Social Sciences
Free Pharma Books
70 Essential Chinese Herbal Formulas
The Psychopharmacology of Herbal Medicine: Plant Drugs That Alter Mind, Brain, and Behavior
Pseudo-peptides in Drug Discovery
Ethno-psychopharmacology: Advances in Current Practice
Social Work Practice and Psychopharmacology
Drug Delivery and Targeting: For Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Scientists
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations: Semisolids Products
Pharmacology Success: A Course Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking
New Drug Approval Process, , Accelerating Global Registrations
The Therapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology: Working with Patients, Families, and Physicians to Optimize Care
The Public Financing Of Pharmaceuticals: An Economic Approach
Psychopharmakologie: Anwendung und Wirkungsweisen von Psychopharmaka und Drogen
Textbook of Interventional Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Practice and Principles of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Microbiological Contamination Control in Pharmaceutical Clean Rooms
Approaches to Design and Synthesis of Antiparasitic Drugs
Pediatric Psychopharmacology: Principles and Practice
Neuropeptide Y and Drug Development
Pharmacy Case Studies
Essential Psychopharmacology: The Prescriber's Guide: Revised and Updated Edition
States of Consciousness
Pharmacoinvasive Therapy in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Rethinking Our War on Drugs: Candid Talk about Controversial Issues
Drug Rep Success: Top Selling Pharmaceutical Sales Guide
Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection, Second Edition
Apoptosis Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology: Approaches to Measurement and Quantification
Herbal Products: Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology
Enhancement in Drug Delivery
World Drug Report 2007
Diet Pills
Applied Pharmacology for the Veterinary Technician
Equine Clinical Pharmacology
Bacterial Toxins: Tools in Cell Biology and Pharmacology
Emerging Raman Applications and Techniques in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Fields
Cardiac Gap Junctions: Physiology, Regulation, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children
Research and Information Center
Hexenmedizin: Die Wiederentdeckung einer verbotenen Heilkunst - schamanische Tradition in Europa
Physiological Pharmaceutics
Individual Drug Preparations
Pharmacotherapy and the Future of the Drug War
Pharmacokinetics. Regulatory, Industrial, Academic Perspectives Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Project Management. Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Botany
Pharmaceutical biotechnology
My Choice to Abuse Drugs
Monzert;s Practical Distiller
Little Black Drug Book
Modern Pharmacology With Clinical Applications
The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Book of the Dead
Psychedelic Shamanism
Marihuana Mythen, Marihuana Fakten
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Masters Of Persuasion (Kgb,Cia,Cults,Mind-Control,Drugs,Nazi,State- Terrorism)
Growing your OWN Salvia Divinorum Seeds
Goodman and Gilmans Manual Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Excipient Development for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Drug Delivery Systems
Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years
Institutiones rei herbariae
Pharmacology for Dentistry
Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
Neuroimmune Pharmacology
Principles of Clinical Pharmacology
Pharmaceutical biotechnology : concepts and applications
Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology
Molecular Diversity in Drug Design
Manual of herbarium taxonomy
Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology
Karch - Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Abused Drugs (CRC,)
Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy
A Pharmacology Primer - Theory, Applications, and Methods
Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites
Pharmazeutische wirkstoffe. Synthesen. Patente. Anwendungen.
Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Color Atlas of Pharmacology
Textbook of Receptor Pharmacology, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Second Edition
Fundamentals of Psychopharmacology
Chinese and Related North American Herbs: Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values
Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Государственная Фармакопея СССР
Синтез основных лекарственных средств
The Process of New Drug Discovery and Development
Polymeric drugs and drug delivery systems
Государственная фармакопея РФ 12-1
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia
Generic Drug Formulations
Drug Facts & Comparisons
Toxicological profiles - Used mineral-based crankcase oil
Toxicological profiles - Zinc
Toxicological profiles - Xylenes
Toxicological profiles - Wood creosote, coal tar creosote, coal tar, coal tar pitch,
Toxicological profiles - White Phosphorus
Toxicological profiles - Vinyl Chloride
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Social Sciences