Social Sciences
Free Archaeology Books
Die Anfänge der Eisenverhüttung im Bereich der Przeworsk-Kultur
Germanische Siedlungsspuren des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. zwischen Rhein, Neckar und Enz. Bd. 2. Katalog, Tafeln und Anhang
Germanische Siedlungsspuren des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. zwischen Rhein, Neckar und Enz. Bd. 1. Text
Cahuachi: Capital teocrática Nasca
Cahuachi: Capital teocrática Nasca
La arqueología y la antropología en Ecuador. Escenarios, retos y perspectivas
Chaupisawakasi y la formación del estado Pukara (400 a.C. – 350 d.C.) en la Cuenca norte del Titicaca, Puno, Perú
Arqueología de la formación del Estado. El caso de la cuenca norte del Titicaca (Puno)
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Altperuanische Kulturen Recuay IV
Ideología y realidad en las primeras sociedades sedentarias (1400 ANE - 350 DNE) de la cuenca norte del Titicaca, Puno, Perú
Arqueología sur del Perú. Áreas: Valles de Ica y la hoya de Río Grande de Naska
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The Greco-Roman Tradition
A Medieval Industrial Complex and Its Landscape: the Metalworking Watermills and Workshops of Bordesley Abbey. Bordesley Abbey III
An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Great Chesterford, Essex
Roman Alcester Series. Vol. 1. Roman Alcester: Southern Extramural Area. 1964-1966 Excavations. Part 2: Finds and Discussion
Roman Alcester Series. Vol. 1. Roman Alcester: Southern Extramural Area. 1964-1966 Excavations. Part 1: Stratigraphy and Structures
Roman Towns: the Wheeler Inheritance. A Review of 50 Years' Research
Rivenhall: Investigations of a Roman Villa, Church and Village, 1950-77. Vol. 2. Specialist Studies and Index to Volumes 1 and 2
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Medieval Art, Architecture & Archaeology at Canterbury
Coventry: Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology in the City and its Vicinity
King's Lynn and the Fens: Medieval Art, Architecture and Archaeology
Bischof Otto von Bamberg in Pommern: Historische und archäologische Forschungen zu Mission und Kulturverhältnissen des 12. Jahrhunderts im Südwesten der Ostsee
Las lucernas de Pollentia
Supplement to Late Roman Pottery
Late Roman Pottery
Cien años de la arqueología en la sierra de Ancash
Das Nonnenkloster von Seehausen in der Uckermark: Neue Forschungen zur untergegangenen Zisterze am Oberuckersee
Cultura Sicán. Dios, riqueza y poder en la costa norte del Perú
Chavín: Cultura matriz de la civilización andina
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Raqchi y el templo de Wiracocha (Cuzco - Perú)
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Phoenician Culture : I : Historical Characters (Andrea Ercolani, Paolo Xella)(Peeters)(2018)
Pacopampa (Chota, Cajamarca). Un centro formativo en la sierra nor-peruana
Excavations at Segontium (Caernarfon) Roman Fort, 1975-1979
Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology of North-East Yorkshire
The Spitalfields Project. Vol. 2. The Anthropology. The Middling Sort
The Spitalfields Project. Vol. 1. The Archaeology. Across the Styx
Excavations at Hamwic. Vol. 1. Excavations 1946-83, Excluding Six Dials and Melbourne Street
An Anglo-Saxon Watermill at Tamworth: Excavations in the Bolebridge Street Area of Tamworth, Staffordshire, in 1971 and 1978
An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Norton, Cleveland
Gold der Thraker: Archäolog. Schätze aus Bulgarien : [d. Ausstellung wird gezeigt in Köln, Röm.-German. Museum, 5. Oktober 1979-6. Januar 1980 : ... 24. April-29. Juni 1980 (German Edition)
Археологические памятники Гатчины и района
Всадники Укока
Iron Age and Roman Salt Production and the Medieval Town of Droitwich: Excavations at the Old Bowling Green and Friar Street
The Breiddin Hillfort: A Later Prehistoric Settlement in the Welsh Marches
The Temple and Other Sites in the North-Eastern Sector of Caesaromagus
La prehistoria en la mochila
Waterfront Archaeology: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Waterfront Archaeology, Held at Bristol, 23-26 September 1988
Maritime Celts, Frisians and Saxons: Papers Presented to a Conference at Oxford in November 1988
The Archaeologist's Field Handbook: The Essential Guide for Beginners and Professionals in Australia
Ancient China and Its Eurasian Neighbors: Artifacts, Identity and Death in the Frontier, 3000-700 BCE
The Archaeology of Korea
Unearthing childhood: Young lives in prehistory
The Life of Trade: Events and Happenings in the Niumi’s Atlantic Center
The Rhyton from Danilo: Structure and Symbolism of a Middle Neolithic Cult-Vessel
3,000 Years of War and Peace in the Maya Lowlands: Identity, Politics, and Violence
Battles and Battlefields of Ancient Greece: A Guide to their History, Topography and Archaeology
Introducción a la historia antigua del Perú [1921]
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El Alto Amazonas
Ecuador preshistórico
Origen de las civilizaciones andinas
Betty J. Meggers. Personalidades y dilemas en la arqueología ecuatoriana
Museums and the Construction of Disciplines: Art and Archaeology in Nineteenth-century Britain
Manual iconográfico de Túcume y la cultura Lambayeque
A Social Archaeology of Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Artefacts of Everyday Life
Peasant Perceptions of Landscape: Ewelme Hundred, South Oxfordshire, 500-1650
The Iron Age Forts of Norfolk
Excavations in Thetford, 1980-1982, Fison Way. Vol. 2. Large Figures
Excavations in Thetford, 1980-1982, Fison Way. Vol. 1
The Fenland Project Number 4: The Wissey Embayment and the Fen Causeway, Norfolk
Flatlands and Wetlands: Current Themes in East Anglian Archaeology
The Evolution of Settlement in Three Parishes in South-East Norfolk
West Stow, Suffolk: The Prehistoric and Romano-British Occupations
West Stow, Suffolk: Early Anglo-Saxon Animal Husbandry
The Deserted Medieval Village of Thuxton, Norfolk
The Fenland Project Number 3: Marshland and the Nar Valley, Norfolk
Six Deserted Villages in Norfolk
Excavation at the North Ring, Mucking, Essex: A Late Bronze Age Enclosure
Strageath: Excavations within the Roman Fort 1973-86
The Silchester Amphitheatre: Excavations of 1979-85
Weapons and Tools in Rock Art: A World Perspective
Millet and What Else?: The Wider Context of the Adoption of Millet Cultivation in Europe
Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna
Música y danza en el Antiguo Perú
Introducción a la historia antigua del Perú [1921]
Un imperio, múltiples espacios. Perspectiva y balance de los análisis espaciales en arqueología inca
Cultura lambayeque: En el contexto de la costa norte del Perú. Actas del primer y segundo coloquio
Nuevas perspectivas en la organización política wari
De Cupisnique a los incas: el arte del valle de Jequetepeque (La Libertad, Perú). La donación Petrus Fernandini al MALI
Inca Ceremonial Sites in the Southwest Titicaca Basin (Puno, Peru)
Amazonía. Memorias de las Conferencias Magistrales del 3er Encuentro Internacional de Arqueología Amazónica (EIAA)
Pueblos y culturas en las rutas del Qhapaq Ñan: Ayacucho y Huancavelica
Tahuantinsuyo: el mundo de los incas
Arqueología de Tacna
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