Social Sciences
Free Literature Books
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Literature and Honour
Dreaming across boundaries : the interpretation of dreams in Islamic lands
Old English Metre: An Introduction
Old English Metre: An Introduction
Temperance and Cosmopolitanism: African American Reformers in the Atlantic World
Black Writers Matter
Sexual Violence and Rape in the Middle Ages: A Critical Discourse in Premodern German and European Literature
The Unstill Ones: Poems
Freundschaft in der höfischen Epik um 1200: Diskurse von Nahbeziehungen
Embodiment and the Cosmic Perspective in Twentieth-Century Fiction
Vite libertine
Poetics of Love in the Arabic Novel : Nation-state, Modernity and Tradition
Cartas de C. S. Lewis
Voyages avec ma pipe
Pele Silenciosa, Pelo Sonora: a literatura Indígena em destaque
Der gute Outlaw: Studien zu einem literarischen Typus im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert
Germanistische Studien und Texte I: Beiträge zur deutschen und niederländischen Philologie des Spätmittelalters
"Gnade" bei Cynewulf und seiner Schule: Semasiologisch-onomasiologische Studien zu einem semantischen Feld
The Politics of Tradition: Examining the History of the Old English Poems "The Wife's Lament" and "Wulf and Eadwacer"
Narratives of Time and Gender in Antiquity
From Lawmen to Plowmen: Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition and the School of Langland
From Lawmen to Plowmen: Anglo-Saxon Legal Tradition and the School of Langland
The Aesthetics of Nostalgia: Historical Representation in Old English Verse
The Aesthetics of Nostalgia: Historical Representation in Old English Verse
Verse and Virtuosity: The Adaptation of Latin Rhetoric in Old English Poetry
Verse and Virtuosity: The Adaptation of Latin Rhetoric in Old English Poetry
Writing Women Saints in Anglo-Saxon England
Writing Women Saints in Anglo-Saxon England
Land and Book: Literature and Land Tenure in Anglo-Saxon England
Literatura Brasileira - Das Origens aos Nossos Dias
Shaping the Rings of the Scandinavian Fellowship: Festschrift in Honour of Ērika Sausverde
The Four Funerals in "Beowulf" and the Structure of the Poem
Epistolary Acts: Anglo-Saxon Letters and Early English Media
Epistolary Acts: Anglo-Saxon Letters and Early English Media
Brides and Doom: Gender, Property, and Power in Medieval German Women's Epic
Shapeshifters in Medieval North Atlantic Literature
Cistercian Stories for Nuns and Monks: The Sacramental Imagination of Engelhard of Langheim
Die Isländer-Geschichten und die Edda: Bilder aus Nordgermanischer Frühzeit
Die Fassung *C des "Nibelungenlieds" und der "Klage": Strategien der Retextualisierung
Spielregeln für den Untergang: Die Welt des Nibelungenliedes
Riconoscere è un dio
Lo straniero
Il mestiere di vivere. Diario 1935-1950 con Il taccuino segreto
Del resto e di me stesso
Breve storia della letteratura rosa
Berlin oder Leipzig?: Eine Studie zur sozialen Organisation der Germanistik im "Nibelungenstreit"
Das Nibelungenlied nach der Handschrift n: Hs. 4257 der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt
Festschrift Walter Haug und Burghart Wachinger. Bd. 1-2
Chemin faisant
Critical Essays on Margaret Atwood
Confessions d'un fumeur de tabac français
Beowulf and the Dragon: Parallels and Analogues
Ælfric's Catholic Homilies: Introduction, Commentary and Glossary
Letters and Epistolary Culture in Early Medieval China
Heroic Legends of the North: An Introduction to the Nibelung and Dietrich Cycles
Viking Sagas: The Truth Behind the Tales of the Ancient North
Saga and Myth in Ancient Ireland
Walther von der Vogelweide: Untersuchungen
Geschichte der altdeutschen Literatur (800-1600): Grundriß und Aufriß
The Forms of Informal Empire: Britain, Latin America, and Nineteenth-Century Literature
"Njáls saga" and Its Christian Background. A Study of Narrative Method: [Dissertation]
Die Jugend des Dionysos: Die Ampelos-Episode in den "Dionysiaka" des Nonnos von Panopolis
Ælfric von Eynsham und seine Zeit
Minnesangs Wende
Wildes Erzählen - Erzählen vom Wilden: "Parzival", "Busant" und "Wolfdietrich D"
Die Oster- und Emmausspiele und das Himmelfahrtsspiel im Debs-Codex: Zur Ambivalenz christlicher und paganer Traditionen
Anarchaeologies : Reading as Misreading
Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre
Recursive Desire: Rereading Epic Tradition
Medieval Poetics and Social Practice: Responding to the Work of Penn R. Szittya
The Hero's Place: Medieval Literary Traditions of Space and Belonging
Studienbibliographie zur Altnordistik
Photius: Bibliothèque. Tome III: Codices 186-222
Independent Scholar's Handbook; How to Turn Your Interest in Any Subject into Expertise
Petite folie collective
Introduzione alla Divina Commedia. Nuova ediz.
Il fotoromanzo: Metamorfosi delle storie lacrimevoli
Female Desire in Chaucer's "Legend of Good Women" and Middle English Romance
Afterlives of the Lady Shalott and Elaine of Astolat
الحضارة: دراسة في أصول وعوامل قيامها وتطورها
Літературне краєзнавство. 6 клас
Українська література. 5 клас
Тропинками родного края. Хрестоматия. 1-4 классы
Тропинками родного края. Хрестоматия. 1-4 классы
Литература родного края. 6 класс
Krytyka po literaturze
Essays on European Literature
Sampurnanand Sanskrit University's Publication Catalogue
Tales of Norse Mythology
From Text to Artefact: Studies in Honour of Anne Mette Hansen
Friedrich Nicolai, 1733-1811 : Essays zum 250. Geburtstag
Fleas, Flies, and Friars: Children's Poetry from the Middle Ages
Літературне краєзнавство. 7 клас
Літературне краєзнавство. 8 клас
Літературне краєзнавство. 9 клас
Литература родного края. 7 класс
Литература родного края. Хрестоматия. 5-11 классы
Литература. 5-11 классы. Сборник ценностно-деятельностных задач
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Social Sciences