Of course, yoga is usually associated with practical exercises and you too are reading this book in order to be able to acquire as much knowledge as possible about individual variants. It can still be very interesting to find out about the origins of this way of life and art in order to gain some background knowledge.It is initially interesting where yoga comes from and in what context it came about, because yoga really does not remind us of our hectic way of life, which prevails in the western world. You will also learn how yoga became so popular and you will learn a few basic concepts that you as a practitioner should know. So embark on a journey through the wonderful world of a philosophy of life that can change your life.
Author(s): James, Ryan
Year: 2022
Language: English
Commentary: Tips ,Exercises,Equipments and Instruction about Yoga
Pages: 75
Tags: Tips ,Exercises,Equipments and Instruction about Yoga
Emergence and Origin
Today's Popularity
Yoga and Religion
The 6 Ways
Hatha - Form of the body
Kundalini - form of energy
Raja - form of meditation
Karma - form of action
Bhakti - Shape of the heart
Jnana - form of knowledge
Vata type
Pitta type
Kapha type
What does yoga do?
The body level
1. The immune system
2. The brain function
3. The pain
4. Stress
The energy system
The breathing
Yoga and Stress
The consequences
Physical consequences
Mental consequences
Fatiga Urbana
The inner attitude
Basic attitude towards a positive attitude
Rules for positive attitude
The impact of mindfulness on life
7 simple exercises for mindfulness
The Walking Meditation
Perceive the body by walking barefoot
The walnut
Just do nothing
Writing down thoughts and ideas
Rediscovery of everyday things
Coloring mandalas
Ritual 1
Ritual 2
Ritual 3
Learn to be happy
Yoga and Diet
1. Drink enough
2. Avoid nutrient-poor foods and those that provide unusable nutrients
3. Read the contents of the groceries you buy
4. Eat a wholesome diet
5. Rediscover yourself and with it new foods
Useful Equipment
The yoga mat
The yoga block
The yoga strap
The most practical training clothing
The meditation cushion
The acupressure pad
The yoga wheel
The yoga chair
The yoga blanket