Social Sciences
Free History Books
Crisis social y memorias en lucha: guerra civil en Costa Rica, 1940-1948
Los discursos sobre la familia y las relaciones de género en Costa Rica (1890-1930)
Las familias costarricenses durante los siglos XVIII, XIX y XX
Cultura y sociedad en Costa Rica 1914-1950
La posmodernidad y sus modernidades: una introducción
Centroamérica: la integración regional y los desafíos de sus relaciones internacionales
La política exterior de Costa Rica (1850-2010)
Historia e incertidumbre
Recursos destinados a actividades científicas y tecnológicas en América Central
Balances del siglo XX: historia, microbiología, medicina y física
Costa Rica en el siglo XX: luchas sociales y conquistas laborales
El primer intento de entrada de los jesuitas a Costa Rica (1872) y el inicio de la controversia entre el Dr. Lorenzo Montúfar y el P. León Tornero, S.I.
El Medio Oriente y el Norte de África en el siglo XXI. Ensayo sobre las dicotomías y las protestas populares
A Bishop and His World Before the Gregorian Reform: Hubert of Angers, 1006-1047
The Dance of Death in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe: Environmental Stress, Mortality and Social Response
Yahweh before Israel: Glimpses of History in a Divine Name
The Fight for Greek Sicily: Society, Politics, and Landscape
Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC–AD 100
Polemical Encounters: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in Iberia and Beyond
Woven Arch Bridge: Histories of Constructional Thoughts
Phoenicia: Episodes and Anecdotes from the Ancient Mediterranean
The Age of Wood: Our Most Useful Material and the Construction of Civilization
Early Modern Debts: 1550–1700
La mujer en el mundo antiguo
Oil Under Troubled Water: Australia’s Timor Sea Intrigue
Magazin Istoric Noiembrie 2006
Magazin Istoric Iunie 1997
Magazin Istoric Octombrie 2006
Magazin Istoric Decembrie 2000
For the Love of Mike: More of the Best of Mike Royko (Illinois)
European Cultural Diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine, 1918–1948: Between Contention and Connection
Syama Prasad Mookerjee, the Hindu Dissent and the Partition of Bengal, 1932-1947
The Union of Regeneration: the Anti-Bolshevik Underground in Revolutionary Russia 1917-1919
Union Soldiers in the American Civil War: Facts and Photos for Readers of All Ages
British Fascism After the Holocaust: From the Birth of Denial to the Notting Hill Riots 1939–1958
Reviving Roman Religion: Sacred Trees in the Roman World
Himalaya: A Human History
Worshippers of the Gods: Debating Paganism in the Fourth-Century Roman West
Gifted: a memoire (یادنامه ایرج برومند موسس سازمان ملی پرورش استعدادهای درخشان - سمپاد)
Il Golpe Borghese - un golpe virtuale all'italiana
Revolution and its Discontents: Political Thought and Reform in Iran
Popular Political Participation and the Democratic Imagination in Spain: From Crowd to People, 1766-1868
The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam
The Ancient Mediterranean Social World : A Sourcebook
All Against All: The Long Winter of 1933 and the Origins of the Second World War
Count Witte and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolution
Russian Rightists and the Revolution of 1905
The Radical Right in Late Imperial Russia: Dreams of a True Fatherland?
Colonial Violence: European Empires and the Use of Force
La fundación del Partido Comunista de Costa Rica 1931
Costa Rica entre guerras: 1914-1940
De la represión a las fórmulas de consenso: contribución al estudio de la conflictividad huelguística costarricense (1900-1943)
Medicamentos populares de la Meseta Central y la zona Atlántica comprendiendo medicina y costumbres indígenas y de los habitantes de color
Abbasid and Carolingian Empires: Comparative Studies in Civilization Formation
Украинцы, которые были (XVI – начало ХХ в.): документы, материалы, исследования
Group Survival in the Ancient Mediterranean: Rethinking Material Conditions in the Landscape of Jews and Christians
Ottoman Dress and Design in the West: A Visual History of Cultural Exchange
The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Year 1425 to the Year 1520
Other People's Money: How Banking Worked in the Early American Republic
Plantation Kingdom: The American South and Its Global Commodities
The Commons in History: Culture, Conflict, and Ecology
Domestic Service and Gender, 1660-1750: Life and work in the London household (Women And Men In History)
The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Year 1382 to the Year 1425
Plan estratégico 1990-1994
Пешки в чужой игре: из истории украинского национализма
Primer seminario sobre desarrollo científico y tecnológico de América Central
Construcción colegiada, dialógica y progresiva de una comprensión enriquecida del agro y la ruralidad, en perspectiva sociohistórica centroamericana
Crédito, economía y sociedad en la provincia de Costa Rica 1701-1750
Yolanda Oreamuno: una contribución fotográfica y documental (1931-1956)
The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Year 1241 to the Year 1381
Historia del neoliberalismo en Costa Rica: la aparición en la contienda electoral 1977-1978
The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Year 1132-1240
Across An Angry Sea: The SAS in the Falklands War
Radio Wars in Colonial Trinidad, 1939 - 1945, Book 2
Why Did Hitler Hate the Jews?: The Origins of Adolf Hitler's Anti-Semitism and its Outcome
The Hitler Years, Volume 2: Disaster 1940-1945
The Nikonian Chronicle: From the Beginning to the Year 1132
Russia as Empire: Past and Present
Philip II and the Sacred War
Xenophon's Sparta. An Introduction
Henry VIII and the Court: Art, Politics and Performance
The Eternal City: A History of Rome in Maps
Remaking Berlin: A History of the City Through Infrastructure, 1920-2020
From Eden to Eternity Creations of Paradise in the Later Middle Ages
The World of the Oxus Civilization
The Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek World
The Umayyad World
The mariner's chronicle; being a collection of ... narratives of shipwrecks, fires, famines and other calamities incident to a life of marine enterprise
Histoire de France Pour les Nuls (L')
Debating Nationalism: The Global Spread of Nations
Totalitarianism and Political Religion: An Intellectual History
Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship
Der Historiker C. Licinius Macer: Einleitung, Fragmente, Kommentar
Vladivostok Under Red and White Rule: Revolution and Counterrevolution in the Russian Far East 1920-1922
Houses and Society in Norwich, 1350-1660: Urban Buildings in an Age of Transition
Soviet Politics 1917-1991
Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean: Urban Culture in the Late Ottoman Empire
A History of Ancient Persia: The Achaemenid Empire
Saving Freedom: Truman, the Cold War, and the Fight for Western Civilization
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Social Sciences