Social Sciences
Free Sociology Books
Social Problems: A Canadian Perspective
Exploraciones en "otra modernidad": De la migración a la plebe urbana
Cultures of Resistance: Collective Action and Rationality in the Anti-Terror Age
Migration als Krise? Wie ein Umdenken möglich ist
Genderperspektiven auf Afghanistan
Engagement im Wandel – Wandel durch Engagement. Eine Ethnografie der Geflüchtetenhilfe in Leipzig 2015/2016
Zeit zählt. Grundzüge einer prozessualen Soziologie
Colonial Immigrants in a British City: A Class Analysis
Theory of Social Choice on Networks: Preference, Aggregation, and Coordination
El impacto de la industria pesquera en un valle de la costa central (Chancay, Lima, Perú)
Más allá del trabajo y la escuela: el uso del tiempo y el desarrollo del niño
A proposed framework for solving conflicts of mining
Asequibilidad de los Servicios de Telefonía Móvil en América Latina. Estado de la cuestión
Los jóvenes obreros de los '80: inseguridad, eventualidad y radicalismo (Perú)
Exclusion and discrimination as sources of inter-ethnic inequality in Peru
The Ponytail: Icon, Movement, and the Modern (Sports)Woman
Notas sobre movilidad social en el Perú
Los agentes sociales de cambio y conservación en América Latina. Un programa de estudio
Evaluando los determinantes de la percepción de beneficios de la descentralización en Perú: un análisis a nivel departamental
La desmovilización del sindicalismo industrial peruano en el segundo belaundismo
¿Cuál es el destino de los países abundantes en recursos minerales? Nueva evidencia sobre la relación entre recursos naturales, instituciones y crecimiento económico
Las ciencias sociales y el desarrollo reciente en América Latina
Urbanización y tendencias de cambio en la sociedad rural en Latinoamérica
Oportunidades, migraciones y desarrollo en el Perú Rural
Análisis de la demanda por TICs: ¿Qué es y cómo medir la pobreza digital?
Enseñanza de sociología en el Perú. Un estudio de casos
Economic elites and social capital
Ukrainian Otherlands: Diaspora, Homeland, and Folk Imagination in the Twentieth Century
Étude prealable des possibilités de petites entreprises et d'emplois pour les travailleurs deplacés de la Compagnie Sider-Peru à Chimbote, Pérou
Teoría social orgánica
La pobreza es multidimensional: un ensayo de clasificación
Powers of Curriculum: Sociological Aspects of Education
Sleep and Society: Sociological Ventures into the Un(known)
Medical Sociology
COVID-19: Surviving a Pandemic
The Invisible Religion: The Problem of Religion in Modern Society
Life in Groups: How We Think, Feel, and Act Together
The Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation
La seguridad social en salud: situación y posibilidades
The Aging of Aquarius: The Hippies of the 60s in their 60s and Beyond
Subaltern Workers in Contemporary France: To Be Like Everyone Else
Health Reform in the Social Security System: The Peruvian Case
“ What degree of human involvement should there be in the use of force? ” Paul Scharre on weapon autonomy and the human role in future warfighting
“ Women make unique contributions all the time. ” Lieutenant General Chris Whitecross and Ret. Major General Simone Wilkie on female leaders in armed forces
The Japanese LGBTQ+ Community in the World: The COVID-19 Pandemic, Challenges, and the Prospects for the Future
Consumer Rites The Buying and Selling of American Holidays
Going All City: Struggle and Survival in LA's Graffiti Subculture
Remaking the American Dream: The Informal and Formal Transformation of Single-Family Housing Cities
Separated: Family and Community in the Aftermath of an Immigration Raid
The Globalization of NATO: Intervention, Security and Identity
Social Problems: A Critical Power-Conflict Perspective
Social Mentality and Public Opinion in China
Evolução Política do Brasil: Colônia e Império
Evolução Política do Brasil: Colônia e Império
Neither Urban Jungle Nor Urban Village: Women, Families, and Community Development
Pęknięta Solidarność. Inteligencja opozycyjna a robotnicy 1964-1981
Formação do Brasil Contemporâneo: Colônia
Formação do Brasil Contemporâneo: Colônia
Formação do Brasil Contemporâneo: Colônia
Formação do Brasil Contemporâneo: Colônia
Women-in-Law: Explorations in Law, Family, and Sexuality
The Assamese: Religion, Caste and Sect in an Indian Village
Résonance, Une sociologie de la relation au monde
Social Theory and Social Policy
The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism: Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden
Dark Strangers : a sociological study of the absorption of a recent West Indian migrant group in Brixton, South London
Rural Origins, City Lives: Class and Place in Contemporary China
Rule Britannia: Nationalism, Identity and the Modern Olympic Games
Routledge Handbook on Women in the Middle East
Interpersonal Violence: Differences and Connections
White Collar Workers: Trade Unions and Class
Global Tensions in the Russian Orthodox Diaspora
Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest
A Sociology of Seeking: Portents of Belief
Anti-Atheist Nation: Religion and Secularism in the United States
Servants of Post Industrial Power: Sociogie Du Travail in Modern France
The Global Rules of Art: The Emergence and Divisions of a Cultural World Economy
Refugees and Cultural Transfer to Britain
The Cultural Sociology of Reading: The Meanings of Reading and Books Across the World
Sociology of Health and Illness
Bankers in the Ivory Tower: The Troubling Rise of Financiers in US Higher Education
Gender, Law and Social Transformation in India
Economic Reason and Political Reason: Deliberation and the Construction of Public Space in the Society of Communication
Contemporary Art from Nigeria in the Global Markets: Trending in the Margins
Sociología del cambio social
Einführung in die Soziologie
Postkommunistische Schreibweisen: Formen der Darstellung des Kommunismus in Romanen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts (Beitrage zur Literaturtheorie und Wissenspoetik, 22)
Hélène Carrère d'Encausse
Football Nation: The Playing Fields of German Culture, History, and Society
Rap Music and the Youth in Malawi: Reppin' the Flames
Understanding International Migration: Social, Cultural and Historical Contexts
Beyond the Mountain: Queer Life in "Africa’s Gay Capital"
Community Development for Times of Crisis: Creating Caring Communities
Identity, Marginalisation, Activism, and Victimhood in Egypt: Misfits in the Coptic Christian Community
International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific: Letters to Coronavirus
The Social Unconscious in Persons, Groups, and Societies: Volume 3: The Foundation Matrix Extended and Re-configured
Os quadros da experiência social: Uma perspectiva de análise
Orthodox Christian Identity in Western Europe
Applied Sociology of Health and Illness: A Problem-Based Learning Approach
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Social Sciences