Social Sciences
Free History Books
History of Russia from Earliest Times Volume 1: The Origins of Kievan Rus’ to 1054
Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S.B.
The Vikings
中国社会科学院历史虚无主义批判文选 (CASS Selection of Monographs in Historiographical Nihilism Criticization)
Die 101 wichtigsten Personen der Weltgeschichte
Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen: Das Dritte Reich
Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte
Deutsche Geschichte in der frühen Neuzeit
Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhundert
Der Wiener Kongress: Die Neugestaltung Europas 1814/15
Der Westfälische Frieden
Der Spanische Erbfolgekrieg: 1701-1713/14
Byzantine Cavalryman c.900–1204
Der Siebenjährige Krieg: Ein Weltkrieg im 18. Jahrhundert
Phantasmatic Shakespeare: Imagination in the Age of Early Modern Science
Der Kalte Krieg
Der Investiturstreit
Der Hundertjährige Krieg
Der Frieden von Versailles
Der Dreissigjährige Krieg
Der Deutsche Orden
Der deutsche Adel: Lebensformen und Geschichte
Das Zeitalter der Aufklärung
Das Maurische Spanien: Geschichte und Kultur
Das Lehnswesen
Das deutsche Kaiserreich: Von der Gründung bis zum Untergang
17. Juni 1953
Das Antike Rom: Geschichte und Archäologie
Das Auswärtige Amt: Vom Kaiserreich bis zur Gegenwart
Independence in Central America and Chiapas, 1770-1823
Remember the Liberty! Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas
Churchill’s Headmaster: The ’Sadist’ Who Nearly Saved the British Empire
American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing
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The Ruling Elite: A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation
Runes and the Origins of Writing
Pompeii: An Archaeological Guide
Apollo 11: The Inside Story
Die Siedlungsgeschichte der Messenier: Vom Beginn der geometrischen bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Epoche
Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth
To Live Like a Moor: Christian Perceptions of Muslim Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain
Children During the Nazi Reign: Psychological Perspective on the Interview Process
The Enemy in Italian Renaissance Epic: Images of Hostility from Dante to Tasso
History as Wonder: Beginning with Historiography
Syria: A Modern History
L’Empire colonial sous Vichy
Zenobia: Shooting Star of Palmyra
Sabina Augusta: An Imperial Journey
La línea Hamlet: o la ética de la traición
From Catalonia to the Caribbean: The Sephardic Orbit from Medieval to Modern Times: Essays in Honor of Jane S. Gerber
Science Education in the Early Roman Empire
Celts: The History and Legacy of One of the Oldest Cultures in Europe
A Year in the Life of Ancient Egypt
Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Bd. 2. Tafeln
Britain BC: Life in Britain and Ireland Before the Romans (Text Only)
تۈركىستانلىقلارنىڭ دۆلەتچىلىك تارىخىدىكى سىياسىي تەجرىبە - ساۋاقلار (1 - قىسىم)
After the Conquest: The Divided Realm, 1066–1135
Il potere del petrolio: multinazionali e governi tra interesse nazionale e profitti privati
Queen Victoria’s Gene: Haemophilia and the Royal Family
Turia: A Roman Woman’s Civil War
History of Russia Vol 5: The Tsardom of Moscow, Part 2
Waffen-SS und Ordnungspolizei im Kriegseinsatz 1939-1945 : ein Überblick anhand der Feldpostübersicht
Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Bd. 1. Text
Os diários de Alfred Rosenberg: 1934-1944
History of Russia Vol 5: The Tsardom of Moscow Part 1
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj ani Vedokta Prakaran
История Крыма
История Крыма
История Крыма
История Крыма
Hitler überlebte in Argentinien
Cleopatra’s Daughter and Other Royal Women of the Augustan Era
History of Russia Vol 4: Russia at the Dawn of Athens Modern Era
The Seventies: The personal, the political and the making of modern Australia
The Day of the Rope (The Days of the Rope) (Volume 1)
History of Russia Volume 3 The Mongols and Russia
Historia General del Trabajo v. 1: prehistoria y antiguedad
Negotiating Cultures: Bilingual Surrender Treaties on the Crusader-Muslim Frontier under James the Conqueror
Sex Trafficking, Scandal, and the Transformation of Journalism, 1885–1917
História Da Educação Na Antiguidade
Political and a Diplomatic History of Russia
Heresy of the Judaizers and the Policies of Ivan III
High Hitler: como o uso de drogas pelo Führer e pelos nazistas ditou o ritmo do Terceiro Reich
Storia dei Goti
O pensamento mestiço
Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History, Vol. 2: Since 1877
An der Polis teilhaben: Bürgerstaat und Zugehörigkeit im archaischen Griechenland
Das politische Zeremoniell im Deutschen Kaiserreich 1871-1918
Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History, Vol. 2: Since 1877
Il libro del tradimento
Greek Epic Fragments from the Seventh to the Fifth Centuries BC
The Origins of the Peloponnesian War
Max Weber und die deutsche Politik 1890–1920
The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquest
[Article] The Myths of Panglong
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Social Sciences