Social Sciences
Free Local History Books
Journal of the Siam Society; 70
Journal of the Siam Society; 69
Journal of the Siam Society; 68
Journal of the Siam Society; 67
Journal of the Siam Society; 66
Journal of the Siam Society; 65
Journal of the Siam Society; 64
Journal of the Siam Society; 63
Journal of the Siam Society; 62
Journal of the Siam Society; 61
Journal of the Siam Society; 60
Journal of the Siam Society; 59
Journal of the Siam Society; 58
Journal of the Siam Society; 57
Journal of the Siam Society; 56
Journal of the Siam Society; 55
Journal of the Siam Society; 54
Journal of the Siam Society; 53
Journal of the Siam Society; 51
Journal of the Siam Society; 50
Journal of the Siam Society; 49
Journal of the Siam Society; 48
Journal of the Siam Society; 47
Journal of the Siam Society; 46
Journal of the Siam Society; 45
Journal of the Siam Society; 44
Journal of the Siam Society; 43
Journal of the Siam Society; 42
Journal of the Siam Society; 39
Journal of the Siam Society; 38
Journal of the Siam Society; 37
Journal of the Siam Society; 36
Journal of the Siam Society; 35
Journal of the Siam Society; 34
Journal of the Siam Society; 33
Journal of the Siam Society; 32
Journal of the Siam Society; 31
Journal of the Siam Society; 30
Journal of the Siam Society; 29
Journal of the Siam Society; 28
Journal of the Siam Society; 27
Journal of the Siam Society; 26
Journal of the Siam Society; 25
Journal of the Siam Society; 24
Journal of the Siam Society; 23
Journal of the Siam Society; 22
Journal of the Siam Society; 21
Journal of the Siam Society; 20
Lima, diversidad y fragmentación de una metrópoli emergente
Territorio integral Tajimat Awajún. Fundamentos legales, antropológicos y políticos
Atlas problemático de una metrópoli vulnerable. Desigualdades urbanas en Lima y Callao
Relacion Historica del Viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de Meridiano Terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la Tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas. Del Viage al Reyno del Perú con el fin de averiguar el valor de los Grados Terrestres de Meridiano, y venir en conocimiento de la verdadera figura de la Tierra; en la qual se comprehenden los hechos á Lima Capital del Perú, y al Reyno de Chile: sus descripciones; las de aquellas Costas, y Navegacion: nuestro regresso á España por el Cabo de Hornos, y sucessos sobrevenidos en él
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Siam Society; 7
Journal of the Siam Society; 6
Journal of the Siam Society; 5
Journal of the Siam Society; 4
Journal of the Siam Society; 3
Journal of the Siam Society; 2
Journal of the Siam Society; 1
The East Indian gazetteer; containing particular descriptions of the empires, kingdoms, principalities, provinces, cities, towns, districts, fortresses, harbours, rivers, lakes, &c. of Hindostan, and the adjacent countries, India beyond the Ganges, and the Eastern archipelago; together with sketches of the manners, customs, institutions, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, revenues, population, castes, religion, history, &c. of their various inhabitants.
The East Indian gazetteer; containing particular descriptions of the empires, kingdoms, principalities, provinces, cities, towns, districts, fortresses, harbours, rivers, lakes, &c. of Hindostan, and the adjacent countries, India beyond the Ganges, and the Eastern archipelago; together with sketches of the manners, customs, institutions, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, revenues, population, castes, religion, history, &c. of their various inhabitants.
Die Gesandtschaftsreise nach Siam und Hué, der Hauptstadt von Cochinchina, in den Jahren 1821 und 1822
Siam. An Account of the Land and the People
Journey to the Laos State of Nan, Siam
Chequered Leaves from Siam
Siam and Laos
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam
Siam: A Handbook of Practical, Commercial, and Political Information
Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam and Among the Laos
Siam in the Malay Peninsula: A Short Account of the Position of Siam in the States of Kelantan, Patani, Legeh and Siam
Correspondence Respectig the Affairs of Siam
The Kingdom of Siam
Report of a Visitation of the China Missions. May 22 - September 19, 1901
On some Siamese inscriptions
Siam and the Malay Peninsula
Siam in the Twentieth Century being the experience and impressions of a British Official
Bibliotecas de Japón. Apuntes de un viaje
Estadística General de Lima
Perú: Una aproximación bibliográfica
Sociedad, historia y cultura en el centro del Perú. Contribuciones desde las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
The Little History of Norfolk
Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois: Differdange, Ville Cinquantenaire (1957)
A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps
Vermischte Schriften im Anschluss an die Berlinische Chronik und an das Urkundenbuch
Vermischte Schriften im Anschluss an die Berlinische Chronik und an das Urkundenbuch
The Story of China: A Portrait of a Civilisation and its People
Bilder aus der Berliner Feldmark. Festschrift zum 75jährigen Bestehen des Vereins
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Social Sciences