Social Sciences
Free Art Books
Obrazy krásy a spásy. Gotika v jihozápadních Čechách (Images of beauty and salvation. Gothic art in southwestern Bohemia)
Sculpture of the Czech Art Nouveau
Церковь Святого Георгия в Старой Ладоге. Фрески, история, архитектура (The Church of St. George in Staraya Ladoga. Frescoes, history, architecture)
Museu Episcopal de Vic. Guide to the collections
El Gótico en las colecciones del MNAC (Gothic art in the Catalonian National Museum of Art)
Joža Uprka 1861-1940. A European from the Moravian-Slovak Countryside, 2011
Restoring Byzantium. The Kariye Camii in Istanbul (Chora Church)
The Art of the Kariye Camii (Chora Museum)
Origami Tanteidan Magazine
Hooked: Art and Attachment
Malíři české secese (Painters of the Czech Art Nouveau) (1888-1918)
Beholding: Situated Art and the Aesthetics of Reception
Painting Animals in Watercolour
Make: Props and Costume Armor. Create Realistic Science Fiction and Fantasy Weapons, Armor and Accessories
Сто восемь буддийских икон из собрания Института восточных рукописей РАН
Ludonarrative Synchronicity in the 'BioShock' Trilogy
The Art of Armenia: An Introduction
The Nude: a study in ideal form
Im Japanfieber. Von Monet bis manga / Japonismes
Art for Dummies
Sehnsucht Persien. Austausch und Rezeption in der Kunst Persiens und Europas im 17. Jahrhundert und Gegenwartskunst aus Teheran
Die Dreifaltigkeitsikone des Andréj Rubljów
The Role of Images and the Veneration of Icons in the Oriental Orthodox Churches. Syrian Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic and Ethiopian Traditions
The Oxford Handbook of the Baroque
Filmmaking Essentials for Photographers: The Fundamental Principles of Transitioning from Stills to Motion
Upper Svaneti. Medieval mural painting
Die russische Haus-Ikone im Wandel der Zeit. Eine Kulturgeschichte in Bildern. Sammlerträume
Икона в собрании Новгородского Музея – The icons in the Novgorod Museum’s collection
The Saviour on the Spilled Blood Church, St. Petersburg. Guidebook
The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg. Guide
I Vivarini. Lo splendore della pittura tra Gotico e Rinascimento. Catalogo della mostra (Conegliano, 20 febbraio-5 giugno 2016). Ediz. illustrata
La Cavalcata dei Magi Benozzo Gozzoli. Storia, ermetismo e antiche simbologie
The Chapel of the Magi. The Frescoes of Benozzo Gozzoli
The Armenian cathedral in Lviv and its creators – Katedra ormianska we Lwowie i jej twórcy
Treasures of Mount Athos. Catalogue of the exhibition at the Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessalonike, 1997
Каталог. Иконы Архангельского собора Московского Кремля XIV - начала ХХ века – Catalog of the icons of the Moscow Cathedral of the Archangel, early 14th - 20th c.
Византийские иконы Синая – Byzantine icons in Sinai (in Russian)
Visionen der Endzeit. Die Apokalypse in der mittelalterlichen Buchkunst
Het Brussel van Horta
Sienese Painting. The Art of a City-Republic
Picturing Death 1200-1600
The Edinburgh Companion to Ezra Pound and the Arts
Vistiendo memorias. Miradas sobre la indumentaria desde el Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore (MUSEF)
La tapisserie de Bayeux
L'âge d'or des abbayes normandes, 1066-1204
La route des abbayes en Normandie
Le Mont-Saint-Michel. La baie, le village et l'abbaye
Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Le Mont-Saint-Michel - Histoire & Imaginaire
Piero Della Francesca. Indagine su un mito
Piero della Francesca. Madonna del parto. Ein Kunstwerk zwischen Politik und Devotion
Piero Della Francesca
Filippino Lippi e Sandro Botticelli nella Firenze del '400. Catalogo della mostra (Roma, 5 ottobre 2011-15 gennaio 2012)
Erkundungen über Piero. Piero della Francesca, ein Maler der frühen Renaissance
Mughal Occidentalism: Artistic Encounters between Europe and Asia at the Courts of India, 1580-1630
Dream Projects in Theatre, Novels and Films: The Works of Paul Claudel, Jean Genet, and Federico Fellini
Древлехранилище памятников иконописи и церковной старины в Русском Музее / Ancient Collection of icon painting and church antiquities in the Russian Museum
Making Copies in European Art 1400-1600: Shifting Tastes, Modes of Transmission, and Changing Contexts
Die Entstehung des Christusporträts. Bildarchäologie statt Bildhypnose
Dekadenz und dunkle Träume. Der belgische Symbolismus
Byzantine Holy Images - Transcendence and Immanence. The Theological Background of the Iconography and Aesthetics of the Chora Church
African Zion. The Sacred Art of Ethiopia
Artesanías del Perú. Historia, tradición e innovación
Leguía, el Centenario y sus monumentos. Lima: 1919-1930
Games: Agency As Art
Silent Eloquence: Lucian and Pantomime Dancing
On Art And Connoisseurship
Ecodramaturgies: Theatre, Performance and Climate Change
Understanding Greek Tragic Theatre
Rhetoric and Innovation in Hellenistic Art
Азбука искусств. Ч. 1 (А—П)
中国石窟: 云冈石窟(二)
中国石窟: 云冈石窟(一)
The Pop Art Tradition: Responding to Mass-Culture
Musical Misfires: Three Decades of Broadway Musical Heartbreak
India művészete : a történelem és művelődés keretében az őskortól a XX. századig
Photoshop CC für Lightroom-Anwender: Der Praxiseinstieg mit Grundkurs und Workshops
The Human Machine - The anatomical structure and mechanism of the human body
Il teatro ai tempi della peste
Design and Composition
Living Theatre: A History of Theatre (Seventh Edition)
Matrixial Subjectivity, Aesthetics, Ethics: Vol 1 1990–2000
Forgotten Women : The Artists (9781788401142)
David Greig's Holed Theatre: Globalization, Ethics and the Spectator
中国石窟雕塑全集: 云冈
J.G. Ballard's Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship
Black British Women's Theatre: Intersectionality, Archives, Aesthetics
Pieter Bruegel and the Idea of Human Nature
Defining Pre-Raphaelite Poetics
The Art and Tradition of Beadwork
Singular Sensation: The Triumph of Broadway
The Story of Contemporary Art
Introducing Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
Staging Postcommunism: Alternative Theatre in Eastern and Central Europe After 1989
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Social Sciences