Social Sciences
Free Literature Books
Die Technik des Dramas
Plutarque, Œuvres morales, Tome XV, 2e partie: Traité 72 Sur les notions communes, Contre les Stoïciens
Fozio, Biblioteca
Mahan Kosh: Encyclopaedia (Encyclopedia) of the Sikh Literature, Volume 3
Mahan Kosh: Encyclopaedia (Encyclopedia) of the Sikh Literature, Volume 2
Mahan Kosh: Encyclopaedia (Encyclopedia) of the Sikh Literature, Volume 1
The David Foster Wallace Reader: Uncollected Works /'Samizdat Collection'
Primer concurso de ensayo fray Roger Bacon. Tema libre en esta versión
The Book of the Dead: An English Translation of the Chapters, Hymns, etc., of the Theban Recension, With Introduction, Notes, etc.
The Enclosed Garden and the Medieval Religious Imaginary
The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England in Middle English Romance
Der kontingente Text: Zur schwedischen Poetik in der Frühen Neuzeit
Restoring Creation: The Natural World in the Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives of Cuthbert and Guthlac
The Natural World in the Exeter Book Riddles
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿੱਤ ਕੋਸ਼
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿੱਤ ਕੋਸ਼
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਾਹਿੱਤ ਕੋਸ਼
کلیاتِ اقبال / Kulliyat'e Iqbal (The Complete Works of Iqbal)
الأدب والنصوص والنقد. للصف الثالث الثانوي
Sagas aus der Vorzeit: Von Wikingern, Berserkern, Untoten und Trollen. Band 1. Heldensagas
The Orient in Chaucer and Medieval Romance
الأدب والنصوص والبلاغة. للصف الثاني الثانوي. الجزء الثاني
الأدب والنصوص والبلاغة. للصف الثاني الثانوي. الجزء الأول
Alma Patrícia
الأدب والنصوص والبلاغة. للصف الأول الثانوي. الجزء الثاني
الأدب والنصوص والبلاغة. للصف الأول الثانوي. الجزء الأول
Roy Cambell - A Critical Biography
Roy Campbell
Light on a Dark Horse, An Autobiography, 1901-1935
El año 2440: un sueño como no ha habido otro
حالم / Haalim
توبۃ النصوح / Taubatun Nasuh (Sincere Repentance)
توبۃ النصوح / Taubatun Nasuh (Sincere Repentance)
احمق تماشائی / Ahmaq Tamashai
A Disciplinarização da Literatura Angolana após a Descolonização
Ученые - исследователи Калмыкии (XVII - начало ХХ вв.): Биобиблиографический указатель
The Public Life Of Privacy In Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Pa saka kara, tomo III: antologia di literatura Papiamentu
Pa saka kara, tomo II: antologia di literatura Papiamentu
История калмыцкой литературы. I том. Дооктябрьский период
Калмыцкая дореволюционная литература
Pa saka kara, tomo I: historia di literatura Papiamentu
Viajes con un mapa en blanco
Confessions of a Late Night Talk Show Host: The Autobiography of Larry Sanders
Edward Bond: Bondian Drama and Young Audience
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد هشتم (ن و ه ی)
Modernism and revolution : Russian literature in transition
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد هفتم (ل م)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد ششم (غ ف ق ک گ)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد پنجم (ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد چهارم (خ د ذ ر)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد سوم (ت ث ج چ ح)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد دوم (ب پ)
فرهنگ بزرگ سخن جلد اول (آ ء الف)
Icelandic Sagas
I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women
جنت کے پتے / Jannat Kay Pattay
جنت کے پتے / Jannat Kay Pattay
میں انمول / Mein Anmol
اُم الیقین / Umm ulYaqeen
La palabra y la memoria : Guinea Ecuatorial 25 años después : (ensayo, poesía, relatos, teatro)
The Matter of the North: The Rise of Literary Fiction in Thirteenth-Century Iceland
L’animal en littérature, entre fantaisie et fantastique. Actes du colloque de célébration du quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Jean de La Fontaine (1621-2021)
Pensées pour moi-même
Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood
Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France: Translation, Appropriation, Transformation
Guida della Grecia. Libro II. La Corinzia e l'Argolide
Der epische Cyclus oder die homerischen Dichter: Teil 2 Die Gedichte nach Inhalt und Composition
Arthurian Literature XXXVII. Malory at 550: Old and New
Arthurian Literature XXXVI. Sacred Space and Place in Arthurian Romance
Arthurian Literature XXXV
Kleine Schriften: Band 1. Sprachgeschichte. Verskunst
Arthurian Literature XXXIV
Arthurian Literature XXXIII
Arthurian Literature XXXII
Arthurian Literature XXXI
Arthurian Literature XXX
Arthurian Literature XXIX
Arthurian Literature XXVIII. Blood, Sex, Malory: Essays on the "Morte Darthur"
Arthurian Literature XXVII
Arthurian Literature XXVI
Castles and Space in Malory's "Morte Darthur"
The Reception of Chaucer's Shorter Poems, 1400-1450: Female Audiences, English Manuscripts, French Contexts
Chaucer's Prayers: Writing Christian and Pagan Devotion
Mobility and Identity in Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"
Chaucer's Decameron and the Origin of the "Canterbury Tales"
Chaucer and Array: Patterns of Costume and Fabric Rhetoric in "The Canterbury Tales", "Troilus and Criseyde" and Other Works
Holy Harlots in Medieval English Religious Literature: Authority, Exemplarity and Femininity
The Unspeakable, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval Literature, 1000-1400
Schreiben und Lesen im Altisländischen: Lexeme, syntagmatische Relationen und Konzepte in der "Jóns saga helga", "Sturlunga saga" und "Laurentius saga biskups"
Narrative Design for Writers: An industry guide to writing for video games
Preaching the Gospel of Black Revolt: Appropriating Milton in Early African American Literature
Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Troubadours and Old Occitan Literature
The Bond of Empathy in Medieval and Early Modern Literature
Gluttony and Gratitude: Milton's Philosophy of Eating
"John the Baptist's Prayer" or "The Descent into Hell" from the Exeter Book: Text, Translation and Critical Study
The Dating of "Beowulf": A Reassessment
Make We Merry More and Less: An Anthology of Medieval English Popular Literature
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Social Sciences