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Free Programming: Programming Languages Books
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Optics By Example: Functional lenses in Haskell
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The Go Workshop: A New, Interactive Approach to Learning Go
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The Modern JavaScript Tutorial - Part III. Additional Articles (Regexps, Animations, etc.)
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Let’s Go
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Mastering Concurrency in Python
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Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL Using C++
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL Using C++
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The Java Workshop - A practical, no-nonsense guide to Java.
Modern Fortran: Style and Usage
Introduzione alla programmazione ed elementi di strutture dati con il linguaggio C++
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Java Cookbook - Problems and Solutions for Java Developers (Early Release)
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Java 11 Cookbook - A Definitive Guide to Learning the Key Concepts of Modern Application Development
Python Parallel Programming Cookbook: Over 70 recipes to solve asynchronous programming and distributed computing problems with Python 3
Рефакторинг кода на JavaScript: улучшение проекта существующего кода
Python 3: Guida tascabile al linguaggio di Google, Star Wars e la NASA
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