Social Sciences
Free Number Theory Books
Elementary number theory
Algebra és számelmélet feladatgyűjtemény
Eisenstein Cohomology for GL_N and the Special Values of Rankin–Selberg L-Functions
Arithmetic and Geometry - Ten Years in Alpbach
Elementary number theory
Autour de la correspondance de Langlands locale p-adique pour GL_2(Q_p)
On Congruence Monodromy Problems
Number Theory: Concepts and Problems
A generalization of local class field theory by using K-groups I,II&III
Kenkichi Iwasawa Collected Papers
岩澤理論とその展望(上・下) / lwasawa theory and its perspective I, II
Instructor’s Solutions Manual for Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications
Modular elliptic curves and Fermat’s last theorem
Introduction to Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms
Selmer Complexes
Algebraic Geometry
Web of Modularity: Arithmetic of the Coefficients of Modular Forms and q-series
Quadratic Number Theory: An Invitation to Algebraic Methods in the Higher Arithmetic
Class Field Theory
Elementare Zahlentheorie: Wintersemester 2017/18
MA257: Introduction to Number Theory
Algoritmikus számelmélet : egyetemi tananyag
Теория чисел, алгебра и алгебраическая геометрия : сборник статей
Избранные труды
Modular forms and Dirichlet series
Modular forms and Dirichlet series
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with applications, Vol. 2
Lectures on finite fields
Modern analysis of automorphic forms by example, vol.1,2
The Whole Truth About Whole Numbers: An Elementary Introduction to Number Theory
The ultimate challenge: The 3x+1 problem
The concept of number: from quaternions to monads and topological fields = Zahlbegriff. English
Problems and proofs in numbers and algebra
Number fields
Irregularities in the distribution of prime numbers: from the era of Helmut Maier's matrix method and beyond
Группы, действующие на гиперболическом пространстве. Гармонический анализ и теория чисел
From natural numbers to quaternions
Elliptic curves / monograph
Elementary number theory
Analytic Number Theory: In Honor of Helmut Maier’s 60th Birthday
An introduction to number theory
An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography, Second Edition
Synthetische Zahlentheorie
Synthetische Zahlentheorie
Elementary Number Theory (5CCM224A AND 6CCM224B)
Dio gioca a dadi? La nuova matematica del caos
Teoria numerelor
Teoria numerelor
Irrational numbers
A First Course in Number Theory
Elementary Number Theory: A Computer Approach
Elementary Introduction to Number Theory
Arithmetic geometry, Cortona 1994
The Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis
Nuggets of Number Theory: A Visual Approach
Solutions to Introduction to Analytic Number Theory by Tom M. Apostol
Ramanujan's Lost Notebook: Part V
The Real Number System
An Experimental Introduction to Number Theory
Elementary Number Theory
On Invariants and the Theory of Numbers
Introduccion a la Teoria de Numeros
Un Parcours Explicite en Théorie Multiplicative
Irregularities in the distribution of prime numbers
Instructor’s Solutions Manual for A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory
A Course in Computational Number Theory
Teoria liczb
Introdução à Teoria dos Números
Lectures on Hilbert Modular Varieties and Modular Forms
Euler Products and Eisenstein Series
An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography
Elliptic Curves.
保型関数-古典理論とその応用 /Hokei kansū. Koten riron to sono ōyō
ガウスの数論世界をゆく : 正多角形の作図から相互法則・数論幾何へ /Gausu no sūron sekai o yuku : seitakakkei no sakuzu kara sōgo hōsoku sūron kika e
Introduction to analytic number theory
Теория сравнений
Number Theory
Number Theory: Fifth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association August 17-22, 1996 Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Algoritmos Deterministas de Primalidad
Modular Forms
Algebraic Number Theory - in honor of K. Iwasawa
Теоретическая арифметика
A Pathway Into Number Theory
تئوری مقدماتی اعداد - غلامحسین مصاحب - جلد 1 قسمت 2
نظریه جبری اعداد
Дифференцируемые меры и исчисление Маллявэна
تئوری مقدماتی اعداد - غلامحسین مصاحب - جلد 2 قسمت 3
تئوری مقدماتی اعداد - غلامحسین مصاحب - جلد 2 قسمت 1
Algebraic Theory of Numbers
تئوری مقدماتی اعداد - غلامحسین مصاحب - جلد 2 قسمت 2
Лекции об алгебраических числах
Теория чисел
Эти непростые простые числа
Teoria liczb
Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden section and the Golden String
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Social Sciences