Social Sciences
Free Linguistics Books
Семиотические проблемы языков науки, терминологии и информатики
Por uma Lingüística Aplicada Indisciplinar
Erkenntnisse aus Translationswissenschaft und -didaktik für die Entwicklung von Strategien und Techniken zur Sprachmittlung im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Kontrastive Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik Iberoromanisch – Deutsch
Methodik für Linguisten
Einführung in die Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung
Empirisches Arbeiten in Linguistik und Sprachlehrforschung
拉丁语汉语词典 [Latin-Chinese dictionary]
Come si scrive un racconto
I suoni delle lingue, i suoni dell'italiano. Introduzione alla fonetica
Is English Changing?
Is English Changing?
Estructuras sintácticas
Конструирование языков : от эсперанто до дотракийского
Learning American Sign Language in High School: Motivation, Strategies, and Achievement
Wörter zur Wahl
Einführung in die Hurritische Sprache
Funk-se quem quiser no batidão da cidade carioca
A Critique of Politeness Theories
Hungarian with ease
Избранные труды. Том 1. Славянская лексикология и семасиология.
Alttürkische Handschriften. Teil 1. Dokumente in Brāhmī und tibetischer Schrift
SMART - Strategic, Measurable, Ambitious, Relevant, Timely - Réussir en anglais en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles : une fiche/une semaine
Эстетика. Статьи. Письма. Предисловия и рассуждения
Vārdnīcu izstrāde Latvijā: 1991–2010
Alttürkische Handschriften. Teil 1. Dokumente in Brāhmī und tibetischer Schrift
Taking Stance in English as a Lingua Franca
Gallimaufry: a hodgepodge of our vanishing vocabulary
Nova gramática do português contemporâneo
Korean Made Simple 3
Runische Schriftkultur in kontinental-skandinavischer und -angelsächsischer Wechselbeziehung
Namenkundliche Studien zum Germanenproblem
A Linguistic History of Ancient Cyprus: The Non-Greek Languages and Their Relations with Greek, C.1600-300 BC
The Longman Writer
Endangered Turkic Languages I: Theoretical and General Approaches, Volume 1 / Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri I: Kuramsal ve Genel Yaklaşımlar, Cilt 1
Endangered Turkic Languages II A: Case Studies, Volume 2 / Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri II A: Örnek Çalışmalar, Cilt 2
Endangered Turkic Languages II B: Case Studies, Volume 3 / Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri II B: Örnek Çalışmalar, Cilt 3
Endangered Turkic Languages III: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Volume 4 / Tehlikedeki Türk Dilleri III: Disiplinlerarası Yaklaşımlar, Cilt 4
Timaeus Locrus: De natura mundi et animae
Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie
Acta conventus neo-latini Upsaliensis: proceedings of the fourteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Uppsala 2009). Vol. 1 + 2.
Syntactic Structures after 60 Years: The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics
The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb in Classical Greek: An Introduction
Принципы структурной типологии
Patronymics in Denmark and England
Lernwortschatz Deutsch (Deutsch-Englisch)
The dancing lares and the serpent in the garden: religion at the Roman street corner
The Birth of Politics: Eight Greek and Roman Political Ideas and Why They Matter
Mysterienterminologie bei Platon, Philon und Klemens von Alexandrien
Culture and society in Lucian
Gesammelte Schriften I - Zum frühgriechischen Epos
Anglo-Scandinavian Language Contacts and Word Order Change in Early English
The syntax and semantics of quantification in Malay — a government and binding approach
The Peoples of Ancient Italy
Magie und Ritual bei Apollonios Rhodios : Studien zu ihrer Form und Funktion in den Argonautika
Macrobius Volume 2: Commentarii in somnium Scipionis
The Names of Homeric Heroes. Problems and Interpretations
Saturarum Menippearum fragmenta
De verborum significatu quae supersunt cum Pauli epitome
Classification from Antiquity to Modern Times: Sources, Methods, and Theories from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Poetarum Elegiacorum Testimonia et Fragmenta pars II
Poetarum elegiacorum testimonia et fragmenta
The Joy of Signing: A Dictionary of American Signs
The Joy of Signing: A Dictionary of American Signs
Commerce and social standing in ancient Rome
Space, Time and Language in Plutarch
Griechische Inschriften als Zeugnisse der Kulturgeschichte
Ciceros Staatsphilosophie: Ein Kooperativer Kommentar Zu "De Re Publica" und "De Legibus"
Arrianos, Asklepiodotos: Die Kunst der Taktik
The "Birth" of Italy : The Institutionalization of Italy as a Region, 3rd-1st Century BCE
Politische Ordnung in der römischen Republik.
The Literary Genres in the Flavian Age: Canons, Transformations, Reception
Kritischer Kommentar zu Lukrezens De rerum natura
Reperforming Greek Tragedy: Theater, Politics, and Cultural Mobility in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BC
Redeeming Thucydides' Book VIII: Narrative Artistry in the Account of the Ionian War
Poetry in Fragments: Studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and Its Afterlife
Euripides, Ion : edition and commentary
Euripides, "Alexandros" : introduction, text and commentary
Onomasticon to Cicero’s Letters
Onomasticon to Cicero’s Treatises
Onomasticon to Cicero’s Speeches
Logos und Praxis: Sparta als politisches Exemplum in den Schriften des Isokrates
Aspects of Grammatical Architecture
500 zagadek o języku polskim
Translation and Empire
A Linguistic Guide to Language Learning
Recueil de textes latins archaïques
Syntax: Structure, Meaning, and Function
Metrical Lengthening in Homer
Articulatory and Phonological Impairments: A Clinical Focus
The Japanese Language Through Time
Ilustrowany Wojskowy Słownik Techniczny
Einführung in die römische Metrik
Σύγχρονο Διακλαδικό Αγγλο-Ελληνικό Ελληνο-Αγγλικό Λεξικό Στρατιωτικής Ορολογίας
Korean Made Simple 2: The next step in learning the Korean language
Korean Made Simple 3: Continuing your journey of learning the Korean language
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Social Sciences