Social Sciences
Free Algebra Books
Lectures on Current Algebra and Its Applications
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry [Lecture notes]
Incidence structures of partitions [PhD thesis]
Algebra superiore 1 [Lecture notes]
Appunti del corso di Elementi di Algebra Superiore [Lecture notes]
Appunti del Corso di Istituzioni di Algebra
Appunti del corso di Teoria delle Rappresentazioni
Appunti rivisitati del corso di Teoria delle Rappresentazioni
A First Encounter with Representations of Finite Groups
The Rook-Brauer Algebra
Catégories tannakiennes
Introductions to Symmetric Polynomials and Symmetric Functions
A resultant formula for several polynomials. Variants of Hensel’s Lemma
Zur Darstellungstheorie von Darstellungsringen
Varieties, Gröbner Bases, and Algebraic Curves
Varieties, Gröbner Bases, and Algebraic Curves (up to Chapter 6.3)
A First Course in Computational Algebraic Geometry
Introduction à la géométrie algébrique
Discrete Wiskunde 2, 2WF15, Lente 2011
Algebraische Gruppen
Group theory for Maths, Physics and Chemistry students [Lecture notes]
Linear Algebraic Groups
Algebra I
Algebra II
Computational Algebra
On the structure of Foulkes modules for the symmetric group [PhD thesis]
An Unusual Algebra
Algebra Elemental
ALGEBRES ET MODULES. Cours et exercices
ALGEBRES ET MODULES. Cours et exercices
Formal calculus, umbral calculus, and basic axiomatics of vertex algebras [PhD thesis]
Kazhdan-Lusztig-Basen, unzerlegbare Bimoduln und die Topologie der Fahnenmannigfaltigkeit einer Kac-Moody-Gruppe [PhD thesis]
Braided Hopf algebras of triangular type [PhD thesis]
Kommutative Algebra [Lecture notes]
Notes on Classical Groups [Lecture notes]
Projective and polar spaces [Lecture notes]
Ten Chapters of the Algebraical Art [Lecture notes]
Group Theory Revision Notes
Общая алгебра
Notes on finite group theory [Lecture notes]
Advanced Algebra
Basic Algebra
Non-Abelian Minimal Closed Ideals of Transitive Lie Algebras
Non-Abelian Minimal Closed Ideals of Transitive Lie Algebras
A Course in Universal Algebra
Гомологическая алгебра
Algebraic Operads: An Algorithmic Companion [draft]
Линейная алгебра и геометрия
Harmonic Analysis on the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group.
Harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg nilpotent Lie group, with applications to signal theory
L'Algèbre et le groupe de Virasoro : Aspects géométriques et algébriques, généralisations
Algèbre et le groupe de Virasoro : Aspects géométriques et algébriques, généralisations
C*-Algebra Extensions and K-Homology
C*-Algebra Extensions and K-Homology
Leçons sur certaines algèbres topologiques, algèbres de von Neumann
Leçons sur certaines algèbres topologiques, algèbres de von Neumann
Teoria Ingenua dos Conjuntos
Teoria Ingenua dos Conjuntos
A Course in Ring Theory
Introduction to abstract algebra
The Structure of Groups of Prime Power Order
Algebra moderna
Álgebra Moderna
События. Вероятности. Статистическая обработка данных
Решаем уравнения
Пока алгебра не разлучит нас. Теория групп и ее применение
Torsion-free modules
Torsion-free modules
Элементарная алгебра
Алгебра и арифметика комплексных чисел
Алгебраические аспекты интегрируемости нелинейных динам. систем
Алгебра и теория чисел (с приложениями). Избранные доклады семинара Н.Бурбаки
Математика: алгебра и начала мат. анализа. 11 класс
Алгебра. Топология. Геометрия
Пока алгебра не разлучит нас: Теория групп и ее применение
Арифметика и алгебра в древнем мире
Зеркальная симметрия и алгебраическая геометрия
Алгебра кольца, модули и категории
Алгебра кольца, модули и категории
Commutation Relations, Normal Ordering, and Stirling Numbers
Алгебраическая геометрия 2: Когомологии алгебраических многообразий. Алгебраические поверхности
Когомологии алгебраических многообразий (АГ-2)
Group Ring Groups - Volume 2 : Structure Theorems of Unit Groups
Invitation à la topologie algébrique tome 1 Homologie
Invitation à la topologie algébrique tome 2 Cohomologie
Invitation à la topologie algébrique tome 2 Cohomologie
Invitation à l'algèbre : Théorie des groupes, des anneaux, des corps et des modules
Invitation à l'algèbre : Théorie des groupes, des anneaux, des corps et des modules
A First Course in Rings and Ideals
Algebra: A Teaching and Source Book
Introduction à la géométrie algébrique complexe
Introduction à la géométrie algébrique complexe
Commutative Rings: Dimension Multiplicity and Homological Methods
Commutative Rings: Dimension Multiplicity and Homological Methods
Commutative Noetherian and Krull Rings
Commutative Noetherian and Krull Rings
Избранные вопросы алгебры и логики: Сборник, посвященный памяти А.И.Мальцева
Algebra moderna : [425 problemi risolti]
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Social Sciences