Social Sciences
Free Networking: Internet Books
Learning Chaos Engineering: Discovering and Overcoming System Weaknesses Through Experimentation
Learning Apache OpenWhisk: Developing Open Serverless Solutions
Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate All-in-One Exam Guide (Exam SAA-C01)
Hybrid Cloud & Data Fabric for Dummies
Web application architecture: principles, protocols, and practices
Chris Bryant CCNP Route 300-101
Cloud Native Patterns: Designing change-tolerant software
Terraform: Up and Running: Writing Infrastructure as Code
Web Problem
The Cyber Plumber’s Handbook: The definitive guide to SSH tunneling, port redirection, and bending traffic like a boss.
The Era of Internet of Things: Towards a Smart World
Practical Monitoring: Effective Strategies for the Real World
Prometheus: Up & Running: Infrastructure and Application Performance Monitoring
Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols and Standards
Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT): Intelligent analytics for your intelligent devices
Opportunistic Networks Mobility Models, Protocols, Security, And Privacy
Internet of Things with Arduino Cookbook
Hacklog Volume 1 Anonymity: IT Security & Ethical Hacking Handbook
Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches
ESP8266 Internet of Things Cookbook: Over 50 recipes to help you master ESP8266 functionality
Осваиваем Kubernetes. Оркестрация контейнерных архитектур
Smart: O que você não sabe sobre a internet
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate SAA-C01 Exam
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Practice Tests: Associate SAA-C01 Exam
Openvpn Cookbook
The Internet Book: Everything You Need to Know about Computer Networking and How the Internet Works
AWS Automation Cookbook: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using AWS services
AWS Certified Developer - Associate Guide: Your one-stop solution to pass the AWS developer’s certification
Aws Certified Advanced Networking Official Study Guide: Specialty Exam
Google Cloud Platform in Action
Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes
Amazon Web Services in Action
Devops Automation Cookbook
Effective DevOps: Building a Culture of Collaboration, Affinity, and Tooling at Scale
Chef Cookbook
Troubleshooting Docker
The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm: Building, testing, deploying, and monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters
Docker on Windows: From 101 to Production with Docker on Windows
Performance Testing with JMeter 3: Enhance the performance of your web application
Le réseau Internet - Des services aux infrastructures
Kubernetes в действии
Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins: Delivering software at scale
Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins: A beginner’s guide to implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using Jenkins 2
Docker Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed Applications
Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers
Cloud Native Development Patterns and Best Practices: Practical architectural patterns for building modern, distributed cloud-native systems
Reliable Distributed Systems: Technologies, Web Services, and Applications
Guide to TCP_IP 4th Edition (2013)
The SAGE Handbook of Web History
Solving Cyber Risk Protecting Your Company and Society
The Dark Secrets of the Search Engines: Find out what search engines are hiding from you
Network Analysis Using Wireshark 2 Cookbook: Practical recipes to analyze and secure your network using Wireshark 2, 2nd Edition
Python Network Programming Cookbook: Practical solutions to overcome real-world networking challenges
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimize your network
Connected Vehicles: Intelligent Transportation Systems
Geek and Hacker Stories: Code, Culture and Storytelling from the Technosphere
Dez Argumentos Para Você Deletar Agora Suas Redes Sociais
Encyclopedia of Cyber Warfare
Google’s Pagerank and Beyond: The Science of Search Engine Rankings
Learning Node.js Development: Learn the fundamentals of Node.js, and deploy and test Node.js applications on the web
Pro DevOps with Google Cloud Platform: With Docker, Jenkins, and Kubernetes
Migrating to Azure: Transforming Legacy Applications into Scalable Cloud-First Solutions
Web Design All-in-One For Dummies
Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World
Exam Ref 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols and Standards
Practical Internet of Things with JavaScript: Build standalone exciting IoT projects with Raspberry Pi 3 and JavaScript
Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek: Revised and Expanded Edition for Updated Software
Python Web Scraping: Hands-on data scraping and crawling using PyQT, Selnium, HTML and Python
Website Scraping with Python: Using BeautifulSoup and Scrapy
Information Security and IT Risk Management
Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice
Implementing Devops with Microsoft Azure
Beginning Office 365 Collaboration Apps: Working in the Microsoft Cloud
R: Mining Spatial, Text, Web, and Social Media Data
Internet of Things for Architects
Django for Beginners: Learn Web Development with Django 2.0
Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk SMP/MTS kelas IX
Cryptography and network security
IPV6 GAE——内网用户轻松穿越外网
Масштабирование приложений. Выращивание сложных систем
Learn Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches
internet kullaninimda guvenlik ve anonimlik (v 1.0)
Clustering and Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: Energy Efficiency Approaches
Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Troubleshooting OpenVPN
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Social Sciences