Social Sciences
Free Optimization. Operations Research Books
Operations Research Center at MIT
Conjugate Duality and Optimization
Applied dynamic programming for optimization of dynamical systems
A mathematical view of interior-point methods in convex optimization
Operations research applications
Optimization and Control with Applications
Optimal Design of Experiments
Complex variable approach to the analysis of linear multivariable feedback systems
Optimal shape design for elliptic systems
Control in an information rich world: report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems
Discrete convex analysis
Generalized convexity and vector optimization
Invexity and Optimization
Struggle and survival on Wall Street: the economics of competition among securities firms
Nonlinear programming
Linear and nonlinear programming
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis via Ratio and Difference Judgement
Equilibrium Models and Variational Inequalities
Robust stability and convexity: An introduction
Tutorials in operations research
Iterative methods for optimization
Frontiers in applied general equilibrium modeling: In honor of Herbert Scarf
Linear estimation
Tutorials in operations research
Statistical design and analysis of experiments
The total least squares problem: computational aspects and analysis
Fermat days 85: Mathematics for optimization
Optimization with PDE Constraints
Classical control using H [infinity] methods: an introduction to design
Extending H-infinity control to nonlinear systems
Indefinite-quadratic estimation and control: a unified approach to Hp2s and H [infinity] theories
Introduction to shape optimization: theory, approximation, and computation
Multiple decision procedures: theory and methodology of selecting and ranking populations
Perspectives in flow control and optimization
The sharpest cut: the impact of Manfred Padberg and his work
Linear and nonlinear optimization
A theory of case-based decisions
The operations research problem solver
Encyclopedia of optimization
Practical methods of optimization
Adaptive scalarization methods in multiobjective optimization
Introduction to applied optimization
Control and estimation of distributed parameter systems
Statistical case studies for industrial process improvement
Complexity classifications of Boolean constraint satisfaction problems
Research trends in combinatorial optimization: Bonn 2008
Singular optimal control: The linear-quadratic problem
Optimization and nonsmooth analysis
Generalized Convexity and Optimization: Theory and Applications
Shape optimization and optimal design: proceedings of the IFIP conference
Optimal urban networks via mass transportation
Combinatorial and Global Optimization
Multiobjective Optimization: Interactive and Evolutionary Approaches
Practical methods for optimal control using nonlinear programming
Constrained optimization and Lagrange multiplier methods
Discrete and continuous Fourier transforms: analysis, applications and fast algorithms
Численные методы безусловной оптимизации и решения нелинейных уравнений
Nonlinear functional analysis vol.3: Variational methods and optimization
Scalar and asymptotic scalar derivatives: Theory and applications
The probabilistic method
Pyramid algorithms: a dynamic programming approach to curves and surfaces
Матричные игры
Сборник упражнений по операционному исчислению
Сборник упражнений по операционному исчислению
Введение в теорию расписаний
Оптимальное управление и математическое программирование
Курс методов оптимизации
Encyclopedia of Optimization
Методы оптимизации в примерах и задачах
Операционное исчисление и его приложение к задачам механики
Операционные методы в прикладной математике
Экономический расчет наилучшего использования ресурсов
Принятие решений при многих критериях
Краткий курс теории экстремальных задач
Интегральное преобразование Фурье и его приложения. часть I
Методы оптимизации
Теория шатров - аппарат решения экстремальных задач. Препринт
Ступенчатые изображения и их применение
Импульсное управление и квазивариационные неравенства
Поисковые методы оптимального проектирования
Оптимизация форм упругих тел
Введение в теорию оптимизации в гильбертовом пространстве
Линейное и выпуклое программирование
V-Invex Functions and Vector Optimization
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Bologna, Italy, May 3–7, 1982
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Linear Optimization
Duality for Nonconvex Approximation and Optimization
Optimal State Estimation: Kalman, H Infinity, and Nonlinear Approaches
Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Conjugation Conditions
Optimization Modelling a Practical Approach
Operations Research and The Public Sector
Optimization Theory with Applications
Nonsmooth Optimization
Colloquium on Methods of Optimization: Held in Novosibirsk/USSR, June 1968
Invexity and Optimization
Repeated Games and Reputations: Long-Run Relationships
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis via Ratio and Difference Judgement
Lineare Optimierung grosser Systeme
Methods of Descent for Nondifferentiable Optimization
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Social Sciences