Social Sciences
Free Politics Books
The 6th Congress of the Albanian Labor Youth Union
The national conference of studies on the anti-fascist national liberation war of the Albanian people
The Party of Labour of Albania on the building and the life of the party
The constitution of the Party of Labour of Albania
Statut der Partei der Arbeit Albaniens
Soviet revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it
Some fundamental questions of the revolutionary policy of the Party of Labour of Albania about the development of the class struggle
Marxist-Leninist ideology will certainly overcome revisionism
Letter of the CC of the Party of Labour and the government of Albania to the CC of the Communist Party and the goverment of China
Letter of the CC of the Party of Labour and the government of Albania to the CC of the Communist Party and the goverment of China
Populism: Origins and Alternative Policy Responses
Health Care in the United States: Organization, Management, and Policy
Deconstructing Money Laundering Risk: De-risking, the Risk-based Approach and Risk Communication
State Responses to Crimes of Genocide: What Went Wrong and How to Change It
Quality of Life and Well-Being for Residents in Long-Term Care Communities: Perspectives on Policies and Practices
AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0
The Federalist - A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States
Introduction to Political Science
Зарубежье. Общественно-политические тетради
Зарубежье. Общественно-политические тетради
Perú, 2004-2013: Inversión Pública en Infraestructura, Crecimiento Y Desarrollo Regional. Informe Final
Stateness and Democratic Consolidation: Lessons from Former Yugoslavia
Reingeniería de la conducción política de la descentralización (Perú)
Imperialismus und Revolution
History of the Party of Labor of Albania. First and second chapter
Gjihmonë vigjilencë! Për organet e punëve të brendshme
The government of the People’s Republic of Albania will be guided in all its activity by the Marxist-Leninist general line of the party
Die Supermächte
The Khrushchevites
Reflexiones sobre China
Reflexiones sobre China
Proletarian democracy is genuine democracy
Mbi diktaturën e proletariatit
Çështje të revolucionit dhe të ndërtimit socialist
Anglo-amerikanische Machenschaften in Albanien
Report submitted to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania
Bericht an den 8. Parteitag der Partei der Arbeit Albaniens
Report on the role and tasks of the Democratic Front for the complete triumph of socialism in Albania
Report on the role and tasks of the Democratic Front for the complete triumph of socialism in Albania
Informe sobre la actividad del Comite Central del Partido del Trabajao de Albania. Presentado ante el VIII Congreso del PTA 1.º de noviembre de 1981
Die Titoisten
Constitution of triumphant socialism
Some fundamental questions of the revolutionary policy of the Party of Labour of Albania about the development of the class struggle
Betrachtungen über den Nahen und Mittleren Osten
Betrachtungen über China
A new victory of the policy of the Party of Labour of Albania in the uplift of the general wellbeing of the people
Soviet revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it
Democratization of socio-economic life strengthens the thinking and action of the people
The deepening of the revolutionization of the life of the party and the country
La descentralización en el Perú. Un balance de lo avanzado y una propuesta de agenda para una reforma imprescindible
Análisis de la eficiencia del gasto público: evidencia para municipalidades de la región del Cuzco. Informe Final
Balance de investigación en políticas públicas 2011-2016 y agenda de investigación 2017-2021 (Perú)
Albania — an active participant in world democratic processes
Always in the vanguard of society, bearer of progress
Report on the 8th five-year plan (1986-1990). Report on the directives of the 9th Congress of the party for the 8th five-year plan (1986-1990) of the development of the economy and culture of the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania
Scientific conference on the Marxist-Leninist theoretical thinking of the Party of Labour of Albania and comrade Enver Hoxha. October 3-4, 1983
Soviet revisionism and the struggle of the PLA to unmask it
The revolution — a question taken up for solution
The 8th Congress ot the Women’s Union of Albania
Aspects of the socialist construction in the PSR of Albania and the crisis of capitalism
The people’s revolution and the question of state power in Albania
The national conference on problems of the development of the economy in the 7th five-year plan. 11th-12th April 1983
Some questions of socialist construction in Albania and of the struggle against revisionism
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (materiale nga vitet 1977-1980)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1980—1981)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1979)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (Korrik 1978 — Dhjetor 1978)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (Janar 1978 — Qershor 1978)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1977)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1975-1976)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1972-1974)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1970-1971)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1968-1969)
Зарубежье. Общественно-политические тетради
Зарубежье. Общественно-политические тетради
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1965
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1964
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1963
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1962
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1960-1961
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1958-1959
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1966-1967)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1964-1965)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1961-1963)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar për çështje ndërkombëtare (1958-1960)
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1967
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1966
Enver Hoxha. Ditar 1955-1957
The Operating System: An Anarchist Theory of the Modern State
Disaster Management Policies and Practices: Multi-Sector Collaboration in Emergencies and Disasters
Managing Logistics and Transportation in the Public Sector
Culture of corruption; Obama and his team of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies
Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA: A Discourse-Historical Analysis
Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism: Fossil-Free Social Movements in South Africa
Energy of the Russian Arctic: Ideals and Realities
Propuestas de políticas para los gobiernos regionales 2015-2018. Documentos finales
Александр Яковлев. Избранные интервью: 1992—2005
Александр Яковлев. Избранные интервью: 1992—2005
Enver Hoxha. Obras escogidas
Enver Hoxha. Obras escogidas
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Social Sciences