(Брошюра командования материально-технического обеспечения Армии США. Оружейная серия. Автоматическое оружие. АМСР 706-260)
U.S. Army Materiel Command pamphlet. Research and development of materiel engineering design handbook. Headquarters. U.S. Army Materiel Command, 1970. – 347 р.
This handbook is one of a series on Guns. It is part of a group of handbooks covering the engineering principles and fundamental data needed in the development of Army materiel, which (as a, group) constitutes the Engineering Design Handbook Series. This handbook presents information on the fundamental operating principles and design of automatic weapons and applies specifically to automatic weapons of all types such as blow back, recoil-operated, gas-operated, and externally powered. These include single, double, multibarrel, and revolver-type machine guns and range from the simple blowback to the intricate M61A1 Vulcan and Navy 20 mm Aircraft Gun Mark II Mod 5 Machine Guns. Methods are advanced for preparing engineering design data on firing cycle, spring design, gas dynamics, magazines, loaders, firing pins. etc. All components are considered except tube design which appears in another handbook, AMCP 706-252, Gun Tubes.
This handbook was prepared by The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the Engineering Handbook Office of Duke University, prime contractor to the U.S. Army, and was under the technical guidance and coordination of a special subcommittee with representation from Watervliet Arsenal. Rock Island Arsenal, and Springfield Armory.
Blowback weapons.
Recoil-operated weapons.
Gas-operated weapons.
Revolver-type machine guns.
Multibarrel machine gun.
Component design.
Lubrication of machine guns.