Social Sciences
Free Dynamical Systems Books
Элементарное введение в качественную теорию и теорию бифуркаций динамических систем
Компьютерное моделирование хаоса в сложных динамических системах
Молекулы как динамические системы
Применение пакета ''TraX'' для исследования динамических систем: Практическое руководство
Оптимальное управление непрерывными динамическими системами: Учебное пособие
Определение частотных характеристик линейных стационарных динамических элементов и систем: Методические указания к выполнению лабораторной работы
Моделирование на АВК-6 линейных стационарных динамических систем: Методические указания к выполнению лабораторной работы
Формы представления динамических систем в МvStudium
Их есть у меня! (Моделирование и исследование сложных динамических систем в МvStudium)
Не научные проблемы моделирования сложных динамических систем
Неголономные динамические системы. Интегрируемость, хаос, странные аттракторы: Сборник статей
IUTAM Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Nonlinear Systems With Uncertainty: Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Held in Nanjing, China, September 18-22, 2006
Поведение динамических систем вблизи границ области устойчивости
Гладкие динамические системы
Теория бифуркаций динамических систем на плоскости
Ultrafast dynamics of quantum systems: Physical processes and spectroscopic techniques
Methods of Celestial Mechanics (Vol. 2): Application to Planetary System, Geodynamics and Satellite Geodes
Geometric Structures of Phase Space in Multidimensional Chaos Applications to Chemical Reaction Dynamics in Complex Systems. (Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 130, Part A)
Оптимизация динамических систем случайной структуры
Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case Studies
Stochastic Dynamic Programming and the Control of Queueing Systems
Smooth Dynamical Systems
Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical & Biological Systems: Transport and Rate Processes in Physical and Biological Systems
Combinations of Complex Dynamical Systems
Handbook of Dynamical Systems
Foundations of Complex Systems: Nonlinear Dynamics, Statistical Physics, Information and Prediction: Nonlinear Dynamics, Statistical Physics, and Prediction
Advanced Topics on Cellular Self-Organizing Nets and Chaotic Nonlinear Dynamics to Model and Control Complex Systems
The Synchronized Dynamics of Complex Systems
Singularity and Dynamics on Discontinuous Vector Fields
Nonlinear Oscillation, Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations of Vector Fields
Methods of Celestial Mechanics 2: Application to Planetary System, Geodynamics and Satellite Geodesy
Dynamics of First-Order Phase Transitions in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Systems
Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems: Order amidst Chaos
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Hamiltonian Methods in the Theory of Solitons
Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and Applications
Global Attractors Of Non-autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems
Fine Structures of Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms
Ergodic Theory, Randomness and Dynamical Systems
Ergodic Theorems
Dynamics and Control of Hybrid Mechanical Systems
Dynamics And Bifurcation Of Patterns In Dissipative Systems
Dynamical Systems
Dynamic System Identification: Experiment Design and Data Analysis
Dynamic Control of Quality in Production-Inventory Systems
Analysis of Dynamical and Cognitive Systems: Advanced Course Stockholm, Sweden, August 9–14, 1993 Proceedings
Dynamical systems with applications using Maple
Holomorphic Dynamical Systems: Cetraro, Italy, July 7-12, 2008
Geometric theory of discrete nonautonomous dynamical systems
Realization theory of discrete-time dynamical systems
Operator algebras in dynamical systems
Методы синтеза динамических моделей биологических систем
Geometrical Theory of Dynamical Systems and Fluid Flows (Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics)
Resilient Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems
Методы анализа динамических систем с переменной диссипацией в динамике твердого тела
Практическое моделирование динамических систем
Практическое моделирование динамических систем. App2
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: Architectures, Design Methods and Applications
Bond Graph Methodology: Development and Analysis of Multidisciplinary Dynamic System Models
Dynamical Systems and Fractals: Computer Graphics Experiments with Pascal
Thermodynamics of Systems Containing Flexible-Chain Polymers
Measurements, Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Discrete Dynamical Systems, Bifurcations and Chaos in Economics
Thermodynamics of chemical systems
Dynamics of Systems of Rigid Bodies
Dynamical Systems in Cosmology
Introduction to the perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems
Analytical Mechanics: With an Introduction to Dynamical Systems
Linear, time-varying approximations to nonlinear dynamical systems: with applications in control and optimization
Complex thermodynamic systems
An outline of ergodic theory
Monotone dynamical systems: An introduction to the theory of competitive and cooperative systems
The arithmetic of dynamical systems
Динамические системы при случайных воздействиях
Outer billiards on kites
Substitution Dynamical Systems - Spectral Analysis
Geometric theory of dynamical systems: An introduction
Ergodic theory, randomness and dynamical systems
Механизмы управления динамическими активными системами
Notes on dynamical systems (bad figures)
Qualitative Analysis of Large Scale Dynamical Systems
Charge and Energy Transfer Dynamics in Molecular Systems
Singularity and Dynamics on Discontinuous Vector Fields
Vortex element methods for fluid dynamic analysis of engineering systems
Stability of Dynamical Systems
Ergodic theorems
Symbolic dynamics. One-sided, two-sided and countable state Markov shifts
Введение в современную теорию динамических систем
Smooth dynamical systems
The Stability of Input-Output Dynamical Systems
Nonnegative and compartmental dynamical systems
Thermodynamics: A dynamical systems approach
Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics
Stability of dynamical systems
Dynamic system identification. Experiment design and data analysis
Catastrophe theory for scientists and engineers
The Versatile Soliton
From combinatorics to dynamical systems
Number theory and dynamical systems
Ergodicity for infinite dimensional systems
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Social Sciences