Social Sciences
Free Law Books
Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants: Should the Brussels Ia Regulation be Extended?
Civil Courts and the European Polity: The Constitutional Role of Private Law Adjudication in Europe
Diversity, Merit and Power in the C-Suite
Asian Comparative Constitutional Law, Volume 1: Constitution-Making
Social Media and the Law: A Guidebook for Communication Students and Professionals
The Common Law Jurisprudence of the Conflict of Laws
Migrant Labour and the Reshaping of Employment Law
Landmark Cases in Private International Law
Patent Law, Green Technology and Innovation
Constitutions of Value: Law, Governance, and Political Ecology
Transboundary Heritage and Intellectual Property Law: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
Company Directors' Liability and Creditor Protection
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Intersections Between Corporate and Antitrust Law
Anayasa Hukuku: Genel Esaslar
1982 Anayasasında Anayasayı Değiştirme Sorunu
İdari Yargı: İdarenin Hukuka Zorlanması
İdarenin Hukukla Kavranması: Yasallık ve İdari İşlemler
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Rights Legislation: A Plea for an AI Convention
Handbook on Legal Cultures: A Selection of the World's Legal Cultures
Advance Directives Across Asia: A Comparative Socio-legal Analysis
International Law for Energy and the Environment
Legal Tech and the Future of Civil Justice
Diritto comparato della privacy e della protezione dei dati personali
Constitutional Contagion: COVID, the Courts, and Public Health
Property Law: Comparative, Empirical, and Economic Analyses
European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2022
The Parthenon Marbles and International Law
Digital Economy, Sustainability and International Economic Law
Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance: Essays in honor of Jan Michiel Otto
Private Actors in International Investment Law
Reasons and Context in Comparative Law: Essays in Honour of John Bell
Surveillance And Privacy In The Digital Age: European, Transatlantic And Global Perspectives
Financial Crime in Romania: A Community Pulse Survey
Software Law and Its Application
Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Test Data: Origins, Globalisation and Impact
Caste Pride: Battles for Equality in Hindu India
International Human Rights in Context : Law, Politics, Morals
Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law 2022
Mere Natural Law: Originalism and the Anchoring Truths of the Constitution
TRIPS Agreement of the WTO: Implications and Challenges for Bangladesh
Europe and Asia as a Legal Area for Fundamental Rights
Derecho procesal civil II
Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals
The Culpable Corporate Mind
Regulating Cartels in India: Effectiveness of Competition Law
Принципы конституционного толкования
Economic Regulation of Urban and Regional Airports: Incentives, Efficiency and Benchmarking
Die Souveränität: Ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Staats- und Völkerrechts
Regulating Cyber Technologies: Privacy Vs Security
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2021: A Greener International Law―International Legal Responses to the Global Environmental Crisis
The Gender of Crime (Gender Lens) Second (2nd) Edition
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Public Procurement in Chinese Law and Practice
Aspectos Constitucionales Controvertidos de la Tributación Ambiental
The Oxford Edition of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England: Book IV — Of Public Wrongs
The Law of Criminal Investigations: A College Casebook (Higher Education Coursebook)
Tratados de direitos humanos e direito administrativo
On the Take: From Petty Crooks to Presidents
Renewable Energy Arbitration - Quo Vadis?: Implications of the Spanish Saga for International Investment Law
Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment
Domingo de Soto. Estudio biográfico documentado.
Artistic Freedom in International Law
Constitutional History of Transylvania
The Trafficking of Children: International Law, Modern Slavery, and the Anti-Trafficking Machine
Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question
Informe jurídico del derecho al territorio de la nación Wampís (Shíbaro/ Aents)
Silke: South African Income Tax 2023
Indigenous Law and the Politics of Kincentricity and Orality
Regulating Access and Transfer of Data
Ensaio sobre a uberização e a degradação do trabalho no Brasil: por uma construção coletiva da parametrização algorítmica
Transatlantic Jurisdictional Conflicts in Data Protection Law: Fundamental Rights, Privacy and Extraterritoriality
'Lendo as ondas do "Movimento de Acesso à Justiça" - epistemologia vs metodologia?
Regulating Risk: How Private Information Shapes Global Safety Standards
Health Taxes: Policy And Practice
Judicial Governance and Democracy in Europe
Representing Radicals: A Guide for Lawyers and Movements
Intercultural Spaces of Law: Translating Invisibilities
Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union
Quo vadis Commercial Contract?: Reflections on Sustainability, Ethics and Technology in the Emerging Law and Practice of Global Commerce
Selected Chinese Cases on the UN Sales Convention (CISG) Vol. 2
Money and the Governance of Punishment: A Genealogy of the Penal Fine
Aspectos relevantes de la reforma tributaria en materia de tributación internacional
Inside Debt Financing: Theory, Practice, and Regulatory Approaches
Medium Law
Financial Inclusion and Digital Transformation Regulatory Practices in Selected SADC Countries: South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe
Fintech Regulation and Supervision Challenges within the Banking Industry: A Comparative Study within the G-20
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التقريراتُ المفيدة في أهمَّ أبوابِ العقيدة
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Social Sciences