Social Sciences
Free Ethnography Books
The peoples of Africa : an ethno-linguistic map
Tribe and kinship among the Kurds
The Yezidi oral tradition in Iraqi Kurdistan
Entrando y saliendo de la violencia: Construcción del sentido joven en Medellín desde el graffiti y el hip-hop
Emotions, Senses, Spaces: Ethnographic Engagements and Intersections
Însemnătatea cercetărilor etnografice în cunoaşterea poporului român
The Winnebago Tribe
Українська діаспора у світі (довідник)
Serbian Dreambook Serbian Dreambook: National Imaginary in the Time of Miloaevia National Imaginary in the Time of Miloaevia
Dil ve Büyü: Lévi-Strauss Üstüne On Bir Deneme
Handbook of Autoethnography
Eine ländliche Arbeiterfamilie der vorindustriellen Zeit
Making Virtual Worlds. Linden Lab and Second Life
Ego-Shooter Spielkultur. Eine Online-Ethnographie
O nascimento do Brasil e outros ensaios - “pacificação”, regime tutelar e formação de alteridades
"O Nosso Governo" - Os Ticuna e o regime tutelar
Magic, Science, Religion, and the Scope of Rationality
From Afar to Zulu: a dictionary of African cultures
La persistencia de los dioses Etnografía cronológica de los Andes venezolanos
Народное искусство в Сибири (из очерков по истории русского искусства в Сибири)
Administrando justicia al margen del Estado: las rondas campesinas de Cajamarca
La emergencia indígena en América Latina
Immigrant Ambassadors: Citizenship and Belonging in the Tibetan Diaspora
Handbook of South American Indians Vol. 1 The Marginal Tribes
Blue Collar Aristocrats: Life-Styles at a Working-Class Tavern
El indígena venezolano en pos de su liberación definitiva
"And Burn Today whom Yesterday they Fed": Citizens and State in Montenegro
Cusături populare din zona Argeșului
Les Indiens d’Amérique du Nord
Las literaturas indígenas maipure-arawakas de los pueblos kurripako, warekena y baniva del estado Amazonas
ANII WAANÜKÜ. AQUÍ ESTÁ NUESTRA PALABRA Diálogos breves para la práctica de la conversación en lengua añú
Tauron Panton. Cuentos y leyendas de los indios Pemon.
Как мыслят леса: к антропологии по ту сторону человека
The Somali nation, III: State and society: Theorical considerations
Los Yanomami
Los Bari: historia, sociedad y cultura
Политики природы. Как привить наукам демократию
Industria casnica la romani
Cimilituri românești
Maledire Dio. Studio sulla bestemmia
Cerul și podoabele lui după credințele poporului român
Țiganii din România
Originea românilor din Balcani și vlahiile din Tesalia și Epir
Liebesgrüße aus Minsk: Wo die Babuschka regiert und Heringe Pelzmäntel tragen
The Religious System of the Amazulu: Izinyanga Zokubula; Or, Divination, as existing among the Zulu, in their own words
Somalia in word and image
Falafala Kwaraʼae kī. Kwaraʼae traditions. ʼAnia fataʼa Kwaraʼae faʼinia fetaʼa English. In Kwaraʼae and English languages
Recenti spostamenti di popolazione su base etno-politica in Africa orientale
Identities on the move. Clanship and pastoralism in Northern Kenya
L’origine et la conscience nationale des aroumains (la terreur Grecque en Macédoine)
From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: The Social World of Coffee from Papua New Guinea
Under a Watchful Eye: Self, Power, and Intimacy in Amazonia
Şeker ve Güç: Şekerin Modern Tarihteki Yeri
Para raros, nosotros. Introducción a la Antropología Cultural
Калмыцкие народные песни и мелодии XIX в. (по архивным и опубликованным материалам). Записи XIX века. Часть 1
Мировоззрение манси. Дом и Космос
Os Arquitetos do Paraíso: estudo de um conflito religioso
Альманах - Осетия ХХ век. Вып. 3
Альманах - Осетия ХХ век. Вып. 1
Cuéntame algo, aunque sea una mentira. Las historias de la comadre Esperanza
Этнографическіе матеріалы
Женская одежда народов Поволжья (материалы к этногенезу)
Старый Орхей
Каменный цветок Молдавии
Мордовская народная вышивка
Дэкаратыўна-прыкладное мастацтва Беларусi XII–XVIII стагоддзяў
Цыгане. Тайны жизни и традиции.
Женские головные уборы в творчестве мастериц Карелии
Адыгский этикет
Policy Worlds: Anthropology and the Analysis of Contemporary Power
Policy Worlds: Anthropology and the Analysis of Contemporary Power
Племена в Индии.
Язык орнамента в латышской культуре.
Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans: The Epic Tradition of the Ainu
De Wiligiman-Dani: een cultureel-anthropologische studie over religie en oorlogvoering in de Baliem-vallei
The Dugum Dani: A Papuan Culture in the Highlands of West New Guinea
Ritual rhetoric from Cotzal
Экологическая традиция башкир (социально-философский очерк): Монография.
Antropologia strutturale
Shepariymo: the political economy of a waiwai village [thesis]
Handicrafts of the nomadic women of Somalia
The origin and history of the Somali people
Peoples of the Horn of Africa. Somali, Afar and Saho
La grande faida. I processi di etnicizzazione e di segmentazione in Somalia
The Dinka of the Sudan
Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities - Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom
Kurdistan on the Global Stage
Folk Legends from Tono: Japan’s Spirits, Deities, and Phantastic Creatures
Около Камы
Amazônia Indígena
Diario de campo en Melanesia
Los jardines de coral y su magia El cultivo de la tierra y los ritos agrícolas en las Islas Trobriand
Crimen y costumbre en la sociedad salvaje
Social Media in Emergent Brazil
Киргизский национальный узор
Follow the Maid: Domestic Worker Migration in and from Indonesia
Гриб на краю света. О возможности жизни на руинах капитализма
The Dimasas of Assam: A study in Literature, Culture and Society
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Social Sciences