Social Sciences
Free Algebra Books
Гомология в банаховых и топологических алгебрах
Аналитическая геометрия и линейная алгебра
Аналитическая геометрия
Алгебраические поверхности: геометрия и арифметика
Алгебра. Теоремы и алгоритмы
No bullshit guide to linear algebra
Linear algebra
Arithmetical algebraic geometry.. Proc. Conf. at Purdue Univ. 1963
A tour of representation theory
О спариваниях на абелевых многообразиях p-ранга один и их криптографических приложениях
Линейная алгебра с элементами аналитической геометрии: учеб. пособие
Группы автоморфизмов алгебраических системGruppy avtomorfizmov algebraičeskih sistem [Texte imprimé]
Введение в теорию кэлеровых многообразий
Алгебры Ли и локально компактные группыAlgebry Li i lokalʹno kompaktnye gruppy
Zeta functions of reductive groups and their zeros
Zermelo's axiom of choice: Its origins, development, and influence
Zariskian filtrations
The invariant theory of matrices
Universal algebra
Undergraduate commutative algebra
Toposes and local set theories: an introduction
Topological methods in group theory
The Souslin problem
The Mathieu Groups
The geometry, topology and physics of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles
The elements of advanced mathematics
The consistency of the axiom of choice and of the generalized continuum-hypothesis with the axioms of set theory
The book of involutions
The block theory of finite group algebras. Vol.2
The block theory of finite group algebras. Vol.1
Sugawara operators for classical Lie algebras
Slenderness. Vol.1 Abelian categories
Set theory and hierarchy theory: A memorial tribute to A. Mostowski
Set theory. Centre de Recerca Matematica Barcelona, 2003-2004
Set theory
Semigroups in complete lattices: quantales, modules and related topics
Selected Papers. Volume II: On algebraic geometry, including correspondence with Grothendieck
RINGS, FIELDS, AND VECTOR SPACES: an introduction to abstract algebra via geometric constructibility
Representations of the infinite symmetric group
Representation theory of finite groups
Relative category theory and geometric morphisms: a logical approach
Relational mathematics
Real algebraic geometry
Quiver representations
Quantum groups and noncommutative geometry
Permutation groups and Cartesian decompositions
Noncommutative rings
Noncommutative geometry: a functorial approach
New directions in locally compact groups
Multigraded Algebra and Applications: NSA 24, Moieciu de Sus, Romania, Аugust 2016 /
Matrices. Algebra, analysis and applications
Mathematical proofs: a transition to advanced mathematics
Local representation theory and simple groups
Linear algebra geometry and transformation
Linear algebra and differential equations
Linear algebra and analytic geometry for physical sciences
Linear algebra and analysis
Linear algebra
Lie Groups, Geometry, and Representation Theory: A Tribute to the Life and Work of Bertram Kostant
Lectures on logarithmic algebraic geometry
Labyrinth of thought: A history of set theory and its role in modern mathematics
Краткий курс аналитической геометрии
Introduction to tropical geometry
Introduction to the theory of schemes
Introduction to axiomatic set theory
Introduction to algebraic geometry
Introduction to abstract algebra
Теоремы и задачи алгебры, теории чисел и комбинаторики
Imaginary mathematics for computer science
Hyperplane arrangements: an introduction
Hilbert schemes of points and infinite dimensional Lie algebras
Harmonic analysis on semi-simple Lie groups I
Harmonic analysis on semi-simple Lie groups II
Gruppen, Ringe, Körper: Die grundlegenden Strukturen der Algebra
Groups, Matrices, and Vector Spaces: A Group Theoretic Approach to Linear Algebra
Geometry of moduli
Геометрия определяющих соотношений в группах
Geometric methods in algebra and number theory
Geometric invariant theory. Over the real and complex numbers
Geometric group theory
Geometric and cohomological group theory
Generalized Sylvester equations. Unified parametric solutions
Gauss sums, Kloosterman sums, and monodromy groups
Galois theory through exercises
Function algebras on finite sets: A basic course on many-valued logic and clone theory
Foundations of Garside theory
Exterior algebras. Elementary tribute to Grassmann's ideas
Elementary linear algebra
Elementary categories, elementary toposes
Discrete harmonic analysis: representations, number theory, expanders, and the Fourier transform
Descriptive set theory
Cut elimination in categories
Cut elimination in categories
Constructive algebra and systems theory
Теория множеств с самопринадлежностью
Commutative algebra
Characters of solvable groups
Characters of reductive groups over a finite field
Building bridges between algebra and topology
Binomial ideals
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