Social Sciences
Free Electricity and Magnetism Books
Scattering of electromagnetic waves. Advanced topics
Scattering of electromagnetic waves. Theories and applications
Scattering of electromagnetic waves. Theories and applications
Scattering of electromagnetic waves. Numerical simulations
Scattering of electromagnetic waves (MATLAB source code)
The plasma boundary of magnetic fusion devices
Oxide magnetic materials
Fusion: An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion
Stellar and planetary magnetism
Practical magnetotellurics
Электромагнитное экранирование
Cosmic magnetism
Теория гравитационного и магнитного потенциалов
Спектральный анализ в гравиразведке и магниторазведке
Applied electromagnetics and electromagnetic compatibility
Lectures in Magnetohydrodynamics: With an Appendix on Extended MHD
Magnetic Fields of Galaxies
Macroscopic electromagnetism
Advances in solar system magnetohydrodynamics
Magnetic reconnection: MHD theory and applications
Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Applications
Mapped vector basis functions for electromagnetic integral equations
Electromagnetisme: fondements et applications
Quantum Theory of Magnetism
Magnetofluiddynamics in Channels and Containers
Electronic Structure and Magnetism of 3d-Transition Metal Pnictides
Massless Representations of the Poincare Group: Electromagnetism, Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics, Geometry
High-energy radiation from magnetized neutron stars
Nuclear magnetic resonance in solid polymers
Force-Free Magnetic Fields
Cosmical magnetism
X-ray scattering and absorption by magnetic materials
Magnetohydrodynamics and spectral theory
Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists
Сильные импульсные магнитные поля в эксперименте
Electromagnetic aquametry
Magnetic resonance imaging
Renormalization Group Theory: Impact on Experimental Magnetism
Convection and Substorms: Paradigms of Magnetospheric Phenomenology
Rare earth magnetism: Structures and excitations
Mondo Magnets
Basic laws of electromagnetism
Сильные и сверхсильные магнитные поля и их применения
High Magnetic Fields: Science And Technology
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic Nanoparticles
Magnetic Nanoparticles
Электрические и магнитные поля
Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics
Волны в магнитоактивной плазме
Analytical and Computational Methods in Electromagnetics
Diluted magnetic semiconductors
Maxwell's Equations and the Principles of Electromagnetism
Lecture notes on electron correlation and magnetism
Physics of the Jovian magnetosphere
Metal-organic and organic molecular magnets
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetic Moment
Physics of Ferromagnetism
Applied Graph Theory
Asymptotic Methods in Electromagnetics
Proceedings of Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields-IV: Santa Fe, New Mexico, Usa, 19-25 October 2001
Ill-Posed Problems for Integrodifferential Equations in Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory
Ill-Posed Problems for Integrodifferential Equations in Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory
Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications
Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics
Magnetic reconnection in plasmas
Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik: Elektromagnetismus
Understanding Physics: - Light, Magnetism and Electricity
Флуктуации электромагнитного поля Земли в диапазоне СНЧ
Лазерная магнитная спектроскопия
The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism
Памятники Трипольской культуры (по данным магнитной разведки)
Физика магнитных явлений
Electromagnetic Rotary Engine - US Patent 03890548
Основы магнитного резонанса
Основы магнитного резонанса
Applied Electromagnetism and Materials
Electricity and Magnetism
Магнитные поля биологических объектов
Основы магнитного резонанса, Спиновая дина
Основы магнитного резонанса, спектры магн
Магнитные жидкости
Wavelets in Electromagnetics and Device Modeling
Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Waves
Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain and Spine (2 Volume Set)
Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 9
Mondo Magnets: 40 Attractive (and Repulsive) Devices and Demonstrations
Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media
Electromagnetic fields
Fundamentos de la teoria electromagnetica
Electromagnetisme: fondements et applications
Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas
Basic laws of electromagnetism
Integral Methods in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics
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Social Sciences