The Wolf Tamers: How They Made the Strong Weak

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In the war of the wolves and the sheep, what if the sheep started winning? Are human wolves a keystone species of the human race? If they were hunted to extinction, leaving no one to winnow the mediocre mob, what would happen to humanity? The narrator in the movie Idiocracy was on point when he said: "Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence. With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species." The same is true of strength. Without the strong, the weak will reproduce more and more and eventually, there will only be weakness, mediocrity, an inability (an impossibility), to achieve anything great and glorious. The strangest war is being fought. It's a war to destroy human intelligence and human strength. This war says that wolves must be exterminated, or made into non-wolves, by taming them. And then they can become... pets. You know, just like dogs. You put a collar on them. You put a leash on them. You take them for walks. You tickle their tummy. You make them perform tricks. You make them roll over and play dead. They are wholly dependent on you. They have separation anxiety when you're not there. They have to make the intelligent stupid. They have to make the strong weak. But they don't know what they're doing. The task is not to tame wolves. It's to make them smarter and stronger. It's to sublimate them. Without the wolves, there is only decadence and degeneration. Without the wolves to control mediocrity, mediocrity grows exponentially. Why did the Roman Empire fall? It was because all the Roman wolves had gone. Only mediocrities were left. They could do nothing to hold back the barbarian tide. Civilizations always end when the wolves vanish. New cultures begin when new wolves start a new lupine era, full of strength and vigor. Are you a lone wolf? Are you one of the wolf pack? Or are you part of the gang trying to tame all wolves? Do you want to see the empire fall? When it no longer has any strength left, when mediocrities are in charge of everything, then the end is certain. As Wilfred Owen said: "What passing-bells for these, who die as cattle? ... Was it for this, the clay grew tall?" --- The Wolves At the Door “Was it for this the clay grew tall? —O what made fatuous sunbeams toil To break earth’s sleep at all?” – Wilfred Owen, Futility The human race is witness to a war that never ends – the war between the exceptional and the mediocre. The Supermen are always arrayed against the Last Men. The great are always confronted by the herd. The strong and the weak stand on opposite sides of the wall. What kind of humanity should we have – one that never ceases to promote the values of the herd, or one that relentlessly pursues greatness and glory? So much of modern human history has been devoted to acclaiming the herd as the greatest good. Democracy, consumer capitalism, liberalism, and so on, all revolve around herd values. They have no connection to the noble, the honorable, the demanding, the excellent. The modern person wants to party, not to work hard to accomplish anything amazing. Having “a good time” beats everything else. The summum bonum , the highest good, is fun. That’s the modern way. Humanity wasn’t always like this. It used to be high-minded. It used to value hard work. It used to be concerned with greatness. With the likes of Lycurgus in Sparta, Pericles in Athens, and Hadrian in Rome, it was led by people with a commitment to excellence. Now it’s led by people committed to being as wealthy as possible so that they can have as much fun as possible and live as extravagantly and ostentatiously as possible. These people are out and out narcissists. They set the tone for the world. These people, no matter how repulsive, can at least say they made their mark on the world. The average person, the background noise, cannot. The idea of doing something extraordinary with their life never occurs to the average person, the routine mediocrity, the common-or-garden drudge or drone. “Fun” is where all their attention is directed. The other thing that preoccupies them is status, since this has a direct effect on their fun. The higher their status, the more fun they can have. Keeping up with the Joneses, and, even better, being just above them, is highly motivational for them. That means having more money, and showing it off, as conspicuously as possible. The demonstration of their wealth and status is tremendously important to these people. Nietzsche said, “I know my fate. One day there will be associated with my name the recollection of something frightful – of a crisis like no other before on earth, of the profoundest collision of conscience, of a decision evoked against everything that until then had been believed, demanded, sanctified. I am not a man, I am dynamite.” Where are the humans who want to make the earth tremble? Where are the people who want to hold lightning bolts and talk in voices of thunder? Where are those who want to bring convulsions and marvels to the earth? Where are the creators who will change the destiny of the humanity? These few, these priceless few, convey all the worth of the human race. All purpose, all meaning, is located in them alone. All the rest are just noise. The “signal” of the human race belongs to a vanishingly small number of humans. They are responsible for everything of value. Without them, there is only void. Mediocrity is the vacuum. Modern humans are other-directed. They emulate the mass, the herd, the flock, and never the rare, the extraordinary, the exceptional. People want to fit in. They don’t want to stand out. Don’t be a tall poppy. The masses will never accept you. Don’t dream of greatness. You will have the whole mediocre world against you. The invasion of the body snatchers really happened. All noble humans were replaced by mediocre drones. The powers-that-be do not try to create human wonders. They succeed in creating cannon fodder and factory fodder. There’s no end of McJobs for the drudges and drones. Where are the sacred tasks? Where are the modern Spartans, trained, without apology, to be the greatest in their field that the world has ever seen? Where are the academies designed to produce the most exceptional humans, those that will transform the human race and make it a divine species? All you get are mediocre schools for mediocrities and a whole culture devoted to universal mediocrity. Everywhere you turn, you find the gospel of mediocrity, the ideology of averageness, the dogmatism of the herd. The high priests of mediocrity stand in every pulpit, demanding more and more mediocrity. Let us have nothing but mediocrity, they say. Let mediocrity engulf everything. Let us all be mediocre together. Is that not paradise, they say? Who could complain, they say, if we are all sanctified in our mediocrity, made holy by our averageness? The blood of modern humanity does not run hot. It is always at the same temperature: the temperature of absolute mediocrity. Who made humanity so bland? Who decided that humans should be the most banal of species? Charles Bukowski said, “I am not a snob; it is simply that I am not interested with what most people have to say, or what they want to do – mostly with my time.” That is if course an entirely snobbish thing to say, but what’s wrong with that? There was a time when it was taken for granted that anyone seeking to achieve anything was a snob. Why wouldn’t you be? The oppositeof a snob is a mediocrity. They have nothing to be snobbish about. The capitalist economy is all about piling it high and selling it cheap to as many people as possible. It has no interest in high culture, high quality. High anything attracts only a small audience, a limited number of buyers. It’s not profitable. The World Controllers don’t want it. Democracy is all about the mass. It’s never about the brilliant few. That’s why the likes of Plato and Aristotle detested democracy. They saw only danger and chaos in democracy. Dean Inge said, “Democracy is only an experiment in government, and it has the obvious disadvantage of merely counting votes instead of weighing them.” Democracy is calamitous. Because it is defined by mediocrity, democracy pays no heed to who is casting the vote, so high quality individuals are always outvoted by the mediocre mass, by an enormous number. Democracy ensures poor leadership and mediocre values. It has nothing else to offer. What would a mediocre people want with excellence? No one’s interested in that. If they were, excellence would be everywhere. Instead, we inhabit the desert of mediocrity. Huge machines crisscross the world and all they do is build more mediocrity. How would the mediocre know what excellence is? The Dunning-Kruger effect applies to excellence. If you’re not excellent, how could you ever recognize excellence? In Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance , Robert M. Pirsig wrote, “Quality – you know what it is, yet you don’t know what it is. But that’s self-contradictory. But some things are better than others, that is, they have more quality. But when you try to say what the quality is, apart from the things that have it, it all goes poof! There’s nothing to talk about. But if you can’t say what Quality is, how do you know what it is, or how do you know that it even exists? If no one knows what it is, then for all practical purposes it doesn’t exist at all.” Does quality exist? Can ordinary people recognize it? If quality was something people knew about and wanted, it would be all around us. People would demand it. After all, who would rather have non-quality than quality? But, self-evidently, people either don’t want quality or don’t know what it is. Or both. Is there such a thing as “mediocre quality”? It’s not low quality and it’s not high quality. It’s just ... mediocre. Is that what the mediocre appreciate, everything in that bland zone? Is that what they seek out? High quality never features in their thoughts. High quality demands a higher type of human. Mediocre humans have no use for it. It serves no purpose for them. They can’t appreciate it. They can’t get stimulated by it. To them, high quality is no different from low quality. It’s equally unappealing. It’s all the same thing. In the kingdom of the mediocre, the exceptional isn’t the king. A mediocrity always wears the crown. The mediocre wouldn’t have it any other way. The mediocre king is dead. Long live the mediocre king. All the major institutions of today’s world revolve around the average person, not the great individual. Greatness is loathed. It embarrasses and humiliates the masses, and is in any case incomprehensible to them. No one who believed in excellence would be a democrat. No one who believed in excellence would promote consumer capitalism. No one who believed in excellence would preach the all paths and all truths of extreme liberalism. Wolves have always been emblematic of strength, daring, activity and initiative. Cattle and sheep, by contrast, denote weakness, timidity, passivity and docility. The excellent are much more interested in wolves than sheep. The mediocre love the herd, the flock, safety in numbers, safety in the middle of the crowd. Whatever happened to the wolves? They were so dangerous to humans and their farm animals that these mighty predators were hunted down and exterminated in many parts of the world. Yet, by the most astonishing quirk of history, countless human homes now have a resident pseudo-wolf ... the domestic pet known as the dog! This is a creature that has much more in common with sheep and cattle than with its mighty wolf ancestors. It’s like some ghastly miscarriage of the wolves, some emasculated, fading echo of something once proud and magnificent. Now some of these creatures are kept as lifestyle accessories that can be fitted into the handbags of Influencers. PBS says, “Recent molecular evidence shows that dogs are descended from the gray wolf, domesticated about 130,000 years ago. But if they all share a common ancestor, why do toy poodles and Great Danes seem to have little in common? Years of selective breeding by humans has resulted in the artificial ‘evolution’ of dogs into many different types.” Ah, selective breeding. What makes you think it’s any different for humanity? The power elites have bred the herd animal, the domesticated animal, the pathetic Last Man, interested only in his own petty comforts and personal trivia and gossip. Just look at social media today. Where are the interesting human beings? Have they all gone? Did the Vanishing happen? Were they Raptured to another world? Nietzsche said, “The problem that I set here is not what shall replace mankind in the order of living creatures (man is an end): but what type of man must be bred, must be willed, as being the most valuable, the most worthy of life, the most secure guarantee of the future. This more valuable type has appeared often enough in the past: but always as a happy accident, as an exception, never as deliberately willed. Very often it has been precisely the most feared; hitherto it has been almost the terror of terrors; and out of that terror the contrary type has been willed, cultivated and attained: the domestic animal, the herd animal, the sick brute-man – the Christian ...” There are so few Supermen, so many Last Men. The Christian hasn’t gone away. The modern Christian is the New Age love andlighter, the “Woke” person, the “lightworker”, the extreme liberal preaching love, peace, namaste, all paths and all truths, total inclusion, political correctness, multiculturalism, cancel culture, deplatforming, snowflakery, and every possible expression of herd solidarity. Funnily enough, the traditional Christian – the evangelical Christian who votes Trump – isn’t Christian at all. These “Christians” are full of rage, hate their neighbors, preach war and violence, are all about exclusion and building walls, oppose social justice, are armed to the teeth, and would never dream of being unarmed (unlike their so-called “Savior”). They are greedy, selfish, white supremacists who wave Confederate flags and swastikas. They worship money and property. What is it that they imagine is Christian about them? Christianity is precisely what is absent. We have “Christians” who are anything but, and non-Christians who spout the Christian message on steroids. What a world! Nietzsche said, “I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt, when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is harmful to it.” That’s modern humanity. That’s especially the “Woke” human. Is there anything more degenerate than the Woke? They actively seek to become Last Men, Ignavi, pointless people who stand for nothing except opposing everyone who stands for something. Nietzsche wrote, “We no longer trace the origin of the human being in ‘spirit’, in the ‘divinity’, we have placed it back among the animals...” Science – Darwinism – removed the sacredness of life and reduced everything to meaningless, purposeless, material bodies, mere biological mechanisms, Cartesian automata. Scientists love seeing themselves as robots. They cannot endure an important humanity, a meaningful humanity, a directed humanity, a divine humanity. Nietzsche wrote, “The human being is, relatively speaking, the most bungled of all the animals, the sickliest, the one most dangerously strayed from its instincts. But for all that, he is of course the most interesting.” Animals behave unconsciously, instinctively. Humans are remarkable because consciousness gives us the means to overcome mere instinct. The tragedy is that humans, being animals, love behaving instinctually. Non-instinctual behavior is hard, demanding, difficult. It separates us from our animal heritage. Humans have never found the means to square this circle, i.e., to simultaneously be animal and more than animal. So, they have arrived at mediocrity, in a mediocre civilization, where they are neither animal nor anything better than animal. Mediocrity saves the mediocrities from having to exert themselves. They don’t have to strain and struggle. They just need to open their arms wide and accept all the mediocrity the world throws at them, and there’s never any shortage. The primary vector of mediocrity is capitalist consumerism. People almost literally consume mediocrity. The consumer capitalists want maximum return on investment, maximum bang for their buck, and that means making mediocre things for the mediocre masses. Nothing sells like the mediocre. People were made for it. Literally. William S. Burroughs wrote, “The junk merchant doesn’t sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client.” The junk merchants, the consumer capitalists, degrade and simplify the masses – make them as mediocre as possible – and then sell them cheap, mediocre crap. Junk! And how the masses rejoice and run into the streets yelling Hallelujah. Bread and circuses all day every day. Have a nice day. Where are the wolves? Bring back the wolves, and set them on all the mediocrities. It’s time for the return of the Big Bad Wolf. What big teeth you have!

Author(s): David Sinclair
Year: 2023

Language: English
Commentary: bought from - not available on amazon, probably censored as "hate speech"
Tags: redpill, hatespeech, righteous anger, holy rage, injustice, stupidity, idiocracy, degeneration, end times, revolution, master morality, hard truth, nietzsche, fight club, lone wolf, lone wolves, grey wolves, graue wölfe, bozkurt, radical, extreme, extremism, militant, aggression, violence

The Wolf Tamers
The Wolves At the Door
Where Did All the Wolves Go?
The Wolves Will Blow Your House Down
When the Creative Minority Dies
Save Your Energy
The Lone Wolf versus the Wolf Pack
Push It
The New Right
The Tyrant
The Sublime Cure
The Contradiction
The Human Future
The Revolution
The Anima-Persona Relationship
Chairman Mao: Wolf or Wolf Slayer?
The Maenads
Dionysus versus the Woke
The Gruesome Guest
Ancient Aliens?
The Indignants
The Authoritarian Ones
The Buy Button
Fucked World
The Gospel of Negative Liberty