Subtitle: 'The popular misconceptions of business, investing and finance, and how to profit by going against the tide'.
Author(s): HOMER, Mark
Publisher: John Murray Learning / Hachette
Year: 2017
Language: English
City: London, UK
Tags: contrarianism, income stream, investing, personal finance, prices, value
Uncommon Sense - Front Cover
Short Title
Title Page
Printer's Imprint
About Mark Homer
Abbreviations used in this book
Part 1: The concept
1. The uncommon sense philosophy
2. Business, investing and finance: how to profit by going against the tide
3. The signs that the lemmings are about to walk off the cliff
4. When it’s easy to sell, it may smell
5. ‘Priced in’ and ‘real value’
Part 2: Popular misconceptions
6. Most assets make no money
7. ‘Alternative’ investments
8. Who is already ‘investing’?
9. A note on trust and scepticism
10. Uncommon sense ‘gut feeling’
11. Media hype
12. Misconceptions, mistakes and lessons in business
13. Misconceptions, mistakes and lessons in finance
14. Misconceptions, mistakes and lessons in investing
15. What really works in business, finance and investing
16. Challenges we all face in business, finance and investing
17. Time saving versus time investing
Part 3: Strategies and tactics
18. Four overriding strategies for investment
19. Regulated versus unregulated investing
20. My investing strategies
21. Profiting by going against the tide
22. The success (and profit) strategies I live by
23. How to set up, grow and scale your business
24. Hybridizing and super-specialization
Part 4: Additional resources
25. Publications and resources I respect and those I reject
26. Which type of investor/entrepreneur are you?
27. The three stages of self-development in business
Rear Cover