y niñas de 3 a 5 años?
Desarrollo rural en la sierra (Perú). Aportes para el debate
Neighborhood Watch: Policing White Spaces in America
La investigación económica y social en el Perú, 2004-2007. Balance y prioridades para el futuro
Participación y vigilancia ciudadana en la actividad minera: implicancias en el derecho a la salud. Estudio de caso de la comunidad campesina San Pedro de Tongos (Huaura, Lima) y la empresa minera Los Quenuales S.A.
Los indígenas depredados. Análisis de conflictos socioambientales en dos comunidades Arakmbut/ Harakbut que trabajan oro en Madre de Dios
Family Burden Coefficient in China: Exploratory Research and Application
The Age-friendly Lens
The Global Culture of Bullying: Explorations and Recommendations
Tracing Gender Practices After Armed Conflicts: At Peace with Masculinities?
A Theory of Group Structures: 2 Volume Set
Narratives and New Voices from India: Cases of Community Development for Social Change
Unmapping the 21st Century: Between Networks and the State
The Sociology of Farming: Concepts and Methods
Estudio de los factores que explican la adherencia al tratamiento con “chispitas” y suplemento ferroso
Buscando salud. Para consolidar la democracia y superar la pobreza
Seguridad de tenencia e inversiones en el agro peruano
Aseguramiento Universal en Salud de jóvenes peruanos. Avances y limitaciones según el análisis de casos en los distritos de Callería (Ucayali), El Porvenir (Lima) y Vilcashuamán (Cuzco)
La investigación económica y social en el Perú. Balance 2007-2011 y agenda 2012-2016
Frontline Workers and Women as Warriors in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Multiculturalism and the Nation in Germany: A Study in Moral Conflict
Radical Left Voters in Western Europe
Género en el Perú: nuevos enfoques, miradas interdisciplinarias
Migration from Nigeria and the Future of Global Security
Present Values: Essays on Economics and Aspects of Indian Society
The Precarious Balance: State and Society in Africa
Precariat: Labour, Work and Politics
The Power of Citizens and Professionals in Welfare Encounters: The Influence of Bureaucracy, Market and Psychology
Food Riots, Food Rights and the Politics of Provisions
Israel and the Diaspora: Jewish Connectivity in a Changing World
Africa's Slaves Today
Hate Crimes in the United States
RLE: Emile Durkheim: 4-Volume Set
The Structure of Indian Society: Then and Now
Violence against Women in and beyond Conflict: The Coloniality of Violence
Intellectuals in Politics and Academia: Culture in the Age of Hype
Disaster and Gender in Coastal Bangladesh: Women’s Changing Roles, Risk and Vulnerability
Campus Sexual Violence: A State of Institutionalized Sexual Terrorism
Children Enslaved
Choosing Chinese Universities: A Negotiated Choice for Hong Kong Students
Educación, Identidad y Derechos como estrategias de desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas. II Decenio de los Pueblos Indígenas
Reflexiones sobre las violencias estatales y sociales en México y en América Latina
El derecho humano al agua, los pueblos indígenas y el petróleo
Tesis destacadas del año académico 2015-2016: Extractivismo y criminalización a defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos y de la naturaleza en América Latina; Educación secundaria de jóvenes y adultos a través del Plan Fines en el Área Reconquista de Gral. San Martín; Las mujeres afrocolombianas víctimas de Mosquera (Nariño) y su proceso de registro ante la ley de víctimas y restitución de tierras; Restricciones y demandas en el acceso a derechos políticos de migrantes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires; Seguridad con soberanía alimentaria en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
Juventud y género en las Fuerzas Armadas (Perú). Una mirada desde las regiones
The Politics of Arctic Sovereignty: Oil, Ice, and Inuit Governance
Politics in the Lifeboat: Immigrants and the American Democratic Order
The Politics and Anti-Politics of Social Movements: Religion and AIDS in Africa
Political Violence and the Palestinian Family: Implications for Mental Health and Well-Being
Political Protest in Contemporary Kenya: Change and Continuities
Political Learning and Citizenship Education Under Conflict: The Political Socialization of Israeli and Palestinian Youngsters
Political Justice and Religious Values
Political Conflict and Exclusion in Jerusalem: The Provision of Education and Social Services
Political Civility in the Middle East
Polish Politics and Society
Plurality and Citizenship in Israel: Moving Beyond the Jewish/Palestinian Civil Divide
Plight and Fate of Children During and Following Genocide
The Pew and the Picket Line: Christianity and the American Working Class
Performing Citizenship: Undocumented Migrants in the United States
The Routledge Handbook Of Digital Consumption
People Count!: Networked Individuals in Global Politics
Peace Culture and Society: Transnational Research and Dialogue
Patriarchy and Class: African Women in the Home and the Workforce
Palestinian Women and Popular Resistance: Perceptions, Attitudes and Strategies
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Social Sciences