Learn how to bring your data to life with this hands-on guide to visual analytics with Tableau
Key Features
Master the fundamentals of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep
Learn how to explore, analyze, and present data to provide business insights
Build your experience and confidence with hands-on exercises and activities
Book Description
Learning Tableau has never been easier, thanks to this practical introduction to storytelling with data. The Tableau Workshop breaks down the analytical process into five steps: data preparation, data exploration, data analysis, interactivity, and distribution of dashboards. Each stage is addressed with a clear walkthrough of the key tools and techniques you'll need, as well as engaging real-world examples, meaningful data, and practical exercises to give you valuable hands-on experience.
As you work through the book, you'll learn Tableau step by step, studying how to clean, shape, and combine data, as well as how to choose the most suitable charts for any given scenario. You'll load data from various sources and formats, perform data engineering to create new data that delivers deeper insights, and create interactive dashboards that engage end-users.
All concepts are introduced with clear, simple explanations and demonstrated through realistic example scenarios. You'll simulate real-world data science projects with use cases such as traffic violations, urban populations, coffee store sales, and air travel delays.
By the end of this Tableau book, you'll have the skills and knowledge to confidently present analytical results and make data-driven decisions.
What you will learn
Become an effective user of Tableau Prep and Tableau Desktop
Load, combine, and process data for analysis and visualization
Understand different types of charts and when to use them
Perform calculations to engineer new data and unlock hidden insights
Add interactivity to your visualizations to make them more engaging
Create holistic dashboards that are detailed and user-friendly
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone who wants to get started on visual analytics with Tableau. If you're new to Tableau, this Workshop will get you up and running. If you already have some experience in Tableau, this book will help fill in any gaps, consolidate your understanding, and give you extra practice of key tools.
Author(s): Sumit Gupta, Sylvester Pinto, Shweta Sankhe-Savale, JC Gillet, and Kenneth Michael Cherven
Publisher: Packt Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
Year: 2022
Language: English
Commentary: Tableau a practical guide to the art of data visualization
Pages: 823
Tags: Tableau a practical guide to the art of data visualization
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction: Visual Analytics with Tableau
The Importance of Visual Analytics
The Tableau Product Suite
Introduction to Tableau Desktop
Exercise 1.01: Connecting to a Data Source
Exercise 1.02: Creating a Comparison Chart Using Manual Drag and Drop
Exercise 1.03: Creating a Comparison Chart Using the Automated Show Me Button Method
Data Visualization Using Tableau Desktop
Saving and Sharing Your Work
Exercise 1.04: Saving Your Work as a Static Snapshot-PowerPoint Export
Exercise 1.05: Saving Your Work as a Tableau Interactive File–Tableau Packaged Workbook
Activity 1.01: Identifying and Creating the Appropriate Chart to Find Outliers in Your Data
Chapter 2: Data Preparation: Using Tableau Desktop
Connecting to a Data Source
Exercise 2.01: Connecting to an Excel File
Connecting to a Server Data Source
Various Joins in Tableau
Different Types of Joins
Exercise 2.02: Creating an Inner Join Dataset
Exercise 2.03: Creating a Left Join Dataset
Exercise 2.04: Creating a Right Join Dataset
Exercise 2.05: Creating a Combined Dataset Using Union
Data Transformation in the Data Pane
Data Interpreter
Renaming the Data Source
Live and Extract Connections
Exercise 2.06: Creating an Extract for Data
Extract Properties
The Data Storage field
The Filters field
The Aggregation Field
The Number of Rows Field
Which Connection Is Better – Live or Extract?
Exercise 2.07: Adding a Region Filter on the Orders Table
Data Grid Options
Custom SQL
Data Blending
Exercise 2.08: Creating a Data Blend Using the Orders and People Tables
Exercise 2.09: Visualizing Data Created from a Data Blend
Limitations of Data Blending
Activity 2.01: Identifying the Returned Orders
Activity 2.02: Preparing Data for Visualization
Chapter 3: Data Preparation: Using Tableau Prep
Prep Interface
Adding Data in the Flow
Exercise 3.01: Connecting to an Excel File
Exercise 3.02: Connecting with Multiple Data Sources
Data Source Profile
Exercise 3.03: Data Profile for the Orders_South Dataset
Data Preparation Using Clean, Groups, and Split
Additional Clean Steps
Cleaning Steps at the Column Level
Exercise 3.04: Applying a Filter in a Clean Step
Exercise 3.05: Cleaning a Column in the Workflow
Grouping Values
Exercise 3.06: Grouping Values into a Group
Splitting Values
Exercise 3.07: Splitting Columns
Aggregation, Pivot, Join, and Union
Exercise 3.08: Identifying High-Value Customers Based on Purchases
Pivoting Data
Exercise 3.09: Using a Pivot for Data
Joining and Union of Data
Exercise 3.10: Joining Two Data Sources
Exercise 3.11: Union of Tables
Script Step
Flow and Data Exports
Exercise 3.12: Exporting Data
Activity 3.01: Finding the Month with the Highest Orders
Activity 3.02: Data Transformation
Chapter 4: Data Exploration: Comparison and Composition
Exploring Comparisons across Dimensional Items
Bar Chart
Exercise 4.01: Creating Bar Charts
Exploring Comparisons over Time
Exercise 4.02: Creating Bar Charts for Data over Time
Line Charts
Difference between Discrete Dates and Continuous Dates
Exercise 4.03: Creating Line Charts over Time
Exploring Comparison across Measures
Exercise 4.04: Creating a Bullet Chart
Bar-in-Bar Charts
Exercise 4.05: Creating a Bar-in-Bar Chart
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Stacked Bar Charts
Exercise 4.06: Creating a Stacked Bar Chart
Exploring Composition Snapshots – Pie Charts
Exercise 4.07: Creating a Pie Chart
Exercise 4.08: Creating Treemaps
Exploring Compositions for Trended Data
Area Charts
Exercise 4.09: Creating an Area Chart
Activity 4.01: Visualizing the Growth of Passenger Cars in Singapore
Chapter 5: Data Exploration : Distributions and Relationships
Exploring Distribution for a Single Measure
Creating a Histogram
Exercise 5.01: Creating a Histogram
Box and Whisker Plots
Exercise 5.02: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot without the Show Me Panel
Exercise 5.03: Box Plot Using the Show Me Panel
Relationship and Distribution with Multiple Measures
Distribution with Two Measures
Creating a Scatter Plot
Exercise 5.04: Creating a Scatter Plot
Scatter Plots with Trend Lines
Exercise 5.05: Trend Lines with Scatter Plots
Trend Lines and Types
Linear Trend Lines
Polynomial Trend Lines
Polynomial Degree of Freedom
Logarithmic Trend Lines
Exponential Trend Lines
Power Trend Lines
The Reliability of Trend Lines
Advanced Charts
Quadrant Charts
Reference Lines
Understanding Reference Lines
Exercise 5.06: Creating Quadrant Charts
Combination Charts – Dual axis Charts
Exercise 5.07: Creating Dual axis Charts
Activity 5.01: Creating Scatter Plots
Activity 5.02: Dual axis Chart with Asynchronous Axes
Chapter 6: Data Exploration: Exploring Geographical Data
Importing Spatial Data
Data File Types
ESRI Shapefiles
GeoJSON Files
KML Files
MapInfo Interchange Format
MapInfo Tables
TopoJSON Files
Downloading the Data Source from GitHub
Exercise 6.01: Downloading the Source Data
Importing Non-Spatial Geographic Data Sources
Exercise 6.02: Importing a Non-Spatial Data Source
Data Relationships
Exercise 6.03: Joining Two Data Sources
Managing Location Data
Assigning Geographic Roles
Editing Locations
Building Custom Geographies
Creating a New Geography Using an Existing Role
Creating a New Geography Using Groups
Exercise 6.04: Building Custom Geographies
Creating Maps in Tableau
Symbol Maps
Adding Data to Symbol Maps
Coloring a Symbol Map
Sizing a Symbol Map
Using Shapes in a Symbol Map
Adding Map Tooltips
Navigating Symbol Maps
Filtering Symbol Maps
Creating Groups and Sets from Symbol Map Data
Exercise 6.05: Building a Symbol Map
Choropleth (Filled) Maps
Coloring a Choropleth Map
Navigating a Choropleth Map
Filtering a Choropleth Map
Exercise 6.06: Building a Choropleth Map
Dual-Axis Maps
Exercise 6.07: Creating a Dual-Axis Map
Map Enhancements
Setting Map Options
Using Existing Layers
Adding Mapbox Background Maps
Exercise 6.08: Adding Mapbox Background Maps
Activity 6.01: Creating a Location Analysis Using Dual Axis and Background Maps
Chapter 7: Data Analysis: Creating and Using Calculations
Creating and Using Ad hoc / Edit in Shelf Calculations
Exercise 7.01: Creating an Ad Hoc Calculation to Highlight Loss-Making Sub-Categories
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Numeric Calculations
Exercise 7.02: Creating a Numeric Calculation
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Logic Statements
Exercise 7.03: Creating a Logic Calculation
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: String Calculations
Exercise 7.04: Creating a String Calculation
Creating and Using Different Types of Calculations: Date Calculations
Exercise 7.05: Creating a Date Calculation
Handling Null Values while Creating and Using Calculations
Creating Calculations across Data Sources
Activity 7.01: Calculating the Profit Margin
Activity 7.02: Calculating the Percentage Achievement with Respect to Budget Sales
Chapter 8: Data Analysis: Creating and Using Table Calculations
Quick Table Calculations
Running Total
Exercise 8.01: Creating a Running Total Calculation
Exercise 8.02: Creating a Difference Calculation
Percent of Total
Exercise 8.03: Creating a Percent of Total Calculation
Percent Difference
Exercise 8.04: Creating a Percent Difference Calculation
Percentile and Rank
Exercise 8.05: Creating Percentile and Rank Calculations
Moving Average
Exercise 8.06: Creating a Moving Average Calculation
Table Calculation Application: Addressing and Partitioning
Table (across)
Exercise 8.07: Creating a Table (across) Calculation
Table (down)
Exercise 8.08: Creating a Table (down) Calculation
Exercise 8.09: Creating Table (across then down) and Table (down then across) Calculations
Exercise 8.10: Creating a Pane (across) Calculation
Exercise 8.11: Pane (down) Calculation
Exercise 8.12: Creating a Pane-Level Calculation
Creating, Editing, and Removing Table Calculations
Creating a New Table Calculation
Exercise 8.13: Creating a Table Calculation Using the Calculation Editor
Removing a Table Calculation
Activity 8.01: Managing Hospital Bed Allocations
Activity 8.02: Planning for a Healthy Population
Chapter 9: Data Analysis: Creating and Using Level of Details (LOD) Calculations
Exercise 9.01: Creating a LOD Calculation
Types of LOD Calculations
Exercise 9.02: Creating a FIXED LOD Calculation
Exercise 9.03: Creating an INCLUDE LOD Calculation
Exercise 9.04: Creating an EXCLUDE LOD Calculation
LOD Calculations: Dimensions or Measures?
Aggregation and LOD Calculations
LOD Calculation Is Higher than the View LOD
LOD Calculation Is Finer than the View LOD
Nested LOD Calculations
Effects of Filters on LOD Calculations
Activity 9.01: Identifying the Top-Performing Sales Executives
Activity 9.02: Performing a Comparative Analysis
Chapter 10: Dashboards and Storyboards
The Who, What, and Why of the Dashboard
The Who: Audience
The What: Begin with the End in Mind
The Why: The Need for a Dashboard
Designing a Dashboard
The Basic Layout
Display Size
Exercise 10.01: Text Formatting – Workbook versus Worksheet
Dashboard Objects
Vertical Objects
Horizontal Objects
Text Objects
Image Objects
Web Page Objects
Blank Objects
Navigation Objects
Extension Object
Using Floating Objects
Exercise 10.02: KPIs and Metrics View
Exercise 10.03: Map and Parameter Worksheet Views
Exercise 10.04: Putting It All Together: Dashboarding
Creating Storyboards
Exercise 10.05: Creating a Simple Storyboard
Activity 10.01: Building a Complete Dashboard
Chapter 11: Tableau Interactivity: Part 1
Grouping Data
Exercise 11.01: Creating Groups
Exercise 11.02: Creating Hierarchies
Filters: The Heart and Soul of Tableau
Data Source and Extract Filters
Exercise 11.03: Filtering Data Using Extract/Data Source Filters
Filters Using Views
Exercise 11.04: Creating Filters from the View
Creating Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Exercise 11.05: Dimension Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Measure Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Exercise 11.06: Measuring Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Exercise 11.07: Creating Date Filters Using the Filters Shelf
Quick Filters
Exercise 11.8: Creating Quick Filters
Applying Filters across Multiple Sheets/Multiple Data Sources or an Entire Data Source
Context Filters
Exercise 11.09: Creating and Using Context Filters
Static Sets
Exercise 11.10: Creating Static Sets
Dynamic Sets
Exercise 11.11: Creating Dynamic Sets
Adding Members to the Set
Exercise 11.12: Adding Members to the Set
Combined Sets
Exercise 11.13: How to Create Combined Sets
Exercise 11.14: Standard Parameters
Dynamic Parameters
Exercise 11.15: Dynamic Parameters
Activity 11.01: Top N Countries Using Parameters, Sets, and Filters