Social Sciences
Free Politics Books
Enver Hoxha. Obras escogidas
Enver Hoxha. Obras escogidas
Enver Hoxha. Letra të zgjedhura
Enver Hoxha. Letra të zgjedhura
Enver Hoxha. Letra të zgjedhura
Dokumente kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumente kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumente kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumente kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumenta kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
The Leap of Faith: The Fiscal Foundations of Successful Government in Europe and America
Dokumenta kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumenta kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Dokumenta kryesore të Partisë së Punës të Shqipërisë PPSh
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
Энвер Ходжа. Избранные произведения
What We Owe the Future
Elecciones Perú 2011: centrando el debate electoral
Adquisiciones Públicas en Perú: Identificación de Pérdidas por No Usar los Catálogos Electrónicos
Китай далекий и близкий: Чехословацкий диссидент в Китае
Китай далекий и близкий: Чехословацкий диссидент в Китае
Cities Learning from a Pandemic: Towards Preparedness
Deservingness in Welfare Policy and Practice: Discursive and Rhetorical Approaches
Agenda 2030. ¿Contra el reloj?, la contribución de la minería al desarrollo sostenible y el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 13, 14, 15 y 17
Tregues për veprat e shokut Enver Hoxha. Vëllimet 1-40
The Khrushchevites
Tërmeti lëkund malet por jo shqiptarin
Enver Hoxha. Selected works
Mbi revolucionarizimin e mëtejshëm të partisë dhe të gjithë jetës së vendit
Raport mbi veprimtarine e Komitetit Qendror te Partise se Punes te Shqiperise mbajtur në kongresin e 8-të të PPSh 1 nëntor 1981
Për gruan 1942—1984
Kundër revizionizmit modern 1965-1967
Die jugoslawische «Selbstverwaltung» kapitalistische Theorie und Praxis
Eurocommunism is anti-communism
Со Сталиным
Imperialism and the revolution
Доклад на VIII съезде Албанской партии труда. Отчетный доклад о деятельности Центрального Комитета Албанской партии труда, представленный VIII съезду АПТ 1 ноября 1981 г.
Доклад на VII съезде Албанской партии труда. Отчетный доклад о деятельности Центрального Комитета Албанской партии труда, представленный VII съезду АПТ 1 ноября 1976 г.
Отчетный доклад о деятельности Центрального Комитета Албанской партии труда, представленный V съезду АПТ 1 ноября 1966 г.
Отчетный доклад о деятельности Центрального Комитета Албанской партии труда, представленный IV-му съезду АПТ 13 февраля 1961 г.
Доклад о деятельности Центрального Комитета Албанской партии труда на втором съезде Албанской партии труда 31 марта 1952 года
Энвер Ходжа. Речи, беседы, статьи 1969-1970
Доклад о роли и задачах Демократического Фронта в борьбе за полную победу социализма в Албании. Представленный на IV съезде Демократического Фронта Албании 14 сентября 1967 года
Размышления о Китае
Размышления о Китае
Размышления о Среднем Востоке
АПТ в борьбе против хрущевского ревизионизма
Империализм и революция
Die Chruschtschowianer
Baraka e Nushajve
Për arsimin dhe edukatën
Betrachtungen über China
Pressure Groups and Political Culture: A Comparative Study
Presidents, Oligarchs and Bureaucrats: Forms of Rule in the Post-Soviet Space
Presidents on Political Ground: Leaders in Action and What They Face
Presidents and Political Thought
Presidential Selection: Theory and Development
Presidential Rhetoric From Wilson to Obama: Constructing Crises, Fast and Slow
Presidential Power in Russia
Presidential Power and Accountability: Toward a Presidential Accountability System
Presidential Policymaking: An End-Of-Century Assessment
Presidential Leadership: The Political Relations of Congress and the Chief Executive
Presidential Leadership in an Age of Change
The Presidential Character: Predicting Performance in the White House
The Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama: A Critical Analysis of a Racially Transcendent Strategy
Presidential Administration and the Environment: Executive Leadership in the Age of Gridlock
The Presidency and Political Science: Paradigms of Presidential Power From the Founding to the Present
Presente!: Nonviolent Politics and the Resurrection of the Dead
The Present as History: Critical Perspectives on Global Power
PRC Overseas Political Activities: Risk, Reaction and the Case of Australia
Praxis and Method: A Sociological Dialogue With Lukacs, Gramsci and the Early Frankfurt School
The Practice of International Development
A Practical Guide to Winning the War on Terrorism
Power-Sharing Pacts and the Women Peace and Security Agenda
Power-Sharing and Political Stability in Deeply Divided Societies
Power, the State, and Sovereignty: Essays on International Relations
Power, Politics and Maritime Governance in the Indian Ocean
Power, Luck and Freedom: Collected Essays
Power, Judgment and Political Evil: In Conversation With Hannah Arendt
Power, Discourse and Victimage Ritual in the War on Terror
Power, Authority, Justice, and Rights: Studies in Political Obligations
Power Struggles in the Middle East: The Islamist Politics of Hizbullah and the Muslim Brotherhood
Power Sharing in Lebanon: Consociationalism Since 1820
Power Restructuring in China and Russia
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free
Power of the Talking Stick: Indigenous Politics and the World Ecological Crisis
The Power of the Powerless: Citizens Against the State in Central Eastern Europe
The Power of Ideology: From the Roman Empire to Al-Qaeda
The Power of Human Rights/The Human Rights of Power
The Power in the People
Poverty and Governance in South Asia
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Social Sciences