Social Sciences
Free Politics Books
Política explicada para Millennials: Gens XYZ y proximas generaciones
Política explicada para Millennials: Gens XYZ y proximas generaciones
Defining Effective Transboundary Water Cooperation
Supreme emergency: How Britain lives with the Bomb
Fiscal Federalism in Multinational States: Autonomy, Equality, and Diversity
La democracia latinoamericana en crisis. Antimodelos y tendencias autoritarias
Descentralización por inercia: Un diagnóstico tras dos décadas de la reforma en Perú (2002-2022)
¿Por qué estamos tan jodidos? Apuntes sobre reformas político electorales (Perú)
Los sistemas de partidos en América Latina 1978-2015. Tomo 2: Cono Sur y Países Andinos
Recovering Reputation: Plato and Demotic Power
La question du logement
Der Staat · De re publica: Lateinisch-deutsch
The Aftermath: The Last Days of the Baby Boom and the Future of Power in America
The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House
Democracy Erodes from the Top: Leaders, Citizens, and the Challenge of Populism in Europe
A Troubled Constitutional Future: Northern Ireland after Brexit
Do Elections (Still) Matter?: Mandates, Institutions, and Policies in Western Europe
Europe and Japan Cooperation in the Fight against Cross-border Crime: Challenges and Perspectives
The Brexit Effect: What Leaving the EU Means for British Politics
The Elections in Israel, 2019–2021
International Commodity Policy: A Quantitative Analysis
Ideario Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1955)
Ideario Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1954)
Ideario Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1953)
Politics in a Changing World
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
⸮Fascismo en España?
Routledge Handbook of Non-Violent Extremism: Groups, Perspectives and New Debates
The Routledge Handbook of Self-Determination and Secession
Health Reforms in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Politics of Policy Learning
Legalization of International Law and Politics: Multi-Level Governance of Human Rights and Aggression
Os Congressos da FRELIMO, do PAIGC e do MPLA. Uma análise comparativa
Poder, dominación y legitimidad. Apuntes conceptuales para una agenda de investigación
Do Estado Liberal ao Estado Social
Ecocene Politics
Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation: The Case of Smoking Prevention Programs
O Estado Federal
Introdução à Teoria do Estado
Teoria Geral do Estado
Teoria Geral do Estado
Literatur und Zensur in der Demokratie. Die Bundesrepublik und die Freiheit der Kunst
Schriften zu Planwirtschaft und Krise: Gesammelte Schriften II
Foundations of Comparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World (Cambridge Textbooks in Comparative Politics)
The Emergence of the State: A Comparative Analysis of Kosovo and South Sudan
Universality of the Rule of Law: Slovenian and South African Perspectives
Japanese Politics and Government
Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg
Algorithms for the People: Democracy in the Age of AI
América Latina: transiciones ¿hacia dónde? Informe anual 2022-2023
The Smartness Mandate
Food Deserts and Food Insecurity in the UK
La crisis presente (1914-1939)
Carta a Léa: Sueños para nuestra época
TEMPLATE PENULISAN METODE PENELITIAN untuk Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi Bidang Ilmu Politik
Exploring Children's Suffrage: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageless Voting
Forest Politics from Below: Social Movements, Indigenous Communities, Forest Occupations and Eco-Solidarism
Comparative Government and Politics
Votos y wiphalas: campesinos y pueblos originarios en democracia
Pandemonium ¿De La Pandemia Al Control Total?
Les vraies solutions pour une détente politique et morale au Kamerun
Fortaleciendo la gestión regional (Perú): lecciones de una experiencia
Propuestas sobre Desarrollo en el Perú
Representación política: las reglas también cuentan. Sistemas electorales y partidos políticos
Postcapitalismo. Una guida al nostro futuro
Políticas del cuidado
Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries: Perceptions and Practice
La formación del Estado verde: redes, legados y contingencia en la política forestal
Racial Equity, COVID-19, and Public Policy: The Triple Pandemic
Graduating from the Electoral College
Lockean Property Ethics and Restitution
Lockean Property Ethics and Restitution
How Woke Won: The Elitist Movement that Threatens Democracy, Tolerance and Reason
Systèmes politiques et dynamiques conflictuelles en Afrique
Síntesis aprista [incompleto]
Comunistas criollos (Disección polémica de la charlatanería roja.) [incompleto]
Clientelismo electoral y barriadas: perspectivas de análisis
Default Nudges: From People's Experiences to Policymaking Implications
Digital Surveillance in Southern Africa: Policies, Politics and Practices
The Dance of Legislation: An Insider's Account of the Workings of the United States Senate
Barreras socioculturales en el gobierno electrónico: un análisis desde la pobreza
Дело танкового короля Исаака Зальцмана
Postcolonial Configurations: Dictatorship, the Racial Cold War, and Filipino America
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century
L'UPC face au marasme camerounais : 'L'esprit d'Avril' à la rescousse !
Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking
Official Statistics―A Plaything of Politics?: On the Interaction of Politics, Official Statistics, and Ethical Principles
Raimo Väyrynen: A Pioneer in International Relations, Scholarship and Policy-Making: With a Foreword by Olli Rehn and a Preface by Allan Rosas
Түркменистан коммунистик партиясының XV гурултайының материаллары
В. И. Ленин, КПСС миллатчиликка қарши кураш тўғрисида
Бизнинг Ленинчи комсомолимиз: ёшлар сиёсий маорифи системасидаги намунали ўқув плани
Ўзбекистон коммунистик партияси съездларининг резолюция ва қарорлари
Давлат ва революция
Por una Propuesta de Reforma Política: ¿Por qué no la Circunscripción de Peruanos Migrantes?
Secularism in Comparative Perspective: Religions Across Political Contexts
Analytic Thinking and Presentation for Intelligence Producers - Analysis Training Handbook
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Social Sciences