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Free Programming: Programming Languages Books
C++20 - The Complete Guide
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Искусство WebAssembly
The official ABAP reference
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Deep JavaScript
JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2021 edition)
JavaScript for impatient programmers
WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide: Safe, Fast, and Portable Code
Javascript: Novice to Ninja
D, the Best Programming Language, for Former Python Developers
D, the Best Programming Language, for Former Python Developers
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Modern Asynchronous JavaScript
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WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide: Safe, Fast, and Portable Code
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Embracing Modern C++ Safely
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WebAssembly: The Definitive Guide: Safe, Fast, and Portable Code
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Web Scraping with Python : Collecting Data from the Modern Web
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{Вы пока еще не знаете JS} Область видимости и замыкания
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Der C++-Programmierer: C++ lernen – professionell anwenden – Lösungen nutzen. Aktuell zu C++17
Паттерны разработки на Python: TDD, DDD и событийно-ориентированная архитектура
Starting Out with C++ - From Control Structures through Objects
C Programming on Raspberry Pi - Develop innovative hardware-based projects in C
Discovering Modern C++
A Book on C: Programming in C
Java: The Complete Reference
Programming in Scala
WebAssembly в действии
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Изучаем регулярные выражения
Python для программирования криптовалют
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Python для финансовых расчетов
{Вы пока еще не знаете JS} Познакомьтесь, JavaScript
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Teach Yourself... Pascal
Python Essentials - A Rapid Guide to the Fundamental Features of Python
C# 9.0. Карманный справочник
Programming C# 5.0: Building Windows 8, Web, and Desktop Applications for the .NET 4.5 Framework
Inside the C++ Object Model
C# Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Professional Developers
Practices of the Python Pro
Practices of the Python Pro
Practices of the Python Pro
Python: Der Grundkurs
Java: The Complete Reference
Python 3 Schnelleinstieg: Programmieren lernen in 14 Tagen - Einfach und ohne Vorkenntnisse zum Profi
Command-Line Rust: A Project-Based Primer for Writing Rust CLIs
STL - стандартная библиотека шаблонов C++
Logic, Programming and Prolog
The Art of 64-Bit Assembly, Volume 1: x86-64 Machine Organization and Programming
Beginner's Guide to Kotlin Programming
Beginner's Guide to Kotlin Programming
Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers
Intuitive Python: Productive Development for Projects that Last
Object Orinted Programming With C++
Java Übungsbuch: Aufgaben mit vollständigen Lösungen - für die Versionen Java 8 bis Java 17
Эффективный C. Профессиональное программирование
Programming DSLs in Kotlin
Think Python: Systematisch programmieren lernen mit Python
C – kurz & gut
Python 3: Lernen und professionell anwenden. Das umfassende Praxisbuch
C++ Das Übungsbuch: Testfragen und Aufgaben mit Lösungen
C# 8.0 Pocket Reference: Instant Help for C# 8.0 Programmers
C++ - Lernen und professionell anwenden
Scala Cookbook: Recipes for Object-Oriented and Functional Programming
Облачный Go
C++ mit Visual Studio 2019: C++17 für Studierende und erfahrene Programmierer
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