BoBoCoAe, 2015. — 163 p. — ISBN: 8740301265, 9788740301267
In this book, one of data security methods known as visual cryptography (VC) is presented.
Specifically, visual cryptography allows effective and efficient secret sharing between a number of trusted parties. As with many cryptographic schemes, trust is the most difficult part. Visual cryptography provides a very powerful technique by which one secret can be distributed into two or more shares.
Practical VC applications are also outlined. These applications involve the use of Moire patterns and watermarking techniques. Detailed analysis of the watermarking domain is presented along with various techniques and schemes that can incorporate VC successfully within the field of watermarking.
The foundations of these techniques are reviewed and examples provided.
Traditional Visual Cryptography Secret Sharing
Visual Cryptography
Size Invariant Visual Cryptography
Recursive Visual Cryptography
Analysis of Visual Cryptography
Mathematical Background
Analysis in the Frequency Domain
Extended Visual Cryptography Extended Visual Cryptography
Halftone Visual Cryptography
Cheating Immune VC Schemes
Dot-Size Variant Visual Cryptography
Dynamic Visual Cryptography Motivation
Basic Multiple Secret Sharing
Embedding a Share of Visual Cryptography in a Halftone Image
Colour Visual Cryptography Colour Visual Cryptography
Image Sharing Using Random Masks
Quality Evaluation
Progressive Visual Cryptography Motivation
Progressive Visual Cryptography
Image Hatching for Visual Cryptography Introduction
Image Hatching with VC
Security Analysis
Applications for Visual Cryptography Moire Patterns
Criteria for Evaluation Purposes