Social Sciences
Free Education Books
Creating Global Bonds, Grade 12: STEM Road Map for High School
Educating through Popular Culture: You're Not Cool Just Because You Teach with Comics
Innovation, Leadership and Governance in Higher Education: Perspectives on the Covid-19 Recovery Strategies
Asian American Educators and Microaggressions: More Than Just Work(ers)
The Behavioural Learning Classroom: Making Schools More Effective and Compassionate
Aesthetic Literacies in School and Work: New Pathways for Education
Constructing Online Work-Based Learning Placements: Approaches to Pedagogy, Design, Planning and Implementation
Politics of Quality Improvement in English Further Education: Policies and Practices
Varieties of Qualitative Research Methods: Selected Contextual Perspectives
The Routledge Handbook of Education Technology
The Alienation Of Fact: Digital Educational Privatization, AI, And The False Promise Of Bodies And Numbers
English File Advanced Student's book (4h edition) with Audio and Video
A Critical Introduction to Mathematics Education: Human Diversity and Equitable Instruction
English File Advanced Workbook (4h edition) with Audio
Plan Nacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (Perú)/ Sankenarentsi osaikakoti antayetachaneri: Asanpiteri ashaninkape intakantana karori
Research and Teaching in a Pandemic World: The Challenges of Establishing Academic Identities During Times of Crisis
Ancient pedophilia
Reading Picture Books with Infants and Toddlers: Learning Through Language
Teaching Interculturality 'Otherwise'
Currere and Legacy in the Context of Family Business: Towards a New Theory of Intergenerational Learning
Educating Children from Cross-Border Marriages: Understanding Japanese Heritage Transnational Families in Singapore
Handbook of Research on Waldorf Education
In Pursuit of a Multilingual Equity Agenda: SFL Teacher Action Research
So... What Does an Outstanding Teacher Do? A Visible Learning Evidence Based Approach
Foundations of Agricultural Education
Styling Your Writing: Mixing and Matching Academic Writing Techniques to Create Something Uniquely You
AI and Education in China: Imagining the Future, Excavating the Past
Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education
Building Educator Capacity Through Microcredentials
The Future of Education Research at IES: Advancing and Equity-Oriented Science
Immersive Education: Designing for Learning
Institutions and Organizations as Learning Environments for Participation and Democracy: Opportunities, Challenges, Obstacles
Language-Sensitive Teaching and Learning: A Resource Book for Teachers and Teacher Educators
Assessment and Data Systems in Early Childhood Settings: Theory and Practice
Elite Universities and the Making of Privilege: Exploring Race and Class in Global Educational Economies
La investigación formativa y la práctica reflexiva en la formación de profesores de la Facultad de Educación
Teacher Education in a Reality of a World Crisis: The Narrative of a Faculty of Education in a Teacher Education College
Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North
Computer Science Education: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School
Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times
Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education
Investigación educativa: técnicas para el recojo y análisis de la información
Innovations in Literacy Professional Learning: Strengthening Equity, Access, and Sustainability
Education and Equity in Times of Crisis: Learning, Engagement and Support
Entrepreneurship and Universities: Pedagogical Perspectives and Philosophies
Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education
Privacy and Data Protection based on the GDPR
Why We Teach Science (and Why We Should)
Creative Provocations: Speculations on the Future of Creativity, Technology & Learning
Perspectivas y reflexiones sobre el Proyecto Educativo Nacional al 2036
Procesos políticos y cambios educativos en América Latina: una cuestión estructural
Conocimiento y poder. Escuela y narrativas sobre el Perú hoy: algunos apuntes conceptuales
La Investigación Descriptiva con Enfoque Cualitativo en Educación
Transnational Education between The League of Nations and China: The Interwar Period
Practising Compassion in Higher Education: Caring for Self and Others Through Challenging Times
Differentiating the Higher Education System of Ethiopia: A National Study Report
Higher Education Admissions Practices: An International Perspective
Contexto y sentido de los Estudios Generales
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Mindsets Through STEM Education
Learning Science Through Drama: Exploring international perspectives
School Leaders Matter: Preventing Burnout, Managing Stress, and Improving Wellbeing
Visualize Your Teaching: Understand Your Style and Increase Your Impact
Integrated Education and Learning
Beyond Test Scores: A Better Way to Measure School Quality
Online Learning Systems: Methods and Applications with Large-Scale Data
El efecto del orden de nacimiento sobre el atraso escolar en el Perú
Handbook of Applied Teaching and Learning in Social Work Management Education: Theories, Methods, and Practices in Higher Education
Becoming an Outstanding Music Teacher
Computational Thinking Education in K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing
Practice-Oriented Research in Tertiary Mathematics Education
Quantitative Reasoning in Mathematics and Science Education
Pandemic Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fatti sulla Germania - Politica estera · Società · Ricerca · Economia · Cultura
Learning Transformational Leadership: A Pedagogical and Practical Perspective
Radical Principals: A Blueprint for Long-Term Equity and Stability at School
Teaching Women's and Gender Studies: Classroom Resources on Resistance, Representation, and Radical Hope (Grades 9–12)
Teaching the Actuality of Revolution: Aesthetics, Unlearning, and the Sensations of Struggle
Criterios e indicadores para evaluar las Guías para la docencia en modalidad HyFlex
Child Development & Pedagogy CTET/ TET (All States) Solved Papers
The Little Guide to Getting Your Journal Article Published: Simple Steps to Success
The Little Guide to Getting Your Journal Article Published: Simple Steps to Success
A Primer for the Clinician Educator: Supporting Excellence and Promoting Change Through Storytelling
Teaching with Technologies: Pedagogies for collaboration, communication, and creativity
Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement
Gay And Lesbian Students: Understanding Their Needs
Motivating Reluctant Learners: Practical Strategies for Raising Attainment
The State of Independence: Key Challenges Facing Private Schools Today
Seen, Heard, and Valued: Universal Design for Learning and Beyond
Supporting the Wellbeing of Young Children with EAL: Essential Ideas for Practice and Reflection
The Routledge International Handbook of Dyslexia in Education
Starting to Teach Latin
Higher Education: Progress for Management and Engineering
Fundamentos Para Uma Educação Libertadora
Teaching Cybersecurity: A Handbook for Teaching the Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge in a Conventional Classroom
The Antiracist World Language Classroom
Transformative Education: A Showcase of Sustainable and Integrative Active Learning
Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS): An Input-Based Approach to Second Language Instruction
Educating the Gifted: Wisdom and Insights for Inspired Teaching
Children and Interculturality in Education
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Social Sciences