Social Sciences
Free Cultural Books
Storytelling in Northern Zambia: Theory, Method, Practice and Other Necessary Fictions
L' utile idiota. La cultura nel tempo dell'olocrazia
L'era della suscettibilità
Grafologia e sessualità. Un'analisi psicologica, sociale e culturale del comportamento sessuale
Che cosa muove la cultura
中国人的性格(Chinese Characteristics)
Storyworlds of Robin Hood: The Origins of a Medieval Outlaw
Музейное дело в Приморском крае в период реформ (1985-2000 гг.)
Weiße Weiblichkeiten: Konstruktionen von »Rasse« und Geschlecht im deutschen Kolonialismus
Ideational labor and the production of social energy: Intellectuals, idea makers and culture entrepreneurs
Sadomasochism, Popular Culture and Revolt: A Pornography of Violence
反腐警示录 : 廉政提醒60例
This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound
Feminism and Identity Politics in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Ideational labor and the production of social energy: Intellectuals, idea makers and culture entrepreneurs
Cold War Assemblages: Decolonization To Digital
O trabalho ideacional e a produção de energia social: Intelectuais
Die Literatur über die Salzburger Emigration 1731-35
Sulla viltà. Anatomia e storia di un male comune
Debt and Dispossession: Farm Loss in America's Heartland
Per indegnità morale. Il caso Pasolini nell'Italia del buon costume
Rethinking Oral History and Tradition: An Indigenous Perspective
Il mito della virilità
Il mondo è delle donne
История кружева как культурный текст
Il rapporto uomo-donna nella civiltà borghese
Der Deutsche in Amerika oder Rath und Belehrung für deutsche Einwanderer in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, zugleich ein Lesebuch für Anfänger in der englischenund deutschen Sprache
Das Auswanderungsbuch oder Führer und Rathgeber bei der Auswanderung nach Nordamerika und Australien, mit Berücksichtigung von Texas und Kalifornien, in Bezug auf Ueberfahrt, Ankunft und Ansiedelung
Книжные магазины
Cosa pensavi di fare? Romanzo a bivi per umanisti sul lastrico
Cargo, Cult & Culture Critique
The German Element in the United States: With Special Reference to Its Political, Moral, Social, and Educational Influence
The German Element in the United States: With Special Reference to Its Political, Moral, Social, and Educational Influence
American Indians
Il ritorno del dinosauro
No mirar: tres razones para defender las narcoseries
Guerra cultural e retórica do ódio: crônicas de um Brasil pós-político
El problema indígena
Protección sui generis de conocimientos indígenas en la Amazonía
Una concepción trágica de la cultura
Valoración cultural de los pueblos Awajún y Wampís (Shíbaro/ Aents)
The Superhero Symbol: Media, Culture, and Politics
Weaving Life. The Textile Collection of the Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore, La Paz, Bolivia, following the productive chain
Sus armas no lograrán extinguir nuestra palabra. Informe de riesgos de extinción en 6 Pueblos Indígenas de Colombia (Awá; Cauca; Misak; Yanakona; Nasa; Tontotuná; Embera Katio)
"Entre más nos entendemos, menos cultura": El diálogo de saberes como forma de atender la diversidad cultural
In the Long Run: A Cultural History of Broadway’s Hit Plays
Culture and Value: Tourism, Heritage, and Property
Epistenology: Wine as Experience
The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication
Reconstructing Modernism: British Literature, Modern Architecture, and the State
Food Culture Studies in India: Consumption, Representation and Mediation
Black: A Celebration of a Culture
An Unspecific Dog: Artifacts of This Late Stage in History
Time, Consumption and the Coordination of Everyday Life
Perú. Atlas de Infraestructura y Patrimonio Monumental de las Américas
Pedagogías de la disidencia en América Latina
Yurei Attack!: The Japanese Ghost Survival Guide
The Book of the Hakutaku: A Bestiary of Japanese Monsters
Los rostros de la tierra encantada: Religión, evangelización y sincretismo en el Nuevo Mundo. Homenaje a Manuel Marzal, S.J.
Acerca del concepto de valor de uso: signo, consumo y subjetividad. La hoja de coca en la Argentina
Reflexiones en torno al patrimonio cultural del Perú. Patrimonio inmaterial
Screen Genealogies: From Optical Device to Environmental Medium
Huiñaypacha (Aspectos folklóricos de Bolivia)
Artifacts and Society in Amazonia/ Artefactos y sociedad en la Amazonía
El indianismo y los indios contemporáneos en Bolivia
La tierra no da así no más. Los ritos agrícolas en la religión de los aymara-cristianos
Los mitos profundos de Bolivia
Nordicism and Modernity
Rethinking Cultural Criticism: New Voices in the Digital Age
Deserting from the Culture Wars
Objetos como testigos del contacto cultural. Perspectivas interculturales de la historia y del presente de las poblaciones indígenas del alto río Negro (Brasil/Colombia)
Theories of Crime Through Popular Culture
Creating Culture in (Post) Socialist Central Asia
Playful Visions: Optical Toys and the Emergence of Children's Media Culture
The Grace of the Italian Renaissance
A Cultural History of the Disney Fairy Tale: Once Upon an American Dream
The Kingdom of the Yellow Robe; Being Sketches of the Domestic and Religious Rites and Ceremonies of the Siamese;
Vestidos populares peruanos
Desert Islands and the Liquid Modern
Rastros de resistência
Identidades representadas. Performance, experiencia y memoria en los Andes
New Media Spectacles and Multimodal Creativity in a Globalised Asia: Art, Design and Activism in the Digital Humanities Landscape
Words of the Inuit: A Semantic Stroll Through a Northern Culture
False Documents: Inter-American Cultural History, Literature, and the Lost Decade (1975-1992)
25 ensayos desde la pandemia para imaginar el Perú Bicentenario
¿Es otro el rostro del Perú? Identidad, diversidad y cambio
Neoliberal Nonfictions: The Documentary Aesthetic from Joan Didion to Jay-Z
Literatim: Essays at the Intersections of Medicine and Culture
Masturbation in Pop Culture: Screen, Society, Self
Contemporary Masculinities in Fiction, Film and Television
The Appearance of Witchcraft: Print and Visual Culture in Sixteenth-Century Europe
Embracing the Provinces: Society and Material Culture of the Roman Frontier Regions
A Cultural History of the Senses in Antiquity
The Resurrection of Homer in Imperial Greek Epic: Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica and the Poetics of Impersonation
Il volo dell’anitra selvatica. Esplorazioni nella dimensione del mito
The Antichrist: A New Biography
The magical chorus : a history of Russian culture from Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
Anti-Humanism in the Counterculture
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Social Sciences