Social Sciences
Free Probability Books
Theory of stochastic objects: probability, stochastic processes, and inference
Theory and methods of statistics
The search for certainty: On the clash of science and philosophy of probability
The design and analysis of computer experiments
Strong approximations in probability and statistics
Stochastic processes and applications: diffusion processes, the Fokker-Planck and Langevin equations
Stochastic geometry analysis of cellular networks
Stochastic analysis of scaling time series: from turbulence theory to applications
Statistik: Grundwissen und Formeln
Statistical inference for piecewise-deterministic Markov processes
Stability analysis of Markovian jump systems
Spatiotemporal random fields: theory and applications
Selected works
Robust statistics: theory and methods with R
Robust representation for data analytics: models and applications
Robust regression and outlier detection
Reliability engineering. Probabilistic models and maintenance methods
Recent studies on risk analysis and statistical modeling
Randomness and Hyper-Randomness
Bayesian inference for stochastic processes
Probability on graphs: random processes on graphs and lattices
Probability: a philosophical introduction
Probability & statistics for engineers & scientists, global edition
Probabilistic theory of mean field games with applications II
Прикладной анализ случайных данных
Predictive statistics
Optimal signal processing under uncertainty
Observation and experiment. An introduction to causal inference
Nonlinear time series analysis
Measure theory and probability theory
Mathematical theory of reliability of time dependent systems with practical applications
Mathematical statistics: basic ideas and selected topics. Volume II
Mathematical Statistics: basic ideas and selected topics. Volume I
Mathematical statistics: an introduction to likelihood based inference
Mathematical foundations of time series analysis: a concise introduction
Mathematical theory of Bayesian statistics
Markov chains
Linear models and the relevant distributions and matrix algebra
Janus-faced probability
Introductory statistics
Introduction to stochastic calculus
An introduction to mathematical statistics and its applications
Introduction to mathematical statistics
Introduction to hidden semi-Markov models
Inevitable randomness in discrete mathematics
High-dimensional statistics: a non-asymptotic viewpoint
High-dimensional probability
Guide to Intelligent Data Analysis: How to Intelligently Make Sense of Real Data
Fundamentals of queueing theory
Fundamental statistical inference: a computational approach
From algorithms to Z-scores
Foundations of info-metrics: modeling and inference with imperfect information
Foundations of agnostic statistics
Festschrift for Lucien Le Cam: Research Papers in Probability and Statistics
Extreme value modeling and risk analysis: methods and applications
Empirical processes with applications to statistics
Doing better statistics in human-computer interaction
Differential geometrical theory of statistics
Data-driven computational methods: parameter and operator estimations
Chance et choice: memorabilia
Chain event graphs
Causality: models, reasoning, and inference
Probabilistic causality
Beyond the triangle: Brownian motion, Ito calculus, and Fokker-Planck equation: fractional generalizations
Basic steps in geostatistics: the variogram and kriging
Applied time series analysis: a practical guide to modeling and forecasting
An introduction to generalized linear models
An introduction to envelopes: dimension reduction for efficient estimation in multivariate statistics
Algorithms for data science
A user's guide to measure theoretic probability
A modern approach to probability theory
A course in morphometrics for biologists: geometry and statistics for studies of organismal form
Introduction to Probability
Bevezetés a valószínűségszámításba
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
Probabilități și procese aleatoare
Probability and scientific infererence
تشریح مسائل (حل المسائل) مبانی احتمال شلدون راس (ویرایش ششم)
مبانی احتمال (ویرایش ششم)
Foundations of Probability
Sannolikhetsteori och statistikteori med tillämpningar
Stochastic Flows and Jump-Diffusions
Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown
Information and Information Stability of Random Variables and Processes
High-Dimensional Statistics A Non-Asymptotic Viewpoint
Notes on the Theory of Statistical Symbol Recognition
A Second Course in Stochastic Processes
Probabilità e statistica
Вводный курс теории вероятностей и математической статистики
Handbook of Polytomous Item Response Theory Models
Probability and Scientific Inference
Weak Convergence of Measures
Probability and Statistics: A Course for Physicists and Engineers
Probability and Statistics: A Course for Physicists and Engineers
Stochastic Evolution Systems: Linear Theory and Applications to Non-Linear Filtering
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
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Social Sciences