This book addresses issues related to ethics and integrity in teacher training. Authors pay special attention to the role ethics plays in teaching practice and the importance of establishing expectations for students to learn with integrity from a young age. The book celebrates global perspectives on ethics and integrity for pre-service teachers, acknowledging that although some aspects of ethics are universal, the ways in which these are implemented can vary. Contributors present original research, case studies, and recommendations for practice and teaching.
The book draws on a range of theoretical and conceptual foundations including applied ethics, academic integrity, and moral education.
Author(s): Sarah Elaine Eaton, Zeenath Reza Khan
Series: Ethics and Integrity in Educational Contexts, 3
Publisher: Springer
Year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 184
City: Cham
Overview of the Chapters
About the Editors
Chapter 1: Ethics in Teacher Training: An Overview
Our Positionalities: United by Our Commitment to Integrity
Integrity Values and Expectations as a Foundation of Education
The Vital Role That Teachers Play as Models of Ethical Behaviour
A Global Problem, with Local Impact
European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI): A Champion of Academic Integrity
International Center for Academic Integrity: Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity
UNESCO’s Role in Promoting Academic Integrity
Recommendations and Conclusions
Recommendation #1: Incorporate Ethics Education into State and National Educational Curricula
Recommendation #2: Make Ethics and Integrity Education an Explicit Component of Teacher Training That Is Focused on Values and Ethical Decision-Making
Recommendation #3: Use Existing High Quality and Freely Available Resources for Ethics and Integrity Education
Recommendation #4: Ensure That Academic Integrity Education at the Primary and Secondary Levels Is Age-Appropriate and Practical
Recommendation #5: Engage Multiple Stakeholders in a Variety of Ways
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 2: Embedding Principles Related to Academic Integrity in Teacher Education in Australia
The Australian Schooling System and Pre-service Teacher Education
How Do Students Develop an Understanding of Academic Integrity Prior to University?
In the Curriculum
In the Classroom
At Home
Issues in Transitioning to Higher Education Learning Contexts
What Does This Mean for HE and More Specifically Teacher Education?
Chapter 3: Using Codes of Professional Ethics and Conduct in Teacher Education: Pitfalls and Best Practice
Teachers’ Professional Role Morality
Local Case Study of Teacher Misconduct and Integrity Procedures
Codes of Ethics in Teacher Education Initial Teacher Education
How Codes of Ethics Contribute to Teacher Development: Evidence-Based Recommendations
Chapter 4: Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach Academic Integrity and Ethics
Academic Integrity for Preservice Teachers
Ethical Aspects of the Professional Role of Teachers
Teaching Academic Integrity and Ethics
Conclusion and Recommendations
Chapter 5: A Comparative Study of Teacher Education Programs Embedding Ethics Education into Curriculum
Ethics Education in Teacher Preparation
Australian Teaching Standards at a Glance
Ethical Standards in Queensland, Australia
AITSL Graduate Teacher Standards
Tolerance, Diversity, and Inclusivity
Teacher Awareness and Critique of Personal Moral Code
Ethics Education in Australian Teacher Education Programs
Gaps in Australian Teacher Education Programs
Singapore Teaching Standards at a Glance
Tolerance, Diversity, and Inclusivity
Ethics Education in Singaporean Teacher Education Programs
Implications for National Teacher Standards and Teacher Education Programs
Chapter 6: Starting from a Place of Academic Integrity: Building Trust with Online Students
Online Learning: History, Integrity, and the Community of Inquiry Model
The Community of Inquiry Model
Academic Integrity and the CoI
Starting from a Place of Integrity: A Reflection on Course Design
Course and Student Descriptions
Teaching Presence: Building Pedagogic Relationships
Social Presence: Building Purposeful Student Connections
Cognitive Presence: Finding the Just-Right Goldilocks of Online Rigour
The CoI Model and Academic Integrity: Trust and Multiple Opportunities for Learning
Conclusion and Future Steps
Appendix A: Learning Task Description
Appendix B: Group Work
Issues with Group Tasks
Chapter 7: The Role of Compassion in Academic Integrity Management Processes
Compassion as an Articulating Principle of Academic Integrity
A Historical Approach to the Notion
The Role of Compassion in University Education
Access to the Required Resources as a Prevention Strategy
Impossibilium Nulla Obligatio
Embrace Whoever Incurs in a Fault
Analysis of Processes Associated with Management of Academic Integrity Breaches
Data Coding and Analysis
Conclusions and Recommendations
Breach Prevention
A Breach Formative Management
A Compassionate Attitude as Guiding Principle in the Application of Regulations
Chapter 8: Formalising Preservice Teacher Training to Work with Parents to Promote Academic Integrity in K-12 Education
Academic Integrity and Misconduct in K-12 Education
Preservice Teachers’ Engagement in Academic Misconduct
Models of Academic Integrity
Role of Parent Councils in Supporting Academic Integrity
Formalising Preservice Teacher-Parent Interactions
Chapter 9: Proposing a Preservice Teacher-Training Module to Manage Parental Involvement in K-12 Assessments
United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Quality Education
Assessments in Education
Academic Integrity in Education
Parental Involvement in Assessments in K-12 Schools
Preservice Teacher Training and Academic Integrity
Developing a Pre-service Teacher Module
Intended Learning Outcomes
Theories Underpinning Teaching/Education Strategies
Proposed Module for Preservice Teachers
Future Path and Conclusion
Appendix A
Appendix B
Chapter 10: Incorporating Ethics into Everyday Classroom in Science Education
Early Learning Years About Ethics and Values
Learning Ethics Education in Primary Schools
Challenges of Ethics Education in Secondary Education
Incorporating/Promoting Ethics Education in Secondary Schools
Classroom-Based Models for Ethics Education
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 11: Educational Integrity in Schools: A Framework for Young Learners
Pre-University Education on Educational Integrity and Related Skills
What Should Be Included in Education About Integrity?
Literature on Educational Integrity Pre-University
Developing a Model for Pre-University Educational Integrity
Introducing Educational Integrity to Young Learners, Version 1.0
Appendix 1: Introducing Educational Integrity to Young Learners, Version 1.0