2nd edition. — CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016. — 183 p. — ISBN-10: 152391050X. — ISBN-13: 978-1523910502.
Facebook's React powers an increasing amount of sites. There is a good reason for this. It simplifies frontend development greatly. Combined with Webpack, a bundling tool, you have a powerful frontend development environment in your hands.SurviveJS - Webpack and React shows you how to build a simple Kanban application based on these technologies. Set up a Webpack based development and production environment. You will learn to get most out of babel-plugin-hot-transform and Babel for development. Improve the quality of your code by using ESLint and friends to spot possible mistakes earlier. Get into the React mindset while learning the basics of Alt, an implementation of the Flux Application Architecture. Style your React application in various emerging ways. Implement drag and drop for your application using React DnD.
What is Webpack?
What is React?
What Will You Learn?
How is This Book Organized?
What is Kanban?
Who is This Book for?
How to Approach the Book?
Book Versioning
Extra Material
Getting Support
1. Webpack Compared
2. Developing with Webpack
3. Webpack and React
4. Implementing a Basic Note Application
5. React and Flux
6. From Notes to Kanban
7. Implementing Drag and Drop
8. Building Kanban
9. Testing React
10. Typing with React
11. Linting in Webpack
12. Authoring Packages
13. Styling React
Structuring React Projects
Directory per Concept
Directory per Component
Directory per View
Language Features
Class Properties and Property Initializers
String Interpolation
Object Shorthands
const , let , var
Understanding Decorators
Implementing a Logging Decorator
Implementing @connect
Decorator IdeasConclusion
Warning: setState(...): Cannot update during an existing state transition
Warning: React attempted to reuse markup in a container but the checksum was invalid
Module parse failed
Project Fails to Compile