Building on the success of the first edition, An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography, Second Edition, increases coverage of the popular and important topic of cryptography, integrating it with traditional topics in number theory.
The authors have written the text in an engaging style to reflect number theory's increasing popularity. The book is designed to be used by sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates, but it is also accessible to advanced high school students and is appropriate for independent study. It includes a few more advanced topics for students who wish to explore beyond the traditional curriculum.
Features of the second edition include
• Over 800 exercises, projects, and computer explorations
• Increased coverage of cryptography, including Vigenere, Stream, Transposition,and Block ciphers, along with RSA and discrete log-based systems
• "Check Your Understanding" questions for instant feedback to students
• New Appendices on "What is a proof?" and on Matrices
• Select basic (pre-RSA) cryptography now placed in an earlier chapter so that the topic can be covered right after the basic material on congruences
• Answers and hints for odd-numbered problems
Author(s): James Kraft, Lawrence Washington
Series: Textbooks in Mathematics
Edition: 2
Publisher: CRC Press
Year: 2018
Language: English
Commentary: True PDF
Pages: 602
City: Boca Raton, FL
Tags: Algorithms; Cryptography; Number Theory; RSA Cryptosystem; Public-Key Cryptography
1. Introduction
2. Divisibility
3. Linear Diophantine Equations
4. Unique Factorization
5. Applications of Unique Factorization
6. Conguences
7. Classsical Cryposystems
8. Fermat, Euler, Wilson
9. RSA
10. Polynomial Congruences
11. Order and Primitive Roots
12. More Cryptographic Applications
13. Quadratic Reciprocity
14. Primality and Factorization
15. Geometry of Numbers
16. Arithmetic Functions
17. Continued Fractions
18. Gaussian Integers
19. Algebraic Integers
20. Analytic Methods, 21. Epilogue: Fermat's Last Theorem
Answers and Hints for Odd-Numbered Exercises