Social Sciences
Free Probability Books
Теория вероятностей
Mathematical Finance
Nonconventional Limit Theorems and Random Dynamics
Matematică. Elemente de teoria probabilităților și statistică matematică. Manual pentru clasa a XII-a
Gli enigmi del caso
New developments in the applications of Bayesian methods: Proceedings of the first European conference sponsored by the Centre Européen d’éducation permanente (CEDEP) and the Institute européen d’administrative d’administration des affaires (INSEAD), June 1976
Game-Theoretic Probability: Theory and Applications to Prediction, Science, and Finance
Mathematical Methods of Statistics (Pms-9), Volume 9
Fundamentos de Probabilidad y Estadística
Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis
Studies in Bayesian econometrics and statistics: in honor of Leonard J. Savage
The Elements of Stochastic Processes
Kernel Smoothing in MATLAB: Theory and Practice of Kernel Smoothing
Aspects of Uncertainty: A Tribute to D. V. Lindley
测度与概率 第二版
Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics: 897 Solved Problems + 20 Videos
Probability for Data Scientists
Bayesian Analysis with Python
Bayesian Analysis in Econometrics and Statistics: Essays in honor of Harold Jeffreys
A caso. La sorte, la scienza e il mondo
La scienza del caso
Chance In The World: A Humean Guide To Objective Chance
Bayesian Non- And Semi-Parametric Methods and Applications
Jump SDEs and the Study of Their Densities
Analysis and Approximation of Rare Events
Лекції з теорії випадкових процесів
Alkalmazott folyamatstatisztika és idősor-analízis [Egyetemi tankönyv]
Inverse Modeling
A valószínűségszámítás alapfogalmai
Valószínűségszámítás és statisztika
Probability: Theory and Examples Solutions Manual
Uma introdução aos métodos bayesianos aplicados à análise de dados
La logica dell’incerto
Applied Stochastic Differential Equations
The Foundations of Statistical Inference: A Discussion. Opened by Professor L. J. Savage at a meeting of the Joint Statistics Seminar, Birbeck and Imperial Colleges, in the University of London
The Foundations of Statistical Inference: A Discussion. Opened by Professor L. J. Savage at a meeting of the Joint Statistics Seminar, Birbeck and Imperial Colleges, in the University of London
Valószínűségszámítási példatár informatikusoknak : egyetemi tananyag
Introduction to queueing networks : theory ∩ practice
Introduction to Malliavin calculus
Stochastic processes: from applications to theory
Discrete stochastic processes and applications
Probabilistic Theory of Mean Field Games With Applications I-II
Foundations of statistical algorithms
Causation, Prediction, and Search - 2nd Edition
Confidence, likelihood, probability statistical inference with confidence distributions
Theory of ridge regression estimators with applications
Subjective and objective Bayesian statistics: Principles, models, and applications
Errata for J. Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference 2ed., 2013 printing
Errata for J. Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference 2ed., 2013 printing
Linear models and time-series analysis : regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH
Tracking filter engineering : the Gauss-Newton and polynominal filters
Stochastic analysis of mixed fractional Gaussian processes
Cause and correlation in biology : a user's guide to path analysis, structural equations and causal inference
Quantile regression: estimation and simulation
Analysis of mixed data : methods & applications
Robustness theory and application
Computational Bayesian statistics : an introduction
Theory and Simulation of Random Phenomena : Mathematical Foundations and Physical Applications
Introduction to probability models
Advances in system reliability engineering
Measure theory and probability
Numerical probability : an introduction with applications to finance
Theories of probability: an examination of logical and qualitative foundations
Applied probability : from random sequences to stochastic processes
Probability on real Lie algebras
Введение в теорию вероятностей и ее приложения. Том 2
Probability through problems
Probability theory
Sannolikhetsteori och statistikteori med tillämpningar
Теория вероятностей. Математическая статистика
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
Стохастический анализ в задачах. Часть 1
Случайные процессы - от теории к практике
Системы массового обслуживания
Процессы марковского восстановления в задачах надежности систем
Прикладная спектральная теория оценивания
Основы теории вероятностей и математической статистики
Непараметрическая идентификация и сглаживание данных: метод локальной аппроксимации
Методы обработки многомерных данных
Методы исследования коррелированных потоков и специальных систем массового обслуживания
Математическая статистика. Ч.3. Робастная статистика
Логико-вероятностные методы исследования надежности структурно-сложных систем
Контрпримеры в теории вероятностей
Задачник-практикум по теории вероятностей с элементами комбинаторики и математической статистики
Дополнительные главы математической статистики
Возможность как альтернатива вероятности
Вероятностные модели функционирования резервированных устройств
Введение в теорию вероятностей и ее приложения. Том 1
Алгоритмы и программы восстановления зависимостей
Robastnye metody matematicheskoj statistiki
Errata for J. Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference
Errata for J. Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference
Aspects of multivariate statistical analysis in geology
Случайные функциональные ряды
Understanding Markov chains. Examples and applications
Understanding least squares estimation and geomatics data analysis
Time series analysis with long memory in view
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Social Sciences