Social Sciences
Free Geometry and Topology Books
Компьютерная графика
Когомологическая теория топологических групп преобразований
Группы голономии обобщенных пространств, и др.
Геометрия, том 2
Геометрия, том 1
Геометрия абсолютного параллелизма
Волновые фронты и топология кривых
Вещественный анализ на многообразиях
Введение в теорию дифференцируемых многообразий
Введение в пучки, расслоения и классы Черна
Введение в метрическую геометрию и ее приложения
Аффинная и проективная геометрия
Lectures at Knots '96
Generalized barycentric coordinates in computer graphics and computational mechanics
A course in metric geometry - Corrections of typos and small errors
Новейшие достижения в теории гомотопий
Краткий курс дифференциальной геометрии
Композиционные методы в теории гомотопических групп сферKompozicionnye metody v teorii gomotopičeskih grupp sfer
Метод внешних форм Картана в дифференциальной геометрии
Volume conjecture for knots
The theory of retracts
The grammar of graphics
The geometry of spherically symmetric Finsler manifolds
Synthetic differential topology
Solid modeling and applications. Rapid prototyping, CAD and CAE theory
Smooth Bézier Surfaces over Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes
Singularities and foliations: geometry, topology and applications: BMMS 2/NBMS 3, Salvador, Brazil, 2015
Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis
Relational topology
Random sets in econometrics
Random knotting and linking
Основания геометрии
Pseudocompact Topological Spaces: A Survey of Classic and New Results with Open Problems
Общая топология. Основные конструкции
New trends in intuitive geometry
Multi-view geometry based visual perception and control of robotic systems
LinKnot. Knot theory by computer
Lemmas in Olympiad Geometry
Introductory topology. Exercises and solutions
Introduction to Riemannian manifolds
Introduction to modem Finsler geometry
Introduction to geometry and topology
Harmonic integrals
Global homotopy theory
Geometries and transformations
Geometric computation: foundations for design
Geometric and topological inference
Geometric Algebra Applications Vol. I: Computer Vision, Graphics and Neurocomputing
Function spaces with uniform, fine and graph topologies
From geometry to quantum mechanics: in honor of Hideki Omori
Foundations of arithmetic differential geometry
Курс компьютерной геометрии
Forbidden configurations in discrete geometry
Exploring geometry
Computational geometry, 34 international symposium, SoCG 2018
Геометрия разрезов и метрик
Discrete Geometry and Symmetry
Dimension theory
Differential geometry of warped product manifolds and submanifolds
Differential geometry of singular spaces and reduction of symmetry
Differential geometry: curves, surfaces, manifolds
Curves and surfaces in geometric modelling: theory and algorithms
Curves and surfaces
Convergence foundations of topology
Connections. The geometric bridge between art and science
Complex and symplectic geometry
Calculus On Manifolds: a Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus
Beyond pseudo-rotations in pseudo-Euclidean spaces
Axiomatic geometry
Analytic aspects of convexity
Algebraic topology. A primer
Algebraic topology
Advances in two-dimensional homotopy and combinatorial group theory
A short course in differential topology
A history of algebraic and differential topology, 1900-1960
Computational geometry, 33 international symposium, SoCG 2017
Computational geometry, 32 international symposium, SoCG 2016 June 14-17, 2016, Boston, MA, USA
31st International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2015)
The homotopy theory of -categories infty,1
On the Tangent Space to the Space of Algebraic Cycles on a Smooth Algebraic Variety
Csodálatos geometria - avagy a kapcsolatteremtés tudománya
Spectral Spaces
Ábrázoló geometria kezdőknek
Ábrázoló geometria szemléletesen
A ponttól a négy dimenzióig - Amit a geometriából mindenkinek tudnia kell
Introduction to Metric and Topological Spaces
McGraw-Hill Education Geometry Review and Workbook
Introduction to moduli problems and orbit spaces
Topologie algebrică
Geometrie euclidiană, geometrii neeuclidiene, teoria relativității
Stochastic Geometry -- Research Frontiers
Spectral Spaces
Introdução à Geometria Espacial
"Golden" Non-Euclidean Geometry, The: Hilbert’s Fourth Problem, "Golden" Dynamical Systems, and the Fine-Structure Constant
Einführung in die hyperbolische Geometrie -- Anleitungen für eine Entdeckungsreise
Trigonometry and Vector Geometry
Geometry Part II
Notas de Aula de Topologia
Векторно-координатный метод решения задач стереометрии
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Social Sciences