Social Sciences
Free Chemistry Books
الكيمياء. كتاب الطالب. الصف الثاني الثانوي العلمي
الكيمياء. كتاب الطالب. الصف الأول الثانوي
Органическая химия : Учебник для 10-го кл.
Органическая химия : Учебник для 10-го кл.
Class 10 chem schand
High-Energy Chemistry and Processing in Liquids
Catalytic Aerobic Oxidations
L'Esame Di Stato Per Chimici - Tracce Svolte Per Le Prove Scritte
Conversion Coatings for Magnesium and its Alloys
Mechanism of Fires: Chemistry and Physical Aspects
Anion-Binding Catalysis
New Drug Development for Known and Emerging Viruses
Руско-български технически речник: химия, химична технология, металургия / Русско-болгарский технический словарь: химия, химическая технология, металлургия
Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach Third Edition
The State of Art of Nuclear Chemistry: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Biochar and its Application in Bioremediation
Aflatoxins in Food: A Recent Perspective
Ultimate Guide to Nootropics part 2. Racetams
Surfing NSW Chemistry Modules 7-8
Surfing NSW Chemistry Modules 5-6
Cambridge Checkpoints NSW - Chemistry Year 12 (2019-2020)
Pearson Chemistry 12 New South Wales Student Book
Zircon, Zirconium, Zirconia - Similar Names, Different Materials
Chemical Reaction Technology
Chemistry and Energy: From Conventional to Renewable
Computational and Data-Driven Chemistry Using Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications
Molecular Dynamics and Complexity in Catalysis and Biocatalysis
Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry
Окислительная конверсия природного газа
Окислительная конверсия природного газа
Challenges in Endocrine Disruptor Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life
Nanoporous Carbons for Soft and Flexible Energy Devices
Коррозия металлов
Коррозия металлов
Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry (Second Edition)
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds
Powder Flow: Theory, Characterisation and Application
Chemometrics and Cheminformatics in Aquatic Toxicology
Flow Chemistry in Drug Discovery
Modeling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering: Project Reports on Process Simulation
Stručný přehled chemie prvků
Solid State NMR: Principles, Methods, and Applications
Plasmonic Sensors and their Applications
Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering
Chimica di base.Test ed esercizi
Digital Transformation of the Laboratory: A Practical Guide to the Connected Lab
Diarylethene Molecular Photoswitches: Concepts and Functionalities
Chemical Reactivity in Confined Systems: Theory, Modelling and Applications
Computer Simulation of Materials at Atomic Level with CD-ROM
Polymer Chemistry: A Practical Approach
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for the Chemical and Materials Sciences
RAFT Polymerization: Methods, Synthesis, and Applications
Nanotechnology-Enhanced Food Packaging
Fundamentals of Drug Delivery
Electromagnetic Technologies in Food Science
Photoinitiators: Structures, Reactivity and Applications in Polymerization
现代化学试剂手册: 生化试剂 (二)
现代化学试剂手册: 生化试剂(一)
现代化学试剂手册: 化学分析试剂
现代化学试剂手册: 通用试剂
现代化学试剂手册: 仪器分析试剂
现代化学试剂手册: 金属有机试剂
现代化学试剂手册: 无机离子显色剂
Įdomioji geochemija: Žemės chemija
Electrochemical Systems
Biomolecular Engineering Solutions for Renewable Specialty Chemicals: Microorganisms, Products, and Processes
Biomolecular Engineering Solutions for Renewable Specialty Chemicals: Microorganisms, Products, and Processes
Organic corrosion inhibitors : synthesis, characterization, mechanism, and applications
Chemistry: Atoms First
Rechargeable Battery Science: A Survey of Advancements in Materials and Technology
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Book
The Beauty of Chemistry: Art, Wonder, and Science
Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules: Salts, Cocrystals, and Polymorphism
Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules: Salts, Cocrystals, and Polymorphism
Solid-state NMR: Basic Principles & Practice
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications
Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry: European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry
Chemical Structure and Reactivity: An Integrated Approach
Oxford IB Diploma Programme: IB Prepared: Chemistry
A Textbook of Chemistry 12
A Textbook of Chemistry 10
A Textbook of Chemistry 09
Chemistry: The Central Science in SI Units, Expanded Edition, 15th [Global Edition]
Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, Global Edition
Термодинамика химических процессов
Chemistry, Global Edition
Chemistry 12 Part I
Chemistry 11 Part II
Chemistry 11 Part I
Chemistry 12 Part II
Chemistry 12 Part II
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Social Sciences