Social Sciences
Free Physics Books
3D Spectroscopy in Astronomy (Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics)
Plasma Physics: An Introduction to Laboratory, Space, and Fusion Plasmas
Hyperbolic Triangle Centers: The Special Relativistic Approach
The Nuclear Imperative: A Critical Look at the Approaching Energy Crisis (More Physics for Presidents)
Group Theory: A Physicist's Survey
The scientific work of Albert Einstein
Динамика удара
Introduction to Thermomechanics
An Introduction to Thermomechanics
Basics and Highlights in Fundamental Physics
Внутреннее строение Земли и планет
Внутреннее строение Земли и планет
Время и его измерение
Картография с основами топографии
Plasma and fluid turbulence
In search of lost time
Unrolling Time: Christiaan Huygens and the Mathematization of Nature
Stratified flows
Free liquid jets and films
Асимптотические методы небесной механики
Мир в ореховой скорлупке
Exactly Solved Models: A Journey In Statistical Mechanics
Materials, Matter and Particles: A Brief History
Introduction to Analytical Dynamics: Revised Edition
Introduction to Analytical Dynamics: Revised Edition
Theoretical physics, - Relativity and quantum dynamics
Theoretical physics, - Mechanics and heat
Mathematical methods in particle transport theory
Fusion: A Voyage Through the Plasma Universe
Manual de soluciones de Berkeley 4 - fisica cuantica
From Euclid to Eddington: conceptions of the external world
Schaum's outline of Lagrangian dynamics
Physics in higher dimensions. Jerusalem winter school for Theor. Physics,
Analytical methods for heat transfer and fluid flow problems
Physik 1: Teil I: Klassische Physik - Experimentelle und theoretische Grundlagen
X-Ray Diffraction
X-ray diffraction
Principles of RF linear accelerators
Ice microdynamics
Introduction to Rational Elasticity
The ray and wave theory of lenses
The flying circus of physics
From number theory to physics
Vortex structures in a stratified fluid
Seventy Years of Exploration in Oceanography: A Prolonged Weekend Discussion with Walter Munk
Theory of Flight
History of physics
Необыкновенная жизнь обыкновенной капли
The statistical mechanics of financial markets
Particle field holography
Голографическая интерферометрия
Геодезическое использование искусственных спутников Земли
Глаз и Солнце
Теневые методы
Научное использование искусственных спутников Земли
Optical microcavities
Орбитальные методы космической геодезии
Output Coupling in Optical Cavities and Lasers
Планета Плутон
Buoyancy effects in fluids
200 законов мироздания
Optical effects of ion implantation
Научные забавы. Интересные опыты, самоделки, развлечения
Astronomical polarimetry
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy
Interferometry and synthesis in radio astronomy
Computational Physics
Phase-space optics: Fundamentals and applications
Fundamentals of applied dynamics
Biophysical chemistry
Optical solitons: Theory and experiment
Animal Locomotion
Spacetime physics
Experimental Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Methods of Experimental Physics - Quantum electronics part B
Mechanics, tensors and virtual works
Practical Fruits of Econophysics
Repertorium und Uebungsbuch der technischen Mechanik
Principles of Lasers
The physics of laser-atom interactions
Галактики знакомые и загадочные
Identification of Damage Using Lamb Waves
Physics of the sun.
Physics of the sun.
Numerics of Unilateral Contacts and Friction: Modeling and Numerical Time Integration in Non-Smooth Dynamics
Impact mechanics
The energy method, stability, and nonlinear convection
Stability and wave motion in porous media
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: With Applications in Condensed Matter and Atomic Physics
NEXAFS spectroscopy
Physics & Chemistry of Fullerenes: A reprint collection
Marking time: The epic quest to invent the perfect calendar
Жизнь вулкана: Для внеклассного чтения
Einstein's miraculous year
Nuclear Reactor Physics
Universal Physical Constants
Современные проблемы вычислительной математики и математического моделирования,
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Social Sciences