Social Sciences
Free History Books
Pleasure in the Middle Ages
Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of World Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation
Travel, Time, and Space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: Explorations of World Perceptions and Processes of Identity Formation
Le siècle de l’édit de Nantes : Catholiques et protestants à l’âge classique
La population française aux XVIIᵉ et XVIIIᵉ siècles
Baraniyo Manush Smoroniyo Bichar (বরণীয় মানুষ স্মরণীয় বিচার)
Banglar-Nabajagriti ( বাংলার নবজাগৃতি)
1950 Raktaronjito Dhaka o Barisal (১৯৫০ রক্তরঞ্জিত ঢাকা ও বরিশাল)
Kolikatar Itibritta (কলিকাতার ইতিবৃত্ত)
Muktir Sopan Jalalabad (মুক্তির সোপান জালালাবাদ)
Mujib Hatya Sarajantra (মুজিব হত্যা ষড়যন্ত্র)
I Have a Photographic Memory
Remarkable Mathematicians: From Euler to von Neumann
"Umvolkung, Umsiedlung, rassische Bestandsaufnahme" : NS-"Volkstumspolitik" in den böhmischen Ländern
A Biographical Dictionary of Dark Age Britain: England, Scotland and Wales, c. 500 - c. 1050
Opere. Tornare al cuore dell'uomo: Preghiera per Cernobyl-Tempo di seconda mano
Volodymyr Zelensky
Volodymyr Zelensky - Dans la tête d'un héros
Luxury and the Ethics of Greed in Early Modern Italy
Friendship and Social Networks in Scandinavia, c. 1000-1800
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Punjab by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Odisha by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Maharashtra by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Madhya Pradesh by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Lakshadweep by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Kerala by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Kashmir by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Karnataka by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Himachal Pradesh by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Haryana by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Gujarat by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Diu by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Delhi by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Undivided Bihar by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Bengal by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Assam by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Andhra Pradesh by Muslims
Вольное казачество
Список политзаключенных СССР
Список политзаключенных СССР
Литературные дела КГБ
Литературные дела КГБ
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Tamil Nadu by Muslims
Breve historia de España I: Las Raíces
Per l'Ucraina
Von geplünderten Heiligtümern und geheiligten Plünderern: Die Christianisierung Skandinaviens im Mittelalter 814 bis 1104
La Primera Cruzada
La Primera Cruzada
El sueño de Ulises
El sueño de Ulises
The Vikings: The British Museum, London. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Reflexões sobre a luta de libertação nacional (Outubro 1971)
Angola: documentos do MPLA
Conflitto In Ucraina Un Riflesso Della Guerra Di Crimea
Angola: documentos do MPLA
Angola: documentos do MPLA
Allgemeine Bücherkunde des Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Staates
Breve historia de Babilonia (Español Latino)
Bibliographie der schlesischen Geschichte
Urkunden-Repertorium für die Geschichte des Preußischen Staates
Breve historia de Babilonia (Castellano)
Die Quellenschriftsteller zur Geschichte des preußischen Staates, nach ihrem Inhalt und Wert dargestellt
Breve historia de los aztecas
Writing History in the Community of St. Cuthbert, c. 700-1130: From Bede to Symeon of Durham
El hambre de los otros: Ciencia y políticas alimentarias en Latinoamérica, siglos XX y XXI (Ciencias humanas) (Spanish Edition)
Tracing And Documenting Nazi Victims Past And Present
Prachin Bharoter Songskriti o Sahityo (প্রাচীন ভারতের সংস্কৃতি ও সাহিত্য)
Prachin Bharoter Banijyo (প্রাচীন ভারতের বাণিজ্য)
Prachin Hindudiger Samudrojatra o Banijyo (প্রাচীন হিন্দুদিগের সমুদ্রযাত্রা ও বাণিজ্য)
Quellenkunde der deutschen Geschichte, nach Folge der Begebenheiten für eigene Vorträge der deutschen Geschichte
Karmobeer Rasbihari (কর্মবীর রাসবিহারী)
Banglay Biplob Prochesta (বাংলায় বিপ্লব প্রচেষ্টা)
A Manual of Historic Literature Comprising Brief Descriptions of the Most Important Histories in English, French and German
Ibn Batutar Dekha Bharot (ইবন বাতুতার দেখা ভারত)
Murshidabader Itihas, Vol-1 (মুর্শিদাবাদের ইতিহাস, খণ্ড-১)
Bangalar Itihas (বাঙ্গালার ইতিহাস)
Allgemeine Bücherkunde des brandenburgisch-preußischen Staates
Die Landgrafschaft Thüringen unter den Königen Adolf, Albrecht und Heinrich VII. : Eine urkundliche Mitteilung zum Gedächtnisse des fünfzigjährigen Doktorjubiläums seines hochverehrten Lehrers und Freundes Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann
Поздняя греческая проза
Hospital de La Anexión
La medicina en Costa Rica hasta 1900
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in India by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in India by Muslims
List of Hindu Temples Destroyed and Converted to Mosques in Uttar Pradesh by Muslims
Evolución histórica de la farmacia del Hospital San Juan de Dios
L’Œuvre du Sangkum Reastr Niyum. Bilan de Juillet a Decembre 1963 (du XVe au XVIe Congrès national) presente au XVIe Congres National 29, 30 et 31 Décembre 1963
Bilan de l’œuvre du Sangkum
L’Œuvre du Sangkum Reastr Niyum. Bilan de Juillet a Decembre 1963 (du XVe au XVIe Congrès national) presente au XVIe Congres National 29, 30 et 31 Décembre 1963
اسلام اور استشراق / Islam and Orientalism
قرآن حکیم اور مستشرقین / The Holy Qur'an and Orientalists
مطالعۂ پاکستان / Pakistan Studies
Francisco de Vitoria en la Escuela de Salamanca y su proyección en Nueva España
Aristóteles y Nueva España
History of Armenia: A Captivating Guide to Armenian History, Starting from Ancient Armenia to Its Declaration of Sovereignty from the Soviet Union
A Concise History of the Armenian People: From Ancient Times to the Present
Industry and empire; the making of modern English society, 1750 to the present day
Transkulturelle Verflechtungen: Mediävistische Perspektiven
Religious Horror and Holy War in Viking Age Francia
Dudo of Saint-Quentin's "Historia Normannorum": Tradition, Innovation and Memory
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Social Sciences