Social Sciences
Free Operator Theory Books
Tensor Norms and Operator Ideals
Pseudo-Differential Operators and Related Topics
Inverse problems of spectral analysis for differential operators and their appl
T-product of hypoelliptic operators
Linear Operators and Spectral Theory
Interpolation of Operators
Condensing operators
Bass Diffusions and elliptic operators
Diffusions and elliptic operators
Distributions and Operators
Operator's manual for mashine gun M61
Авиадвигатель Lycoming O-320 76 series. Operator's manual
Оценки для операторов, инвариантных относительно сдвига
Analysis of Toeplitz operators
Introduction to operator algebras
Теория операторов в функциональных пространствах
Спектральный анализ многочастичного оператора Шредингера
Спектральная теория операторов Штурма-Лиувилля
Порядковый анализ 5. Операторы, сохраняющие дизъюнктность
Порядковый анализ 3. Положительные операторы
Обобщение весового неравенства Харди для одного класса интегральных операторов
Об операторах Римана - Лиувилля с переменными пределами
Об одном классе операторов, сопутствующих дифференциальным операторам дроьного порядка
Об одном классе матричных дифференциальных операторов
О приближении функций обобщенными операторами Абеля - Пуассона
Локализация нижней границы спектра для оператора Стокса в случайной пористой сред
Линейные дифференциальные операторы с частными производными
Интерполяция линейных операторов
Изоморфные свойства одного класса дифференциальных операторов и их приложения
Весовая оценка промежуточного оператора на конусе неотрицательных функций
Аналитические методы в спектральной теории дифференциальных операторов
Uniqueness of the support of analytic functions
Two problems on spectral synthesis
The similarity problem and the structure of the singular spectrum of a nondissipative operator
The factorization of operators in L 2(a, b)
The Cauchy integral and related integral operators
Structure of the set of solutions of multivalued operator inclusions
R-boundedness, pseudodifferential operators, and maximal regularity for some classes of partial differential operators
Operator-valued bounded analytic functions
Operators, analytic negligibility, and capacities
Operators preserving the completely regular growth
Operators and approximation
Operator Method
On X-Ray Diffraction Patterns from Liquids and Colloidal Gels
On the Theory of the Tertiary Radiation Produced by Impacts of Photo-Electrons
On the Abnormal Reflection of X-Rays by Crystals
On Tertiary X-Radiation, Etc
Null-sets of operator functions with a positive imaginary part
Lp-uniqueness for Dirichlet operators with singular potentials
Localization of toeplitz operators
Hubbard Operators in the Theory of Strongly Correlated Electrons
H-n-perturbations of Self-adjoint Operators and Kreins Resolvent Formula
Further Experiments upon the Reflection by a Crystal of Its Characteristic X-Radiation
Factorization of operator functions (classification of holomorphic Hilbert space bundles over the Riemannian sphere)
Definition of a PD operator with variable symbol
Decomposition of Riesz operators
C-supercyclic versus R^(+)-supercyclic operators
Correctness of the definition of a PD operator
Correctness of the definition of a PD operator
Bounds for operator polynomials in the schatten-eumann classes
Borel extension approach to weakly compact operators on C 0(T)
BMO, H1, and Calderon-Zygmund operators for non doubling measures
Banach space with few operators
A similarity problem for Toeplitz operators
A problem in the spectral theory of an ordinary differential operator in a complex domain
A canonical decomposition for linear operators and linear relations
A boundary element method for the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem of the Laplace operator
A BMO estimate for the multilinear singular integral operator
A bivariate extension of Bleimann-Butzer-Hahn operator
2-summing operators and L (2)(2)-systems
Analysis of Operators
Monotone Operators in Banach Space and Nonlinear partial differential equation
Asymptotic Expansions for Pseudodifferential Operators on Bounded Domains
an innovation to operator theory
Creation and Annihilation Operators
Introduction to Symplectic Dirac operators
Pseudodifferential operators and nonlinear PDE
Boundary value problems and singular pseudo-differential operators
Introduction to Singular Perturbations
Linear differential operators
Pseudo-Differential Operators: Quantization and Signals
Structure of Hilbert space operators
Lycoming O-540, IO-540. Operator's manual
Lycoming O-326,HO,IO,AIO,HIO,TIO. Operator's manual
TM 9-1005-317-10. Operator's manual. Pistol, semiautomatic, 9mm. M9
Введение в теорию псевдодифференциальных операторов и интегральных операторов Фурье
Необыкновенное путешествие в безумие и обратно- операторы и вещи
Необыкновенное путешествие в безумие и обратно Операторы и Вещи
Functional Analysis and Operator Theory: Proceedings of a Conference held in Memory of U. N. Singh New Delhi, India, 2–6 August, 1990
Asymptotic expansions for pseudodifferential operators on bounded domains
Pseudo Differential Operators
Operator-valued measures and integrals for cone-valued functions
Characterization of Distributions by the Method of Intensively Monotone Operators
Calderon-Zygmund Operators, Pseudo-Differential Operators and the Cauchy Integral of Calderon
Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators
Extreme Eigenvalues of Toeplitz Operators
Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators
Self-Adjoint Operators
Differentiability of Six Operators on Nonsmooth Functions and p-Variation
The Approximation of Continuous Functions by Positive Linear Operators
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Social Sciences