Social Sciences
Free Programming Books
SwiftUI Essentials - iOS 16 Edition: Learn to Develop iOS Apps Using SwiftUI, Swift, and Xcode 14
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Kotlin
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Java Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Java
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Kotlin Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Kotlin
Android Studio Electric Eel Essentials - Java Edition: Developing Android Apps Using Android Studio 2022.1.1 and Java
Gradle Effective Implementations Guide
Apache Airflow и конвейеры обработки данных
Discrete Choice Analysis With R
Version Control with Git: Powerful Tools and Techniques for Collaborative Software Development
Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns
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Programmierung von Echtzeitsystemen
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Practical C
Learn Functional Programming Without Fear: A former Java/OOP teacher takes you to the cusp of using Scala’s FP libraries
Design of Multithreaded Software
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Linear Programming Computation
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Test-Driven Development with C++: A simple guide to writing bug-free Agile code
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Tiny C Projects
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Theories of Programming: The Life and Works of Tony Hoare
Modeling and Simulation in Python
Pro Android with Kotlin: Developing Modern Mobile Apps with Kotlin and Jetpack
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Machine Learning Methods for Engineering Application Development
Introduction to Computing
Особенности программирования на Borland Pascal
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Вычисление циклического контрольного кода
The Rules of Programming: How to Write Better Code
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Structure Programming, Theory and Practice
Programmer Passport: OTP
PLC Programming In Instruction List According To IEC 61131-3: A Systematic And Action-Oriented Introduction In Structured Programming
Visual Basic .NET, Guida per lo Sviluppatore
Visual Basic .NET, Guida per lo Sviluppatore
Ansible for VMware by Examples : A Step-by-Step Guide to Automating Your VMware Infrastructure
Data Analysis with Small Samples and Non- Normal Data: Nonparametrics and Other Strategies
Introduction to Computational Mathematics: An Outline
Programming Language Design and Implementation
Building Browser Extensions: Create Modern Extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge
Building Browser Extensions: Create Modern Extensions for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge
Live Coding: A User's Manual
Git: Project Management for Developers and DevOps
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Software Design by Example: A Tool-Based Introduction with JavaScript
Пять строк кода. Роберт Мартин рекомендует
Building Games with Ethereum Smart Contracts: Intermediate Projects for Solidity Developers
Garewal K.S.
Introduction to Financial Derivatives with Python
Secure Web Application Development: A Hands-On Guide with Python and Django
Secure Web Application Development: A Hands-On Guide with Python and Django
Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning
Learn Excel 2022 A Beginners to Pro Guide to Master Excel in Just 7 Days with Step-By-Step Instructions
Excel 2022 for Beginners: The Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide from Beginner to Advanced
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Optimizations and Programming: Linear, Nonlinear, Dynamic, Stochastic and Applications with Matlab
Programacion BASIC
Todo el mundo miente Lo que internet y el big data pueden decirnos sobre nosotros mismos
Todo el mundo miente Lo que internet y el big data pueden decirnos sobre nosotros mismos
Bootstrap: The Ultimate Guide
The Insider’s Guide to Arm Cortex-M Development: Leverage embedded software development tools and examples to become an efficient Cortex-M developer
All in programming
3D Graphics for Game Programming
C Programming: A Modern Approach
Advanced C++: Master the technique of confidently writing robust C++ code
Mastering React: A Beginner's Guide
Frontend Development: The Ultimate Guide
Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns
Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns
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A Comprehensive Study of SQL: Practice and Implementation
Node.js: Novice to Ninja
Beginning Software Engineering
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
IoT Based Smart Applications
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
Grokking Continuous Delivery
Grundlagen der Theoretischen Informatik
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications
Programming and GUI Fundamentals: TCL-TK for Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
Building Codes Illustrated: The Basics
Ум программиста. Как понять и осмыслить любой код
Concise Guide to Software Engineering: From Fundamentals to Application Methods
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Social Sciences