Social Sciences
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Българската комунистическа партия в чуждата литература 1968/1978
Българската комунистическа партия в чуждата литература 1885—1967: библиографски указател
Борбата на Българската комунистическа партия за единен фронт в Септемврийското въстание 1923 година
Perceptions of the Soviet System
БКП през периода на временната и частична стабилизация на капитализма 1925—1929 г.
Работническата партия в България 1927/1939
Българската комунистическа партия в чуждата литература 1885—1967: библиографски указател
Борбата на БКП за народен фронт 1935—1939
Борбата на БКП срещу ликвидаторството и десноопортюнистическите отклонения (1923—1934 г.)
БКП в новия подем на антифашисткото движение 1929—1935
Pedagogy in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
Jewish Life and Culture in Germany after 1945: Sacred Spaces, Objects and Musical Traditions
Digital History and Hermeneutics: Between Theory and Practice
Die Wiederherstellung Deutschlands
Von 1848 bis 1871
Von 1815 bis 1848
The Lives of Ancient Villages: Rural Society in Roman Anatolia
The Story of Proof: Logic and the History of Mathematics
Constance of France: Womanhood and Agency in Twelfth-Century Europe
"You Are Not Expected to Understand This": How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Volume I: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe. Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Short Twentieth Century' and Beyond, Part I: 1918-1968
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Volume II: Negotiating Modernity in the 'Short Twentieth Century' and Beyond, Part II: 1968-2018
Acta samizdatica / Записки о самиздате: альманах: вып. 2(3)
Acta samizdatica / Записки о самиздате: альманах: вып. 2(3)
ராஜீவ் படுகொலை மறைக்கப்பட்ட உண்மைகள்
தந்தை பெரியார் சிந்தனைகள்
சொல்லத் தயங்கும் உண்மைகள்
The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East
By Fire and Ice: Dismantling Chemical Weapons While Preserving the Environment
Buying for the Home: Shopping for the Domestic from the Seventeenth Century to the Present
The Business of the Roman Inquisition in the Early Modern Era
A Business of State: Commerce, Politics, and the Birth of the East India Company
The Business of Abolishing the British Slave Trade, 1783-1807
The Burden of German History 1919-45: Essays for the Goethe Institute
Brutality in an Age of Human Rights: Activism and Counterinsurgency at the End of the British Empire
The Brussels and North Atlantic Treaties, 1947-1949: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I, Volume X
Brothers in Arms: Chinese Aid to the Khmer Rouge, 1975–1979
British Working Class Politics, 1832-1914
British Women's Histories of the First World War
British Ways of Counter-insurgency: A Historical Perspective
British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe, 1600–1900
The British Press and the Japan-British Exhibition of 1910
British PoWs and the Holocaust: Witnessing the Nazi Atrocities
British Politics, Society and Empire, 1852–1945: Essays in Honour of Trevor O. Lloyd
British Policy and the Refugees, 1933-1941
British Pirates and Society, 1680-1730
The British Left and Ireland in the Twentieth Century
British Labour Seeks a Foreign Policy, 1900-1940
The British Labour Movement and Zionism, 1917-1948
British Industrial Capitalism Since The Industrial Revolution
The British in the Americas 1480-1815
British Imperial Strategies in the Pacific, 1750-1900
British Immigration to the United States, 1776–1914, Volume 4: Civil War and Industry: 1860-1914
British Immigration to the United States, 1776–1914, Volume 3: The Developing Nation, 1848-59
British Immigration to the United States, 1776–1914, Volume 1: Building a Nation: 1776-1828
British Food Policy During the First World War
British Family Life, 1780–1914, Volume 2: Husbands and Fathers
British Exploitation of German Science and Technology, 1943-1949
British Entrepreneurship in Poland: A Case Study of Bradford Mills at Marki near Warsaw, 1883-1939
British Engineers and Africa, 1875–1914
The British Economy since 1914: A Study in Decline?
The British Defence of Egypt, 1935-40: Conflict and Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean
The British Cotton Trade, 1660-1815, Volume 3: Establishing a British Cotton Trade, c. 1730-1815
The British Communist Party and the Trade Unions, 1933–1945
British Colonial Policy in the Twentieth Century
British civic society at the end of empire: Decolonisation, globalisation, and international responsibility
British Battle Planning in 1916 and the Battle of Fromelles
British Banking: A Guide to Historical Records
British Army Communications in the Second World War: Lifting the Fog of Battle
The British and French in the Atlantic 1650-1800: Comparisons and Contrasts
British and American Commercial Relations with Soviet Russia, 1918-1924
Interpreting the Death of Edward VI: The Life and Mysterious Demise of the Last Tudor King
Chicago Beer: A History of Brewing, Public Drinking and the Corner Bar
Foreign Jack Tars: The British Navy and Transnational Seafarers during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
The Orion, or Researches into the Antiquity of the Vedas
The world-conception of the Chinese : their astronomical, consmological and physico-philosophical speculations
The LEGO Story: How a Little Toy Sparked the World's Imagination
As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age
Control: The Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics
Cosmogenesis: An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe
The Great Air Race: Glory, Tragedy, and the Dawn of American Aviation
The Scottish Revolution 1637-44
மாவீரன் சிவாஜி
Die Märztage Münchens, nebst Aktenstücken
Das Volk und Reich der Osmanen in besonderer Darstellung ihrer Kriegsverfassung und Kriegswesens
Modern Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: A Global History
Der Kampf des Generals de la Moricière für die weltliche Macht des Papstes
Germany and the Second World War Volume II Germany’s Initial Conquests in Europe
Newest born of nations: European nationalist movements and the making of the Confederacy
Schreckliche Juristen
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The Private Lives of Pictures: Art at Home in Britain, 1800–1940
Seeking the Cure: A History of Medicine in America
Picts: Scourge of Rome, Rulers of the North
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Social Sciences