Social Sciences
Free Physics Books
Современные проблемы вычислительной математики и математического моделирования,
Plasma Astrophysics, - reconnection and flares
Plasma Astrophysics, - fundamentals and practice
Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
400 биографий ученых
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
Mixed boundary value problems in potential theory
Физика фрактальных кластеров
Cluster Processes in Gases and Plasmas
Механизмы химических реакций в неравновесной плазме
Seismic waves and rays in elastic media
Seismic waves and rays in elastic media
Необычные законы преломления и отражения
Variational and extremum principles in macroscopic systems
Техника физического эксперимента
The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical Processes
Избранные труды. Строительная механика
Charge Injection Systems: Phycical Principles, Experimental and Theoretical Work
Forces in Physics: A Historical Perspective
At the frontier of particle physics
At the frontier of particle physics
Rarefied Gas Dynamics
Introduction to Seismology
Many-Body Methods in Chemistry and Physics: MBPT and Coupled-Cluster Theory
Relativity, Groups, Particles. Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics
Modern physics
Time: From Earth Rotation to Atomic Physics
Энрико Ферми - Физик
The Scramjet Engine: Processes and Characteristics
Pappus of Alexandria: Book 4 of the Collection
Einstein and Oppenheimer: The Meaning of Genius
Statistische Mechanik
Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry
What is life: The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell
Astronomical optics
LEP - The Lord of the Collider Rings at CERN 1980-2000: The Making, Operation and Legacy of the World's Largest Scientific Instrument
Fluid Mechanics for Engineers: A Graduate Textbook
Cosmic ray astrophysics
Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flows
Whistler-mode waves in a hot plasma
Четырехмерныи мир Минковского
Particle and Nuclear Physics at J-PARC
The El Nino - Southern Oscillation Phenomenon
Lagrangian transport in geophysical jets and waves
Lectures on geophysical fluid dynamics
Evolution of stars and stellar populations
Unification of fundamental forces
Лунная гравиметрия
Движения небесных тел
An Elementary Survey of Celestial Mechanics
The rise of modern science. - From Galileo to Newton 1630-1720
Strong Interaction Physics
Physics of laser plasma
A physicist's guide to skepticism
Flavor physics for the millennium: TASI 2000. Proc. Boulder, 2000
Flavor Physics for the Millennium. TASI 2000
Patterns of speculation: A study in observational econophysics
Adaptive Optics in Astronomy
Циклы Земли и Солнца
Einstein 1905: The standard of greatness
Поверхностная фотометрия галактик
Theory of propellers
Theory and design of charged particle beams
Plastic Fantastic: How the Biggest Fraud in Physics Shook the Scientific World
Иван Петрович Кулибин 1735-1818
Brownian motion and classical potential theory
Опыты без приборов
The mystery of the missing antimatter
Physics in the nineteenth century
Фазовые переходы и методы их компьютерного моделирования
Laser heterodyning
Statistical Mechanics and Stability of Macromolecules: Application to the DNA
Lectures on Solar and planetary dynamos
Lectures on solar and planetary dynamos
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics in one dimension
Fluid Mechanics DeMYSTiFied
Physicists in conflict
Управляемая наука
Contact mechanics and friction: Physical principles and applications
Contact Mechanics and Friction: Physical Principles and Applications
Turbulent flows
Serious Fun with Flexagons: A Compendium and Guide
Избранные труды.
Избранные труды.
Turbulent Flows
Динамика ионизованного излучающего газа
Plasma Physics: An Introduction to Laboratory, Space, and Fusion Plasmas
Many-body tree methods in physics
Atoms, Metaphors and Paradoxes: Niels Bohr and the Construction of a New Physics
Minkowski spacetime: A hundred years later
Newton's clock
Fun with maths and physics
Astronomy for entertainment
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Social Sciences