Papers from the Fourth Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE), "Archaeology and Identity", held at the University of Helsinki, Finland, October 8th–10th, 2009, and the Fifth Theoretical Seminar, "Archaeology Today: Things to be Changed", held at the University of Tartu, October 27th–29th, 2011.
It should be noted that the original intention was to publish the papers from BASE-4 shortly after the seminar. Many of the papers in this part were originally written in 2010, with only minimal corrections made before publishing, and thus may not reflect the latest developments and literature in the field.
Author(s): Arvi Haak, Valter Lang, Mika Lavento (eds.)
Series: Interarchaeologia, 4
Publisher: Universities of Tartu, Helsinki, Riga & Vilnius
Year: 2015
Language: English
Pages: 252
Editorial / Arvi Haak, Valter Lang, and Mika Lavento 7
BASE 4: Archaeology and Identity
Arvi Haak: Problems of defining ethnic identity in medieval towns of Estonia on the basis of archaeological sources 13
Tiina Kuokkanen, Titta Kallio-Seppä, Risto Nurmi and Timo Ylimaunu: An approach to personal adornments in early modern gender performance 29
Laurynas Kurila: Social classes in the Iron Age east Lithuania: An attempt of identification in the mortuary record 45
Valter Lang: Creating the prehistoric past and modern identity 65
Algimantas Merkevičius: The Baltic Bronze Age in the light of identity theory 85
Giedrė Motuzaitė-Matuzevičiūtė: On the identity of prehistoric lake dwellers in Lithuania 95
Ester Oras: My research – my identity. Context and hermeneutic nature of archaeological research 107
Anna-Kaisa Salmi: Wild foods and identity in early modern northern Finland 123
Andris Šnē: Faith, society and identity: Religious and social identity in Latvia on the eve and early stage of the Crusades 137
Martti Veldi: Identity-creating landscapes. Who owns archaeological sites? 151
BASE 5: Archaeology today: Things to be changed
Elīna Guščika: Flat burials in the area of barrow cemeteries of the Roman Iron Age in Latvia and Lithuania: Burial practices in the reconstructions of the past 165
Sonja Hukantaival: Understanding past actions – changing attitudes towards ritual, religion and everyday life 183
Marko Marila: Pragmaticism – the new possibility of a scientific archaeology as seen in the light of the history of archaeology 197
Algimantas Merkevičius: Archaeology of late prehistoric religion in Lithuania: New reconstruction possibilities 219
Giedrė Motuzaitė-Matuzevičiūtė: Securing the timeline of our past: Concerns and perspectives of radiocarbon dating in the east Baltic 231
Aija Vilka: (Re)examining the children: Case studies from the Middle and Late Iron Age burials in Latvia 239