Social Sciences
Free History Books
Jüdische Trauungen in Berlin 1759 bis 1813 : Mit Ergänzungen für die Jahre 1723-1759
Bartolomé de Las Casas. Conquête, domination, souveraineté
Las teorías de la guerra justa en el siglo XVI y sus expresiones contemporáneas
«¡Usted fue aprista!»: Bases para una historia crítica del Apra
Europa im Geflecht der Welt: Mittelalterliche Migrationen in globalen Bezügen
Thomas Artsruni: History of the House of the Artsrunikʻ
A History of Slovakia: The Struggle for Survival
La Grève en France: Une histoire sociale (XIXe-XXe siècle)
معاً لحماية التراث السوري
تقرير دور العبادة والأضرحة والمقامات الدينية في شمال وشرق سوريا: أرقام وإحصائيات
Origines Livonorum: Frühneuzeitliche Hypothesen zur Herkunft der Esten und Letten
The Arab Nahdah: The Making of the Intellectual and Humanist Movement
Die Zeit der Soldatenkaiser: Krise und Transformation des Römischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (235-284). Bd. 1-2
西方科学的起源: 公元前六百年至公元一千四百五十年宗教、哲学和社会建制大背景下的欧洲科学传统
Προσωρινή Δημοκρατική Κυβέρνηση. Ιδρυτική πράξη καί διάγγελμα πρός τόν έλληνικό λαό
Ηρωϊκή πορεία (Ταξιαρχία αόπλων της Ρούμελης)
أمل والشيعة. نضال من أجل كيان لبنان
المعرض. العدد ٤٧
مع الإعتذار.. للأمام الصدر
المسألة اللبنانية. عناصر لدراسة تحليلية
Interactions between Animals and Humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity
L’URSS et la contre-révolution de velours
Ghetto: The History of a Word
The Histories of Alexander Neville (1544-1614): A New Translation of Kett's Rebellion and The City of Norwich
The Human Factor: Gorbachev, Reagan, and Thatcher, and the End of the Cold War
The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State 1650–1820
Die baltischen Länder und Europa in der Frühen Neuzeit
Der Fall Roms und seine Wiederauferstehungen in Antike und Mittelalter
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Hammerstein 1627
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Thebes: A History
Carlisle: A Frontier and Border City
Problème des classes à travers lʼhistoire dʼHaïti
The Kosher Capones: A History of Chicago's Jewish Gangsters
Fifteen Years of Soviet Georgia
Science and the Raj: A Study of British India
Biography of a Hacienda: Work and Revolution in Rural Mexico
The Aztecs at Independence: Nahua Culture Makers in Central Mexico, 1799–1832
The Cult of Desire
Ambitious Rebels: Remaking Honor, Law, and Liberalism in Venezuela, 1780-1850
Agrarian Revolt in the Sierra of Chihuahua, 1959–1965
Dynastic change : legitimacy and gender in medieval and early modern monarchy
The Story of Civilization, Volume 1: Our Oriental Heritage (India, China & More)
The Story of Civilization, Volume 1: Our Oriental Heritage (India, China & More) for Kindle
The Story of Civilization, Volume 1: Our Oriental Heritage (India, China & More)
Ghetto: The History of a Word
Die griechische Polis als historisch-geographisches Problem des Mittelmeerraumes
Ecos da Marselhesa
厦门文史资料. 第十辑
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Новая имперская история Северной Евразии ч.1
On the History of the Bolshevik Organizations in Transcaucasia
Historia magnetycznego zapisu obrazów
Rose di Gaza: gli scritti retorico-sofistici e le Epistole di Procopio di Gaza
Pintura y vida cotidiana en el Renacimiento. Arte y experiencia en el Quattrocento
VP Menon: The Unsung Architect of Modern India
Cultural and Civilisational Links between India and Southeast Asia: Historical and Contemporary Dimensions
The Chronology of India: From Mahabharata to Medieval Era
The Chronology of India: From Mahabharata to Medieval Era
Portraits of a Nation: History of Ancient India
Portraits of a Nation: History of Ancient India
Why I killed Gandhi
Why I killed Gandhi (Classics To Go)
Death of Nine: The Dyatlov Pass Mystery
The Aesthetics of History
Tendencias historiográficas actuales
"A Great Effusion of Blood"?: Interpreting Medieval Violence
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed
Bartholomew de Las Casas: his life, his apostolate, and his writings
The Life of Las Casas: the apostle of the indies
Katanga Libre. n° 3
Katanga Libre. n° 2
The Emergence of Public Opinion: State and Society in the Late Ottoman Empire
In the Shadow of the Sword: The Birth of Islam and the Rise of the Global Arab Empire
In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire (Revised Edition)
In God's Path: The Arab Conquests and the Creation of an Islamic Empire (Revised Edition)
Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam (Peoples of the Ancient World)
Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam (Peoples of the Ancient World)
La Universidad Nacional en sus pasillos
At the Moscow Trial
Lo limpio y lo sucio. La higiene del cuerpo desde la Edad Media
Bernardino de Sahagún
Formación de los Estados Centramericanos
Talamanca, el espacio y los hombres
„All of history – happening at once…“ Die britische Fernsehserie Doctor Who und die Entwicklung der Fernsehkultur in Großbritannien (1922–1989)
Israel: A History
The Natural Science of Stupidity
Nascita di Israele Miti, storia, contraddizioni
Monștri. Cele mai malefice personalități istorice, de la Nero la Osama bin Laden
Dezastrul de la Cernobîl. Mărturii ale supraviețuitorilor
All That We Lost: The Colonized Mind and the Decline of the Islamic Education System
The Burmese Labyrinth: A History of the Rohingya Tragedy
Sexuality and Its Impact on History: The British Stripped Bare
Europe's India: Words, People, Empires, 1500-1800
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Social Sciences